Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5094? Sword Spirit

Derivate, is this still a Danctic?

"The sword is unparalleled, what existence do you have?" There is only a bitterness in the son.

He seems to start from the beginning, there is no sword in the eyes.

Until the Tianstrian feast, the first time to win the tremble, the sword is unparalleled to got the final peach with the unbeatable gesture, so that they entered all the eyes of all emperors.

From that day, it is only 20,000 years, and he grows to the existence of the bonus to correct.

"The sword is unparalleled, the sword is unparalleled, if you are this emperor, how good it should be," the son is correct, "I can give all the sons can't derive your things, including the emperor blood."

Just then, a voice of a honesty rang behind him, "" Do you want to leave with us? "

The son is crossed, and the tender emperor who is talking is gently shaking his head and then continues to pay attention to everything happening in the void.

The young disciples didn't dare to stay too much, hurriedly hurried to the artist Xu Tuo.

"We don't have to go, the danger seems to have been solved." Xu Duo slowly got up, looked at the voids that were returned to the calm, and a slight breath.


"Really, really solved?"

Among the eternal silence, the chest of Nanxuan is dramatically undulating, and the big mouth gasp is, it seems that I can't believe in the black robes.

The sword is unparalleled than him, and the distressance of a moment makes him live.

There is no one in the black robes, so that the sword is unparalleled, I don't dare to confuse.

He doesn't believe that the black robe is directly never.

"Is it, will he recover like it?"

He seems to have realized, the underlying consciousness is placed in the black robe, and this is found that the dark purple fog of silk is even again agglomerated.

The sword is unparalleled, and it will be a big man on time, trying to completely destroy the kind of fog, but it is shocked, there is no effect.

"How is this?" Nan Xuan also missed, and then refunded step, hurriedly released the delay.

But the dark purple mist like silk, seems to have the ability to devour the debris, and the delay is not affected by it.

With the formation of eddy currents, the prototype of a body appears again!

The body is being bombarded!

"How is it possible, how can this guy not die?" Nan Xuan shouted, and then mad mad body.

This time, the re-condensed black robe seems to be no longer like it is so late, facing the sword is unparalleled and Nanxuan, he slowly lifted his palm.

The big palm suddenly slammed the five fingers, and it took a dark purple light column that could not be imagined.

All this happens too quickly, so that Nanxuan can't avoid it, I can only look at my fairy.

But the next moment, the sword is unparalleled, but suddenly in front of the South Xuan.


The giant man bursts, enough to destroy any strengths of any heaven, completely broke out in the sword.

Nine-day clothing is a bright ray, but the dark purple light column is ingenious to stream into the unique crack of nine-day clothing.

The sword is unparalleled, only the chest is broken, and the strange energy directly smashed his fairy body, and the blood came out.

There is a big dark violet column, and there is a chest, and there is no emotion in eternal silence.


All disciples shouted, Xu Tuo shaped, incredible.

The black robes that were now appeared again, and the shot directly released the destruction, almost in an instant to let the sword unparalleled into the life and death situation.

The son is thoroughly shocked, and the figure is moving, and it is unbelievable.

The situation that was originally almost the departure was turned out instantly.

Like the black robes that don't die, once again!

The blood sprinkled the void, and the sword was unparalleled, and it was in the arms of Nanxuan.

"Go away ..."

He is hard to open to Nanxuan.

Nanxuan nodded, and then desperate, the sword was not escaped.

This time, the black robe is no longer as slow as it is, and I feel that they escape, but it is directly pulled up.


The dark purple column is in the silence of noise, and Nan Xuan scaffolded, but there is no power to fight.

He hugged the sword and unparalleled, escaped in the challenge.

In the face of panic, the black robe raised the palm again, and the thousand hundred dark purple rays of the moment were shrouded.

The void of the whole silence is almost all covered, and there is no steady!

The son is tightened, and he is being hosted by this situation. If it is not a sword, there is no double shot, then he has already gone.

At the moment, if there is no external force to help, the South Xuan and the sword have no fetching possible!

He is hesitating, and his heart seems to be a struggle.

In the end, he did not take help, but the head is biased towards the other side.

In the face of the secret network to cover the sky, Nanxuan is unlikely, but it is no longer going back.

The next moment, but the turbulence!

The mysterious and black junior that only saved only in the three-inch mountains, and the Xuanzhi junction that is enough to cover the sky!

This black junction directly covers the shape of Nanxuan's figure.

The secret network came to the sky, but he hit it over the rigm, and then crushed!

Nan Xuan is shocked, but he will not think too much, directly hold the sword where there is no double in the mountains of the three inch mountains.

A disciple hurriedly lifted the sword without double, and then put on the white hero wide.

"Kids him will not have something, you will go, I will stay here."

The south quartri said, then put the last emperor Dan Pill in his arms into the sword unparalleled mouth.

Looking at this scene, the master's face changed change again, he understood that now, it will not be able to go.

In addition to the umbrance and black rinsers, there is a crazy attack.

Under his crazy offensive, the juncture has been covered with cracks.

The son is joined, and when it is ready to leave.

Almost at the same time, there is a sound of anhanctic sound.

"When I hate it, I am not dead to die!"

The monketer Xu Duo is, and then it is very round to the extreme, just like everyone has a general thing that is never possible.

The whole hill began to tremble with a drama, just like there is a birthday.

Then there was a pure Jian Ming to drive nine ancient times and the people.

With this Xuanzhiji, a huge shadow that is not imagined.

He wore a black robes, and the true eye was true, as if the sword was in vain, sharp to the extreme.

He is the peak of the peak big Dairy.

At the same time, he is also a sword spirit.

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