Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5089? Confusion

Just in the sword unparalleled thinking how to persuade them, the black robe will live again.

He is like a body that has no feelings, will only erase all enemies!

The big palm explores it from the black robe, just a distance of the empty, enough to break the force of hundreds of millions of stars to cover it directly.

The powerless force is broken, and there is no heaven, delay, and the sword is unparalleled.

At this moment, they shot at the same time.

Nikin Hua Mang blooms from the back of the South Xuan, like a huge day of the bear burning, and he is stewed.

The dark red tragent passenger is quietly flowing at Xu Tuo, which belongs to the unique extent of the six-transverse derivative, represents a symbol of the unparalleled road.

None of the hundreds of millions of stones, unless the sword is unparalleled, and the true eye is very angry and eruption.

Three is very different, but it is enough to cover the power of the terrible avenue, cover the sky!

There is no omniponic sound wave in the billionaire, and there is no destruction that cannot be described.

Some is only silence, no virtual!

With the hit as the origin, the sky of the three-inch mountains, and even the endless void has become a silence!

Blank, blank, only blank!

The weaker Nanxuan, directly coughing a god blood, two arm inch broken!

The forces of the imprisonment released by the black robe are too terrible, almost let that, have become an eternal silence.

The artist Xu Tuo is also unbearable, and the excessive tract of the straightening is extinguished.

Because there is no reason for the blessing without my hair, the situation of swords is unparalleled is relatively stable.

He quickly slammed the three Di Dan Pill from the Yangtze River bottle, and his hard stud was born into Xu Duo and Nanxuan.

Xu Duo has been in touch with it, but it has been found that it is still in an instant to the peak state, and the eye is more dangerous.

And Nanxuan's injury is also fully recovered between the stream.

The sword that has been imprisoned is suppressed to the extreme, and it is stubborn again.


At this time, a sound of the call sounded, and then on the land of the three-inch mountains, a truncated shape flew up and gifted.

Xu Duo shame, and then he saw that dozens of disciples rushed to themselves, almost the soul of the soul, "giving the old man, no one wants to come !!"

But it is already late, the black robe is migital, then lifting the palm of the palm of the tyrannical dark purple maturing!

Once you are hit, all disciples will die!

Xu Duo is already desperate, even if he shot, it is too late.

But at the next moment, the sword is unparalleled but quietly disappeared.

When he once again appeared, it was in front of nearly 50 disciples.

"I'm going to go, it is not where you can wait."

After this last sentence, the violent dark purple matched Hua Mang completely broke out!

The sword is unparalleled, and all the outbreaks have been made in the back resistance of the hardcore.

This kind of artist Xu Tuo, which is six-to-zoom, Daiyan, can not resist the special forces, and all of them are blocked in his back.

In an instant, his mouth has a bloody, and the fairy began to tear a large area.

"Go !!"

At this time, the previous severings appeared, and hurriedly used the derivation to take all disciples and fell to the mainland.

And the sword is unparalleled, and the heart is shattered at his heart, nine days, Xuanxuan quietly broken.

Endless dark purple matched Hua Mang runs through his heart, complete full outbreak in the fairy body.

"Little Friends!"

I just saw Xu Duo and Nanxuan at the same time and shouted, and the fire was attacked. He coughed with a bloody blood at the same time.

Such as bloody rain, large pieces of colorful gods and blood drops.

A broken figure, quietly falling from the void.

Xu Duo and Nanxuan also couldn't hold on, and the power of the bluntly smashed all resistance and turned down.

Nan Xuan is directly finished, as in the same lonely pendant to the earth.

Xu Duo has also finally dumped in the past and got it to the land that has been covered by black and red lava.

The lava roars rolls, so that the earth has become a purgatory.

Number of demonstairs, and disciples that are unstowered, at this moment, they stand in the highest hills, I don't know why.

On a huge white crane, the body is broken, almost the horrible sword is unparalleled, and there is a slight breathing.

And Xu Duo and Nanxuan also leaned against the white crane, life and death.

The sky is completely broken, and hundreds of trillions is nothing to have become an eternal silence. Only a continent of the three-inch mountains still exists.

This is desperate, desperate to the extreme, everything is in the edge of destruction!

" -"

A width black robes landed, the gas transfer room, let all the lava that dare to be close to the virtual.

Such a bloody battle, did not cause any trauma to him.

Standing in the top of the mountain, the black robe is going forward.

White crane is clear, it seems to feel the breath that makes it fear.

All disciples have retired, and there is only a panic in their eyes.

The terrible blood war is still in the eyes, even their Master is defeated, how can they resist?

In the face of this unable to resist the enemy, the total five Gu Shouxian, stood up at this time, resolutely gently blocked all the disciples.

There is not much to say a word, the Daiyan of the ears is rushed to the black robe.

But he didn't even have time to release the delay, and he was killed by a dark purple Huang Mang.

Then the second place, the third Deutscheon did not have any hesitated to rush to the black robes.

However, their ending has no exception is sad.

Can you use a six-turn bronger's black robes, how can they be resistant to?

In the end, all disciples have been refundable.

The black robe slowly lifted the palm, and the slim and wider palm, and the destroyed breath was again.

However, at the next moment, a pressure could not stand, and the roaring in her hystein suddenly screamed from the void.

"The sword is unparalleled, you will destroy me, then I will destroy me, today I have to survive, you can't die !!"

The giant sound bursts, the end of the endless void.

It was originally a void for eternal and silence, and it has quietly arrived at this moment!

Each figure is mysterious, and it is powerful to the extreme, and it cannot be described in the slow flow.

At the forefront of this nearly 100, standing in a young man who is wearing a dark golden armor, and the British.

He is the second end of Zhenwuyang, the whole master, the master is correct.

In his side, he stood with the old man who was perfect in the mountains and water, and the whole body was flowing with a difficult rise.

This old man is from the era of era.

Nine-turn big dermnding, long helping.

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