Along with the layered cipher, it is covered with the dust in the wild, and it begins to excessive.

And this ancient pole is also started to have a bright color.

Under the six monks jointly, the sword is unparalleled, and the state of the sword has begun to stabilize.

God blood is not poured out, and the inch broken meridian has also begun to quickly repair.

If you don't die, you don't destroy the fairy.

Being an end of the grandfather, he could not help but be out of the horrible recovery speed after seeing the scared recovery speed of the sword.

As soon as I arrived, he felt that the sword of the past and the dead corpse were not different. There was no one for the whole body, and the body has broken into a powder.

How can such a body can save?

I didn't expect it, but I only had a dozens of interest, and he has already recovered, and even a weak breathing.

Six monks have naturally been detected in this situation. After they meet, they are sighful and dare not confidence.

"Don't we rescue a shocking Tianjiao?" The old man is somewhat confused, and the vigilance in the heart will slowly retreat.

Because he didn't feel any discomfort from the unparalleled body from the sword.

After hundreds of interest hours, six monks closed at the same time, and then the master launched the sword unparalleled breath.

"How is Master Master? Is it dangerous?" Xiao Shami Ziqing has a little tense inquiry.

The father of the master nodded, recovered her hand, "did not have a serious problem, and the recovery is very good, it seems to be soon wake up."

The face is rough, and the eyes of the eyebrows are quite horrified. "This is really a strange thing. It is affected in the big waste.

Master's father and pairs, "Good, save his life is also a good margin, I hope that all the Deman is no longer suffering from the water."

At this time, there is still a thin shape, the net, the net, the net, "brother," Teacher, we have already cross the big shortage, the front should be the big downtown, and there is no big crisis, But why, here is it full of a very strong, and murdered? "

The master father did not open, but slowly turned and looked at the orientation of the big section.

There, it is almost dark voids that are integrated with the wreath. There is no big day star that exudes rays, there is no Tianwang.

Some is just a straight-edge, and the boundary wall barriers are not proneous.

The border of the border is too magnificent, almost everything is, and the big donkey is very good.

The father of the master frowned, and the eyes were confused. "Is it possible to get out of the big domain?"

Then, he said, "I am afraid that this murder is also unprecedented with this kid. Do you want to wake him up?"

"No, he is still recovering, you can't wait for him this." Xiao Shami Huiqing quickly guarded the sword.

Master's father said calm, "I am going through the big bitterness, we all come over, why is it afraid of these killing?"

There is also a head of the three flowers that engraved in three flowers.

"Finding them is not the purpose, what we have to do is to feel this process, we can go out of the water, but it is not our own."

After this last sentence, the master turned around to go to the direction of the big company.

The rest of the stories is also followed.

It is said that "Hui Qing, since he is not a big problem, we have more important things."

Xiaosha Yizhen shook his head. Bar. "

Say that you can't say it, he has to do it.

The head of a public, go out of the big shortage, go to the big section.

"The killing industry is too heavy, no wonder the murder is so strong, this big country is really not one side."

On the fairy road of the corpse of countless fairy, the capital is a brow.

They see that everything in the big waste is a fairy bone.

These fairy bones have been a Danadian, which has an easy-to-earth, and now, but there is everything, the miserable stand in the wilderness of the end.

The endless fairy bones, the emperor has come to the border wall bar.

"Is this the channel opened by the former, it is really a persevere!" It is the first to be rough, and the eyebrows are shocked.

Indeed, it is possible to break a gap with such a fantastic boundary wall bar, which is unimaginable.

"Well, we are going to go now, there is a quite long way, converge in the heart." The master finished, and he walked to the border barrier.

And the body is weak and the thin little Sand is the Ziqing, then the sword is unparalleled, and the last party of the Master.

The border wall bar is magnificent to the extreme, and it is necessary to take a long time of fairy road to finally reach the big domain.

Taking Master as heads, the team is in a character.

In their whisper, there is a layer of faint Yingrun to the extreme Buddha, which is blessed.

They all have dignified, and it seems to have been quietly prepared.

"Brother, do you think that blood is getting more and more strong?"

"Which, this big defect is unchanged, even the delay is not able to produce, how can there be a blood pressure?"

At this time, the Sands carrying the sword unparalleled Sand, and said very seriously. "Can three Master, I also feel a powerful, very clear blood gas is approaching us."

When Hui Qing's words came out, all the top of the monks were slightly lightened, and they looked up with ridiculousness.

"Be careful to be vigilant, we have already left out, and how will it be blocked outside the big domain?" The master frowned and gained.

At this time, the sword in the dizzy is unparalleled, slowly awake.

Hui Qing spotted the sword behind the sword was very happy, "Yeah, you woke up? It can be really fast."

He first was in a state of strangeness, looked at the strangers in front of him, and combined with the previous things, so soon.

"Yes, have you saved me?"

"That is of course, but the kindness should not be put in mind, this is what we should do."

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