Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5102? Does not belong to this era

Why is there such a terrible existence?

Also, Endi Junzhen Wuyang can't explore the realm of the black robe.

What did he exist in Tianzimoni bones in what form?

Everything seems to have surface, but everything is involved, just like a pile of messy threads, there is no way.

The sword has no silence for a moment, saying, "is from a bone armor."

"Bone nails? What bones?" Zhenwuyang gaze.

"A bone armor containing secret text is very mysterious, but it has been destroyed," he said, "and this black robe, it is from the bones."

From the bone armor, a piece of strength is better than the peak of the peak, this is too incredible.

You must know, even if the nine turn is the most close to the emperor, the existence of the emperor is the existence of the emperor.

The peak big Deman is already a very poor existence. They have already found them in their own avenue, almost equivalent to the existence of half-step monarch.

And who can presented such a small bones?

Also or, is he voluntarily presented?

After listening to the sword unparalleled, the look of the true Wuyang eyes changed, and finally recovered.

"That is to say, you have such a bone armor, go to Daxie to find the Danadian that can solve the above secret?"

There is no double point of the sword, "Yes, I didn't think that there will be such existence in the bones."

Zhenwu Yangqi, "Purely Mono, if there is a more terrible existence, what do you do? Is it necessary to ruin my country ?!"


"I will find you again!" After I left this sentence, I looked at the black robes.

Then, the lock chain that was condensed by the emperor, directly banned the limbs of the black robe, hang it in the center of the cloud, hanging in the air.

Emperor Wilong Huang, let all Dynamic can't look straight.

Zhenwuyang slowly came to the black robes, and the emperors bloom unparalleled.

"Where are you from, why will it be in a bone armor?"

Clouds and clouds, the long winds have shown.

A dead silence in the clouds, the black robe did not send.

Zhen Wuyang brows, "When you really don't say, what kind of consequences you know?"

Emperor Diwei, completely covered the black robe.

Under the emperor, a large number of dark purple fog spilled from the black robe and quickly collapsed.

Seeing this kind of energy that does not belong to the delay, it is true, Huiyang waves, takes a slap in the dark purple.

Such a small dark purple Hua Mang jumped in his palm and done it, but it seems extremely exclusive, and finally dissipated.

Really Wuyang is close to the emperor, it seems to feel the source of this ray.

The cloud is quiet, no one dares to speak.

At this time, Yu Chang smiled and smiled and said that the sword was unparalleled. He said with only the voice they heard.

The sword is unpaired, "this result, I have never thought."

"Yes, the emperor will have a way." Yan Chang said, "Komantou, you can have any adventures?"

He slightly, and then said, "No, this will only be thrilling, and the adventure is never met."

Yushang heard, nodded, nor did it.

The sword has no pair of sorrows, and there is some doubts while faint, "Is it found so soon?"

He quickly pressed this idea, and the is the meaning of the emperor, can hide the heavens, and how can he hide a peak Dagan?

Thinking of this, the sword is unparalleled and suddenly a double, secretly, "Not good, bad, they will not play ?!"

For a long time, the acts as his Bai Baobao, no matter what I got, I'm in the .

The dark blue diamonds stored in the old people in the black robe were also put into the .

As the sword in the emperor of Yuchang, the old people in the black robe must be involved in another bloody battle.

In other words, the three emperors have been covered by the sky, which is very likely to have the participation of Yuchang.

This is uncomfortable, there is no possible reconciliation.

If it is really playing in the , only the three emperors of the true soul will inevitably fall, and even it is possible to defeat.

No matter which situation, this is the sword where you don't want to see.

However, there are two truly rings around the world, the sword is unparalleled to open the Yangbo bottle to see if it can't do it, can only be dark.

At this time, the true Wuyang opened his eyes, and a touch of gold was in the emperor.

He seems to have been able to understand anything, the brow is stretched and frightened.

After a while, Zhenwu Yang said, "You don't belong to the big domain, or even this era, who is you?"

In a word, it is like a stormy waves, and even Yu Chang is dignified.

The components of this sentence are really too heavy, including too many content.

From that long, I walked out of the ancient times that even the years, and swept another heavenly true Wuyang, if I don't know the meaning of this.

The era of ancient times is already an era that is not imagined. There is still a longer foreigner than the ancient times.

And this black robe is actually existed in a longer-long era?

The sword was unparalleled, he far down the time of the sky-striped bones, and at the same time was flooded by an unspeakable emotion.

The news of Master Xuan Yi, is it a secret? Is there any meaningful era of era?

Who is he? What did you do in the end, so that it is now today?

The sword is unparalleled in the heart, and the lighter looks to the black robes, and it is hidden from his mouth.

However, under the pressing of the emperor, the black robe is again in the edge of the empty.

"You don't belong to this era, who you are?" Really Wuyang is not annoying, repeating this question again.

The black robes that have been silent, lifting their heads at this moment, emitting two dark purple colds from the large pocket.

That is his gaze, it is in reviewing Zhenwuyang.

Then the old and hoarse voice sounded again, "Symptom the cuplicers, death!"

"In addition to this sentence, don't you have any other words?" Zhen Wuyang frowned, "If you say it, I will let you put it once, let you stop suffering, and let you leave."

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