Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5101? What is the head?

Looking at the sword where the water is not entering, even if it is really a headache.

Soft don't eat, hard, you can't come, I want to know that some hidden probably have to dig from other Deman.

Think of this, I really showed the Shenmin Xu Tuo, the opening, "Older, do you know what?"

Xu Tuo did not hesitate to shook his head. "Everything happens too fast, I will not know what you want to know."

Zhenyi Xianjun throws a condition, "You said, look back, please, you will have a perfect world that is more perfect than the three inch mountains."

Xu Duo shook his head, and then did not send a word.

"Your old guy, I see when you are still!" He said with anger, angry.

Nan Xuan quickly opened the relationship, "Don't look at me, I don't know anything, it is a passable Dynasty, I have nothing to do with me."

I really didn't ask if I was angry and didn't ask.

Then, this cloud of the clouds and smokes were suddenly filled with a lot of money.

The elderly fairy will be slightly changed, and it is precise to see the clouds.

There is a pure golden and smashing the cloud smoke, and it has been projected onto the huge road in the clouds.

Then, the two treasures came to the clouds and came to Yuntai.

Seeing these two body shapes, swords are unparalleled.

The monk Xu Xiang is shocking, simply close the eyes, no longer look.

The son is shocked again.

Although Nan Xuan did not come to the heaven, he naturally felt that the breath fluctuated, and his eyes were incredible.

As for a disciple of the three-inch mountains, it has already been dull, and there is no chance to make an emperor.

Come, is the main troring of the whole talents, and Yuchang.

"See the Emperor." Take the real , "Ten Yuan Lao Xianjun.

Really Wuyang swayed, then the eyes slowly saw the sword unparalleled, and the mouth was scratching.

"What is the situation of the sky, how is it?"

True , "Hui Dynasty, the situation is not too good, the six-thirds of the sky are being hurted."

Zhenwu Yangqi is condensed, "the six-thirds of the sky are being made to be ignorant?"

"It is indeed true."

"Is them?"

"I don't know," the look of true is quite embarrassing, "However, the destruction of the sky is found."

Zhenwen Wen Nei, once again, I once again looked at the sword, the voice is thick and the power, "the sword is unparalleled, why do you have your figure?


The sword is unparalleled, and then said, "That, I am going to dissipate."

"Is it difficult to come? Why didn't you go with Di Delaces?" Zhenwuyang wrinkled.


Zhenyi Xianjun said, "Emperor, Xiaowei is an emperor, should not move casually."

Zhenwuyang is only aware that it is not right, and then looks at the real , "Since the destruction of the defenders found it, they will come out."

He nodded, and the spin was abstracted down the waist.

Time, Ding Zhonghua Light, one, the atmospheric lock chain, followed by a greeque to fall in the ground.

With the emergence of this black robes, peaceful and quiet clouds quietly roll up dangerous breath.

At this moment, Zhenwuyang and Yuchang aggras.

The emperor who belongs to the emperor came to, and directly pressed the black robes.

Being tied by an atmospheric lock chain, it was suppressed by the emperor's gas transport. It was originally striking enough with the black robes that had a battle with the peak of the peak, collapsed.

Zhen Wuyang Digital, waving down the layer of emperor, crushing the atmospheric lock chain on the lobe.

There is no constraint, the black robe directly gets up, and an unspeakable is unable to break out.

However, true Wuyang is just a palm, and it is broken directly.

The entire cloud is in the cloud, and the clouds appear.

The color of the true martial arts is almost awesome and stares at the black robe.

For a long time, he succeeded, "Where are you from, why do you want to ruin my big company?"

The sound of the black robe looks up, the voice is dull, and the sound of the ridiculous sound is from the hood.

Really Wuyang frowned, "Tong Tian Buddhism coming?"

At this time, there is no time to talk, "I am unlikely to be the monks of Tong Tian Buddhism, they are very cautious, rarely enter the big domain."

"Indeed, they didn't have hair." Zhenwuyang is tight with it, then it is almost asking, "But why not see his realm practice, is he is not a Dai Dai?"

"Symptom the cuplicers, die!" The robes repeated the same.

"Symptified to see the cuplic?" Zhenwuyang directly looked at the sword, and then waved him directly.

"What is a cixed, are you going to the big beauty to find secret?"

The sword is unparalleled, followed by the gas chain of his body, standing in front of Zhenwuyang and Yuchang.

"That, I am not too clear, I haven't figured out anything."

"You go to the reason, you should find Xu Duo, go to find some cizes?" Zhen Wuyang's needle seeing blood pointed out the crux.

At this time, the sword is unparalleled, "It's right, it is indeed because this."

"It is impossible to destroy the heavens in the sky, I am afraid that he can't do it." True Wu Yang is staring at him, "Is it caused by you?"

The sword is unparalleled, "" With my strength, just barely self-insurance. "

"Who is it to fight him?"

Long. "

"Long help?"

"Yes, he is treated as the price, dragging the black robe."

Really Wuyang frowned, this is bad news for him.

Long helping the nine-way Damadi from the era of the era, all followed him countless years, after countless blood war, eventually opened up a big downtown, and it is the foreigner of heaven.

But in the eyes, he is helping the elderly, but there is no voice.

Slowly spur, really Wuyang looks to the sword. "What is it from where the black robe?"

About where the black robe comes, except for the sword, even if the Nanxuan and the monk Xu Tuo can't guess.

As long as he does not say, there is no Deman who will know where the black robe is coming.

But now, the sword is unparalleled, and the sky-striped bones are not as simple as it is.

It is even in a certain sense, it has been surpassed.

So far, the sword is unparalleled, and the ciphertext hidden in the textured bones this day is related to Xuan.

But everything is not unlocked, still being confusing, and even dangerous.

What is the head of the black robes in the sky-striped bones?

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