Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5112? Blood Wars (on)

Little Shami said with a smile, and the goodwill in the eyes is like a clear spring, purely to the extreme.

"Save your good wife, it is also a practice for us."

The browning of the sword is slowly stretched, and then I will seriously thank you.

Hui Qing also laughed, "I really don't have to thank you. If you must thank you, thank you for me, you are to save you."

He is headed with him, and then it is aware of what, ask, "You, come from Tong Tian Buddhism?"

"You, how do you know ..." Hui Qing has a big eyes, and it is incredible to see him.

However, when he still wants to say more, a monk looks back, and the face is dignified, "enough to pay, don't say more!"

Hui Qing is shocked, connect to nod, and do the mouth.

Until the head turned, he was smashing the sound, "I can't say too much, Master is very strict for me."

The sword is not a double nod, then leave from Huilai thin back.

He looked around and quickly found that he was extremely familiar with it, and his heart was dark.

"You came to the border ?!"

At this point, all the capitals stopped, like an angry King Kong, who is generally in the sword, and it seems to be ready to do.

However, the sword is unparalleled, and it is soaring that it is too late to leave. If you don't leave, you can't get it !! "

The master of the master wrinkled, and the eyes stared at the sword. It seems that it is trying to figure out the true and false in his words.

At this moment, a body that talked from tens of millions, quietly quietly quietly quietly in the edge of the boundary wall barrier with the murder of the obstruction.

The bistem of the red, almost madly paranoid, with boundless anger to a shame.

The sword is unparalleled, first discovered the existence of the army-shaped body shape, hurriedly, "Go! He is coming."

But everything is already too late!

It is enough to cover the murder of the void, and the armored body shape is also awkward.

A huge sword, tearing the void, falling!

The first thing of a group is also aware of, and I don't want to shoot at the same time.

The buddhism of the pole is accompanied by the delay. At this moment, it completely blooms the endless light rhyme, forms a rinsey, to resist the sword.

A sword tears the void, with endless killing and falling down.


The gray blood spoil sword is above the ricinth. The patriarchal master's father is suddenly changed, and then directly spit out the blood.

The remaining five monks have no wonderful situation, all have been spit out of a blood, and the breath is gentle.

And the Buddha light comics, it also blocked it.

"Master !!" Hui Qing lost color.

The sword is unparalleled, directly released more than 10 years of tragent matches, and then wrapped in the waist of the head, suddenly pulled them out the scope of the sword.

"Boom !!"

The fairy road is instantly broken, and the uncorporated fairy bones become a powder.

Under the dust, it is a shame that fleeing the danger of the danger, and the face is pale, and it is incredible in the eyes.

The sword is unparalleled, "Go away, don't stay, how far is much!"

All the capitals did not speak, but to look at the calm master.

Then, he opened, it was already decided, "No, one step can not be retired! We should come back, you will never take a step!"

The sword has no double one, and I can't say it for a while.

As early as before, he felt that these strengths of these monks were very terrible. In addition to a small sand, all are the realm of Dagan.

Such a group of terrible existence, even if it is a terrible existence that is enough to cover countless days.

But there is also a terrible existence than them, that is, it is already the tattoo shape of the nine transit!

He is from the ancient times, sleeping so far, from the long sleep, with endless violent killing, is an unimaginable existence.

This is an extremely wrong battle.

In the face of such a nine transverse Diva, the six monks are not different!

"You are clear, he is nine turn big Dairy!" The sword was unparalleled.

"Even if we are nine turn, we can only go forward, don't retreat!" The master of the master said, "Don't forget, how many brothers have taken out, how can we go back ?!"

The capital of the capital is slightly, in the face of a nine turn from the era of the ancient times, they did not refund the meaning.

"Are you crazy? Do you know what is the nine turn?" The sword said without a double sound, "You, no Dai Dynasty!"

"Even if it is dead, you can't retreat." The master of Master calmly said that he faced the armored figure, he greeted.

It belongs to the unique extent of the six-transverse derivative, which blooms pure Buddha light trays at this moment.

Every time he takes, the treasure behind him has also contributed a bit.

Along with his footsteps, the remaining five monks have no hesitation, firmly.

One six-turn, five three turns.

In the face of the tattoo shape that has already been viewed in the nine turn, I released my pure Buddha light.

"Are you crazy?" The sword didn't dare to read this scene in front of him, knowing that it will die, why do you want to find it?

At this time, Xiao Shami, who has not been talking, is like making a decision, and his eyes are firm.

But he didn't get two steps yet, and he was pulled back by the sword. "You also sent it to death ?!"

Hui Qing was brought to the collar, and the face of the red ear, "Hardest, please let me go, this is the decision I made with Master, I will never change!"

The sword is unparalleled.

Hui Qing face red ear, continue to open a definition, "I, we don't go to death, the big ruil is so terrible, we all come over, how can we fall in the border of the big downtown?"

The sword is not a double look, "I tell you, do you know the awareness between them? It is like a gap to make up!"

He opened his mouth, still stubborn, "Hardestin, please respect our decision, please let me put it down, this is the disrespect of the."

Looking at this bean sprout, the sword is not double-finished, and then solemnly said, "I don't care if these monks have, since you saved me, I will never watch you sent death, save a group is saving, Save a saving! "

Hui Qing slightly mouth, I don't know why, the obsession in his heart, there is a loose moment at this moment.

And this is also the first time that he has learned 300 million.

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