Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5103? Go to the Wilderness Moving Bricks (on)

Then, he turned again. "If you still don't say, I have many ways to let you stay in the little bones in the little bones, 100!"

However, if the black robes are in his words, they still repeat the words, "seeing the secrets, death!"

Zhenwuyang is anger, the direct vibration arm is waxed, and a strip of the emperor is a chain of the emperor.

In a whip, the threader of the black robe suddenly broke the crack.

Then, the nine chains set off together.

The dark purple Huawang, which is enough to cover the sky, disappeared with the speed of the black robes.

"You don't say there is no benefit to you, say, it will be better." Zhen Wuyang said.

Even if it is in the edge of life and death, the black robe is still repeating the previous sentence.

"Symptom the cobbler, die!"

"Looking for death!" Zhen Wuyang drink, all nine chains of the whole row down!

It is foreseeable that once all the locks fall, the black robe must disappear directly.

The sword has no double in the heart, I want to save the black robes.

But Yu Chang, he first shot, he waved the nine emperor's gas chain, standing in front of the true Wuliang.

"Yushang, are you?" Zhenwuyang is a bit embarrassing frown.

Yan Chang, "Hui Dynasty, he can't die, this involves a lot of things. If rash, I am afraid it will be unfavorable to many things."

Really Wuyang frowned, thinking about his words, after a moment, "he told him to imprison him."

Yan Chang heard the head, then turned to look at the black robes, reached out and calm, and the ink green rhyme appeared.

Then, it will be wrapped in the black robe and re-admit it into the sleeve.

With the disappearance of the black robe, the kind of caulk is completely disappeared.

The entire Taukai returned to the cloud of clouds.

No useful news from the mouth of the black robe, which makes the true Wuyang are quite not.

He turned to look at the sword and unparalleled, only resentment in the emperor.


"What cps have been hidden in the , so that I can't even ask the news?"

"Well ... Nothing, mainly when we have to see what answer, the black robe is rushing out to destroy the bones."

The sound of true Wuyang is steep, "means that it is so long, and I have been destroyed by me, and I haven't got it?"

The sword is unparalleled, "... can say that."

Zhenwu Yang's anger, turned to look at Xu Tuo, "Xu Duo, the emperor is to listen to the truth, what is the secret above the bones?"

The monk Xu Duo slowly opened his eyes, "Hui Dynasty," said Xu Duo, and Xu Duo, "

Zhenwu Yang heard the words, only nothing to say.

At this time, Yanchang said, "Every dust in this large downtown, each side of the day is a situation that has been a lot of prosperity."

"The meaning of Tiandi is the endless man-gain of the heavenly manifold, and countless days of arrogance."

"But this doesn't have to happen, so that nearly 100 Tianwang areas, the endless life is unclear, and everything may be destroyed."

"This has exceeded the level of Tianding tolerance, and the last erased the big Damadi of the Near Ten World, has been enacted in the sea, enduring endless virtual."

"Now, your level of destruction of the sky is far exceeding the previous war, and the punishment is inevitable."

Yushang was completed, and he looked at true Wuyang.

At this moment, the three-inch mountain disciples, the monk Xu Duo, Nanxuan, and the son correction nervous.

Without the edge of the sea, the mandrels of the emperor are not the most serious punishment.

Once these sins are falling, it is almost equivalent to the death penalty.

At this time, the sword is unparalleled forward, and the hand said, "This war is caused by me, they are all victims, they have nothing to do with them, I have to bear."

"Who said to be punished?" Zhen Wuyang looked at him, Shen Sheng said, "The Emperor only fines today, the penalty!"

"Willing to bear." The sword is doubled, firmly.

Zhenwu Yang Shen Sheng, "You said, what do you want to punish?"

"What is punished for a punishment."

"Okay, happy boy! The emperor will send you to the drama!"

"... move, moving bricks ?!" The sword didn't have a double.

"Yes, give me the old man to go to the old man!"

"a thousand years!"


The blazing and warm tragent disappeared, the clouds of Yunjian Yunshu have gradually disappeared, and it is a low black cloud.

The thunderous lightning of the rough dragon is brewing in the dark clouds and is accompanied by a huge eddy flow, and a destruction scene.

That is, in this empty cloud of the fairy, I didn't dare to pass the clouds, and the giant birds of the exhibition transition.

This giant bird is ink, and the exhibition wings can even cover the crisis of the sky, cover it under the wings.

It is really too great, so that even the clouds like the dragon is small in the dark clouds.

On the top of the bird of this giant bird, I sit in two shapes.

One of them is Yushang, and the other is the sword.

Even the delay can deviate the frozen hurricane in the void, even if the sword is unparalleled, feel a thorough chill.

This is the void that has not been seen. There is no existence at all, and there is no existence of a trace of traces, and some are only ridiculous.

This is a very dark void, and the star has not been born. In addition to the shot, no other colors.

Sitting on the bird head on the giant bird, the sword is unparalleled.

The giant bird exhibition wing can across the thousands of days, which can be inferred that it has been completely far away from the center of the largest.

"Don't this, is the so-called big waste, is it the boundaries of the big downtown?" The sword was in the heart, if you think about it.

At this time, Yu Chang suddenly looked back, and the face was warm and looked at him.

The sword is unparalleled in the heart, "How did you know what I think in my heart?"

Yan Chang smiled slightly, "Of course, it is a quicker if you are not thinking about this problem."

The sword has no double silence, he doesn't understand, why can these emperors can always see what other Deman is thinking.

After a while, Yu Chang opened first. "We are now far from the center of the big downtown, rushing to the border."

He heard the words, some slightly gods, 20,000 years, unconsciously from the Shenli universe so far.

And these nearly 20,000 years, he has been around the big company.

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