Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5090? There is no battle (on)

Under the cracks of the black robe, it is directly in the three-inch mountains and the voids, and the voids of nearly 100 billion miles will be the eternal silence.

One trillion is just a matter of approximately, and the real situation is far more shocking than imagining.

The nearly 10,000-day planes broke into a powder in this bloody, and the endless life is quietly disappeared.

It is to know that although the southwest is the most burendy area, there is still endless treasure and a creature.

But everything is a chaotic virtual.

Eternal silence is nothing, its meaning is permanent to become virtual, and the heavens are no longer born, and the rules can not be derived.

Only blank long memory.

This is an eternal silence, even if it is a nine-to-earth Daman, it cannot cause this damage.

But there is a happening.

This almost makes the Lord of Dazi, the son is actuated, and it has a rebound.

It's only tens of thousands of years away from the last few years. At the moment, this second taste, almost makes the southwestern part of Dagi becomes a thorough ruin.

How does this not let him anger.

And, he felt the most familiar atmosphere in this destroyed breath.

The familiar atmosphere is that the sword is unparalleled.

Therefore, the son is turned out, directly carrying all the heritage forces, and kills.


At the moment, this is the only store, and the son is completely identified. This is the sword and unparalleled.

"The sword is unparalleled, I will let you survive, you can't die!"

The tramptivism of violent to the pole is once again filled the entire desolation, so that everything is in turn.

And I originally intended to directly erase a disciple's black robes, and I took back the palm of the palm and slowed down.

Next moment, a long sword is like a stream, earthquake, suddenly shot!

While the black robe turned, the long sword was shot and directly through his heart position.


The long sword fell, and there was a lot of power out.

"Hey, the gods are ghost, death is unparalleled!" The son is tangled and cold, he believes that this sword hits, the sword is unrelenting!

Because this shank, it is true of Wuyang, the long sword will grow as the owner grows, it is extremely special.

The long sword entered the chest, and the dark golden Hua Mang has a thousands of bans from the black robes. Even the big Daman will also suffer.

But then, the movement of the black robe makes the master's face!

He reached out of the big palm, took a long sword in the chest, and then on the side.

It seems to think about what, he held the arm of the sword suddenly shock!

That handle is tested, the long sword given by Zhenwuyang, actually crushed!

Long swords, I crushed into nearly 100 pieces and sprinkled.

The fragment is empty, like a star big day, actually with the power of imagination, go to the son's correct crigbit!

The giant change of the son has a huge change, and the next awareness is back.

Long helping a one-step, facing this situation, waving a knot.

"- !!"

The fragmentation is instantaneous, and it is in the comic chains. I actually made this juncture full of cracks!

This can be the junction found in the Nine Turn Damadam, and it can't resist it!

The long-supporting face is slightly changed, and the incredible look is also revealed in both eyes.

"He is not a sword."

The gods came back in the son of the son, but Zhang Zhang did not speak, he apparently realized that the black robe is not a sword.

Because in his cognitive, even the sword is unparalleled, it is never possible to do so extent.

He frowned, "What is he?"

Long shook his head and looked at the broken necropolis in front of him, relieved, "The destroyed people here are not swords, but him."

"He, will there be so terrible?" The son's entanglement is really dignified, and it is impossible to imagine the big one of the southwestern directions. It is already a thing that does not think about this extent.

Combined with a total of two hundred and one long sword fragments, nailed over the rigm, and then crushed.

This is the first time.

Long knew, you have already dropped.

He is in the air, he frowned.

And the black robe, I also left this moment.

With his departure, the whole land of the three-inch mountains is only in the earth, and it is divided into two.

In the face of this strange black robes, he will also be welcomed directly.

The son is tangled, and then the nearly 100 black robe behind him.

Although these black robes are all Dynamic, they have already mastered their fairy, it is quasi-large Dairy!

These are all the finals of the son.

Under the order of the son, nearly 30 quasi-big Dami is a heroic potential, surrounded by the black robe and approaches quickly.

It is surprised in Changfu, "" all returned, don't further further! "

But when it is too late, nearly 30 quasi-Dagan has already released their own fairy, killing to the black robe!

At this moment, the eternal and silence is inevitable.

It's enough to cover the sky, like a 30th unhal chain, in the first time, wrapped around the black robe, and completely bundled it.

Seeing this scene, the son is correct, then said, "Please ask for a long time!"

Long support nod, no hesitation.

He is like a fairy mountain exists from the ancient times, and it will be in the potential.

Savings, a kind of gas that is beyond the heavens, can't say, and you will come down, just like a hill mountain.

"Boom !!"

At this moment, the eternal and silence is immersed, and the 10,000 fairy mountains are coming, and it is impossible to describe the feelings of suppression, so that all the quasi-big dermatoma is bold.

It happened again, and wrapped in the black robe.

It is enough to make the heavenly planes easily broken the impact wave, and instantly sway, and it is too long.

"Oil?" The son's glittering shilly smile.

However, long-awaited, "I am afraid, things are not so simple."

It seems to be in order to confirm the idea in his heart.

In the most central place where no amount, a black robe has appeared again.

His body is intact, and even the big black robes are not broken!

This scene, let all quasi-Daman fairy!

The hard-resistant anti-resting, there is no damage to the slightest, what is the terrible existence?

Just as the quasi-Daman is in the gods, the black robes move.

He did not break freely wrapped around the fairy chain, but quietly shook the body.

The shadow of the sharing thirty is a dark purple light beam of the finger, explored from his black robes, with a weird light, climbing a fairy chain.

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