Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5092? Extinguishing

From the initial calmness and probabilistic transformation into difficulty, the son is right, there is a sense of madness.

But everything is unable to change.

Long support, and the doubles are calm.

It has been long-awaited, just like there is no fairy mountain, with a general trend that cannot be imagined to meet.

He seems to have changed the mountain, and it is crackdown to all enemies.

With long support to the center, the sinking of the big shatter is honest.

He sat in the black robes, and only burned the shrine in the two eyes.

"You are never a Danctuary, nor is it here."

Leave this last sentence, long-standing and completely burning, and the sputum is completely destroyed by the nine-to-Daguai.

The black robe wants to break free, but it can't break free.

This is the last reading of Jiu Tong Dynasty, which can make the same situation to come together.

The fairy origin of Nine Turning Damai is too terrible. Even if it is Yu Bo, it is enough to easily lyity, not to say the skyport.

However, all the amenities of the whole southwest position have been destroyed once, leaving only a blank.

Even so, the whole of the vast times is still falling into chaos.

I can't imagine the arms, swallowing everything.

It is not able to control the bonus of Battlefield Billion, I only feel that a heavy pressure is unable to surpass.

His throat is a sweet, and then fly again.

However, when Xuanqi, even if he was destroyed on the edge, the three-inch hills left only the small semi-seat plane, even survived and did not suffer any injuries.

The thoroughstorm of Nine-turn Damai continued to have a very long time.

Eternal silence is not a main tone.

"Cough, cough ... Are everything is over?"

Dark golden armor is broken, the place where the place is quite miserable, getting up from the edge of the destruction, there is only a bitterness in both eyes.

Following him more than 60 Quality Damai, only more than 50 at this moment, nearly 20 quasi-Dagan fairy made a powder in this explosion.

"His Royal Highness, we will retreat, go to Tianstring to ask the emperor to help." There is Quality Damai whispered.

"Who dares to retreat!" The son is cold and drinking, "Don't find this, no one can return!"

"No." All Qi Dami is the first, do not dare to say more.

Then, the son should correct a quasi-Daman to the top of the most central place.

The top of the martyrdom, everything seems to enter a certain chaotic state.

The hover of the blood, the broken clothing shows that a tragic war has been built.

"Didn't you?"

Looking at this scene, the son is correct, "" Long help, really disappear? "

Long support has disappeared, and the black robe has completely disappeared.

This is not on the battle, it has appeared.

However, at this time, the quasi-large derivative after the son has a thin discovery, and there is a filamentous mist, and the filament is slowly moved, and aggregates.

"The temple, the temple, the situation seems to be a bit not bad."

It is still the first quasi-big Damai, he felt a kind of palpitations in recovery.

The son is correct, I want to open, but I find the most central place in the mid-burst, even gathered together!

Black raw gathering, a heart-fashioned force!

The bubble of the son is the biggest, that is terrible to get a very breath!

Black robe! Black robe!

The black robes that were killed as the fairy singer, and the black robes that were destroyed were once again recovered.

He is like a dead dream, once again.

The dark purple Hua Hang surged around, weird.


Without any stay, the son is retreat, "" all quickly! "

But everything is too late, the Danadian of the resuscitation is just a palm, and the 20th quasi-Dami is directly erased!

All this happens too fast, and it is not necessary to make any reactions.

Nearly a thousand fingers, dark purple beams are explored from the black robe, as in the same way.

Then, there were nearly 30 quasi-big dermatoma to escape, was banned, and then was exhausted!

The son is sighful, and it is desperately escaping.

As soon as possible, more than 60 quasi-big Damadam, only thirteen!

And this quantity is still reduced.

Because the dark purple beam devouled the derivative of the tragent, crazy, killing all the Deman.



Seven ...


The son is crazy, but desperately discovered that the secret network came.

Once you are wrapped around, you will be unable to return to day!

"This is dead, what is this!" He wanted to crack, but he helpless.

When the last quasi-Daman is swallowed, the son is confirmed!

The secret network consisting of dark purple mattress beams, covering the sky, has already been besieged.

Although it is a quasi-big Deman, the son is not clearly known, everything is unable to return to the sky.

However, in this life and death, there is a sudden appearance of a very familiar delay.

The son is tight, then his whole body is in the range of the cover.

"Sword, sword is unparalleled ?!"

The shoutedness did not sure, he went down and consciously shouted.

The sword was unparalpted and looked at the son to correct him.

"Plop", the sword is unparalleled directly, he lost him in the top of Shenshan.

This only existing half a day plane, it is possible to overturn, and the only disciples are also desperate.

Shenmin Xu Duo and Nanxun have been awakened, under the moisturizing of Di Pu Dan Pill, they have recovered the seven or eight points, but they still can't compare with the sword.

The sword at this moment is unparalleled. It has returned to the peak state. If it is not a nine-day clothing, no one will think that he has experienced a big crisis between life and death.

"The gang is here." The monketemaker Xu Tuo clam said.

Nan Xuan slammed her chest, frowning, "When it is a soul,"

The sword is unparalpled to see the upcoming black robe, then calmly, "Seniors, you leave them, here, I will give it to you, I will give you a long enough time."

Xu Duo, then shook his head, "I, how can I retreat?"

"Don't retreat, you have to die in white, I hope you can understand that everything is because of me, I should be borne."

Leave this last sentence, the sword is unparalleled without a slightest, and you will be greeted to the black robe.

"That, the little friend is correct, you stay here is also white, or go." Nan Xuan persuaded and then slowed down.

"I will go with my little friends together for some time for you, you are almost leave."

The monk Xu Duo is awkward, looking at the sword unparalleled back, and finally.

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