Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5091? No battle (below)

This situation only happened in an instant, and there was no reaction to all the quasi-big dermatoma, and it was lifted by the strangest dark purple beam.

"Hey !!"

Thirty quasi-Dami is simultaneously mourning, the unimaginable imprisonment is not only imposing their soul, but also in crazy eating their delay.

Don't go to the penalty time, 30 quasi-big Dami, directly changing the bones!

Because all this happens too fast, wait for them to complete the bones, the son is correct, and the voice is lost, "How?"

Thirty quasi-large Dami, only in the 10th honey, confused the bones, which allowed the son to correctly accept it.

Long helping is more dignified and can instantly smoking the demonstration of large deanities and air transport, all of which are not a big evil, and to the powerful.

The black robe under the moment is inevitably.

After the occurrence of thirty quasi-large dermatoma, the black robe is plundered on the void!

His goal is to help!

In the face of the sham of the sky, the long supported steps, then lifted the palm.

Suddenly, the endless air transport is condensed into a bundle, and the criters are rushing to the black robe.


There is no hindered the chest of the black robes without any hindrance.

However, this is just to let him have a moment of stall, and then the ground is not reduced.

Long Yifu, greeted, the palm of the palm, the unmatched Xian Mountain that was condensed into the black robe.

Eternal and silence is not all thrilling.

In the face of this sky, the right palm of the black robe is full of punches, and it is heavy.

Xian Mountain is instantly broken, and the huge dark purple box is not reduced.

His face is condensed, choose hard to resist this punch.

"Boom !!"

The boxing broke out, and the Mo Color Mountain Water Tattoo was thrown around the horizon, and the scary to the pool was offset.

The son who is helped in the back of the body feels the terrible power of this punch, and the face is changed.

After a long time, he withdraws half a step, it is completely offsetting this box.

The black robes have also come to the front, and the deep cold broke out.

He hit a right palm and quietly condensed a dark purple Hua Mang, and then he helped.

This dark purple is extremely pure, and it is extremely terrible. It can never kill the monologue Xu Xu.

In the face of nine-to-big Damadam, the black robe released this form.

This is a battle for the peak power, it is a unpleasant battle.

As a nine-way Damadi, from the era, it is already enough to be the top of the group.

Their motion is enough to let the order collapsed, and the heavens are destroy.

Once they wars, then they are unimaginable, even if they have a thrilling Tianjiao, they can't participate in this level of fighting.

At this moment, the eternal silence is no longer trembled.

Such a unpleasant battle, let all the quasi-big dean are bold, they are only afraid that they are all disasters.

The intensity of this battle, far exceeding the battle in the first game.

In the face of dark purple Hua Mang, which can eaten gas transport and tragent, long-standing.

A seat of the fairy goes to the black robe and is coming with the heavens.

The whole force of the Nine-turn Damai, so that the eternal silence is unable to vibrate.

The two collidered, enough to destroy the mangrunity of any day.

In this case, the son's entry and more than 60 Zhao Damai are directly hit by hundreds of millions of feet.

At this moment, it is divided into two, and there is a three-inch mountain skyport continent like a leaf, under this impact, it seems that it is possible to become a powder.

Even the heavenly order can destroy the shock wave, swept the layer, so that a disciple in the Sanchi Mountain is frightened to the extreme.

And the depositary immortal killed by the black robe, only two were left at this moment.

In the face of this shock wave, they can't resist it, they can only choose to bear, and it is possible to cover.

At this time, the figure lying on the white crane wide and thick back is suddenly moved.

White crane was noticeable, look back, then clear it.

"Wake up, wake up, this adult woke up!"

Seeing this scene, the smallest age, and quite excited with a tender disciple.

All disciples have been surrounded by white cranes, anxiously waiting.

"No, it is so seriously injured, even if the Dano is not likely to wake up."

A thin man is quite worried.

The rest of the disciples are also silent.

Indeed, the three-way body shaped on the back of the white crane has been hiented by different degrees, and only the sword of the black robe is unparalleled, the injury is most terrible.

His whole chest has been penetrated, and the limbs are broken, and the blood will be completely dyed in the nine-day clothing.

This injury, almost even the fairy is not possible, how can it be resurrected?

At this time, the young man in the initial and sword is slowly got up, and then went to the sword where there was a unparalleled, and the palm was put on his broken chest.

Light blue trays flow, like a soothing cloud, flour into the wound.

The rest of the disciples look at it, and it has also contributed to its weak power.

For swords, they are all grateful, and if not he, nearly 50 disciples will never survive.

A dripping of a slime florent florent in the sword unparalleled fairy, but slowly repaired.

The young man said firmly, "I don't know when he can wake up, but must wake up!"

Drops of time, on the back of the white crane, the sword has no double.


"Boom !!"

The eternal silence is inexpensive, and the heavens order are constantly reshape collapse.

This unsatisfactory battle, the wide range of water has not been able to imagine.

Above the original destruction, the whole vast sky is in a volatile situation.

The heaven is collapsed, and countless days have been affected, and this Nirby is destroyed into a powder.

And all of this is from this game.

It contains the prostitutes of nursing, floating in the eternal silence, and uncharged.

And these gods are actually helping!

The heavens seem to be sorrowful, and the ink blue landscape has been soaked in the gods.

His fairy is about to be exhausted.

In the face of the black robe, he has long exposed a sad look.

Every full-scale hit can cause any huge hierarchy to the black robes. On the contrary, the black robe can easily make it impossible to make up.

Such a deep powerful feeling makes him seem to be far falling.

In the face of the black robe, the last decision was made.

He looked back, and the bonus of hundreds of miles of the son is correct, and it is pale and incredible.

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