Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5093? Talking about

In the face of the dark purple Hua Mang, the dark purple Huang Mang, Nanxuan jumped, and the sword was unparalleled.

Some broken nine-day clothing, still exudes a blue-colored Hua Mang, dustless.

At his heart, nine-day clothes broke a fist size, just fed in the original swords of swords before the chest.

"Little friends, I will help you." Nan Xuan slept, and there is a smile.

The sword has no double, he didn't think of Nan Xuan Meng, "How come you come, are I not let you leave?"

Nan Xuan smiled, "If you leave it too much, this is also trying to try it, this guy is what existed!"

The sword is unparalleled to know that his heart is so strong, and it is never able to listen to the discouragement, can only be silent.

After a tragic unparalleled battle, this whole is completely covered.

At this point, everything has become an eternal silence.

The breath produced by the root base of Changpu Broken Fairy is not retired, but the black robe has once again recovered again.

He is a true dream, from the death battle that has occurred over all Deman, or even the 9th Tourism, the dead battle is still intact, which has exceeded imagination.

I am afraid, the peak Damai is just like this?

Is this black robes are the emperor? !

This idea is so fast that the sword is unparalleled, and he has seen two governments in the sea.

One is an exclusive black cloud that swallowed Daxi.

Another one is a sacrifice that has eventually become a fish Yao, which eventually became the emperor.

They are unable to say terrible existence, and there is no heavenly order in the waving.

The emperor, it is already possible to join the emperor in some level.

Regarding the terrible level of the governor, the sword is unparalleled in the sea, that is enough to cross the vitality, can't raise any angle of gas, and imagine.

Although today's black robes are almost unsteady, even if the nine turn is not able to hinder, but the sword is still clearly able to feel the gap between the black robe and the emperor.

This gap is extremely clear.

For a time, he thought of the peak big Damai.

On the top of the Nine Tourism, it is the ultimate realm of Dagan.

Only the peak of the big Damai can explain the pass, where is it to help him, there is no harm to him.

However, even if it is a nine-way Damadam, it is not a sword that is unparalleled to compete.

So at this moment, he stood here and is not very different.

Even if it is three back, it is not possible to let him resist the peak of the peak.

As the three-way Damadam, Nanxuan is also sent to death, and it is impossible to cause any hitting in the lobe.

At the same time, the sword is also in confusion, why will there be a terrible existence?

Does the black robe are guarding, or imprisoned in the contents of it?

This makes him upset, and it is more confusing in the sky.

In the face of these two stones, the black robe slowly stopped the body shape, and the face of the big hood seems to think about what is thinking.

The sword is unparalleled to take out two emilings, Dan Pushes, in the hands of Nanxun, and he also admitted to the mouth of Dan Pill.

This is to explode the most terrible potential in a short period of time.

He didn't seek to fight the black robes, only for the artist Xu Duo and his disciples to leave the time.

"The dead old guy, this seat reported the previous sword!"

Nan Xuan Shen said that there is a big day that has been covered in the heavens and the earth behind it!

Jin Weihuang, can't look straight.

The gas transport that belongs to the three transverse Damai is completely out of this moment.

Nan Xuan glances holding a swords that have just formed, this is the sword blank that he pulled out in Jian Mountain.

Endless Nikin Hua Mang shines behind him, Dailyhuang Huang, which contains Jiu Dynasty Red Gold, like a true gold wheel, slowly flowing behind him.

This is a sword of Nanxun to strong, full of unexpected meaning.

At this moment, the golden wheel broke out of great golden mood, and the light was not easy.

The total number of nine red gold, Japan, with the swordskold as the medium, crazy venting, turned into a nine-handed 100,000 horizontal vain, won the black robes!

The sword is unparalleled, flowing with the ,, easily cut off the heavenly order of the heaven, and under pressure.

The black robes are standing at the original, and they did not make a gesture that avoided previously, but the hard antity was selected.

Endless silence is inevitable, the violent sound is again broken.

Since the delay is too rapid, the swords in the South Xuan's hand cannot be affected, and directly broke into a virtual.

But his sunshable sword finally fell on the body of a black robe.

"Booming ..."

Blazing Jin Mang broke out, Nanxuan talents fully took the only sword handle in his hand, pierced into the left shoulders of the black robe.

Jinmang big waves crazy venting, this moment, even hard to cut his left shoulder!

And the swords followed are unparalleled, and there is almost no hindrance to the right arm of the black robes.

The dark purple fog ribs are sprayed from the black robe.

This scene, let Nan Xuan are shocked, he did not think that he can cut off the black robes!

You must know that there is a terrible existence of a six-turn large-scale fairy.

The sword is also a lot, he can feel that the arms are really cut off.

The original unexpected black robes were discontinued at this moment, and did not restore it immediately, but vented the dark purple fog.

The sword is unparalleled, the first reaction, and the Nan Xuan quickly cast a glimpse, then face the black robe and released the sword.

There is no double sword, the star of the Star River Sea Sword, the second style.


The invisible sword is full of thorns, and the Tianhe is unparalleled with the sword. It is the medium to the black robe with the invisible sword.

This sword is full of swords, all of them.

Nanxuan also released the face of unpracolled to the black robe.

They all know that they are sick, they must their own truth, so they all do their best.


There is no quantity and dust, the black robes are broken, it is completely a powder, breaking the void!

Unparalleled, there is a hundred trillion, so that this is like a three-inch mountain land of a leaf boat, but it is more likely to overturn.

Standing on the edge of the continental broken edge, the son is slowly put down the arm of the arms, pale, and dare not confidence.

Because he saw that there was a figure, that is just a fairy guy, completed a matter of essential completion.

The existence of even the Changfu did not destroy the slightest way, but the sword was unparalleled to become a powder.

Unexpected emotions flow in his eyes.

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