The heavens and the earth are trembling, sweeping.

Hurricane is formed by hustle and unparalleled yellow huge shield, this shield thick, it is condensed all turbidity, if it blocks it to cock it, it is the sky of the whole star, if it is block He can't live, he completely dissipates.

Huge ax rushes to the clouds, not afraid of any existence.

Yellow God Shield, like a thin paper in front of it.

The two collisions did not surprise any turmoil, and the ax was unilaterally crushed, and the yellow shield that was directly broken.


The last layer of turbidity, although it is not unified, can face the ax at this moment, actually began to tremble.

The show that exhaled all the best to condense, it couldn't resist it. It didn't have a way. After all, he did not let.

A unpleasant voice came from turbidity, and the sword was shocked. This ax law and turbidity made him resonate.

This battle is a giant to win.

Both have the same fate, one can rely on the secret law of the entertainment, create his own ax law, break the cage, and the sword is a little admire him.

The ax is thoroughly smashed, cutting the outside world, until the hundreds of millions of miles are dissipated.

This ax!

Sapphire, weeping ghosts.

The sword is unparalleled, all of which are seen all in the mind, and then close the panel knee on the top of the mountain.

The causality is such a wonderful, and he indirectly helped the giant, then the giant will give him back.

The sword is not on the moment, the sky is completely transformed.

From this star, there is no turbidity, some are a bright starry sky.

The giant looked at all, and the corners were humid. He didn't know why it would make the eyes and humid, maybe this is instinct.

The ripples on the body are all collapsed. He doesn't care, the next day, he lives in the sword unparalleled mountain.

He created his own text, wrote down his own business, he also learned to build a house, built a simple wooden house on the mountainside, watch the sunset daily.

Unconsciously, he felt that his body's loss is much smaller.

When his shape is gradually dissipated, there have been other lives.

There are birds and beasts in the forest, and there is a huge beast in the lake. Although these lives don't have strong, they are not weak, they gradually start to hold groups and wars.

And the giant looks like this until the body is completely dissipated in this land.

The giant dissipated in the world, but his ability to give those powerful beasts.

Not only the beast, the next 10,000 years, the gods have born over 10,000 ethnic groups, and they inherited the giant's ability, and began to participate in the giant avatar.

After hundreds of millions of years, this planet was ruled by the Ruo Monk, a stunning ancient Wanban Human Monk, with a Bing ax, dominated the entire planet.

Holy Land, East Holy Hill.

"The owner, I succeeded."

In the hall of Shenshan, a big man in the hill, a big man, carrying a shine ax, squatting in the god, jewing.

The race has risen in a million years ago, and it was still a general ethnic group because the power of the ethnic group, led the people to the peak ethnic group, with the demon, the ghost, the dragon and called the five peaks.

The big man will never forget the body of the gain of the dice. After a war, the family is falling, and the family is committed to him, there is no family of the owners, and the peak ethnic group, the territory is also shrinking, fortunately At that time, his strength was strong enough to steadily.

He is here to take the bile these years, because the ethnic group only has his strong, he does not dare to take risks and can only sit in the town.

In the end of the end, he was full of embarrassment and faithful of the expectations of the family, and did not bring the people to prosperity, but began to go down the slope.

Finally, after a shock war, he held the ethnic group and got a treasure. This is perfect for him. He will give the treasure to create a powerful secret law, fight the ancient powerful ethnic groups, and take the people to the most step by step. , The ancient people are all uniform.

This is the power of the ancient family to cry, if it is known that the other ethnic group is known, it will definitely be shocked.

Although the strength, the strength has long been surpassing the ethnicity of the year, but he cares, in his heart, the father is like a long life, he is a long life.

East Shengqiao, on the mountain.

"Your person, it is very deep!"

"This child, it's too pressure, just release it."

On the mountain, the two are relatively sitting, one less old.

"Pressure? You are blaming me!" The sword was unparalleled, and there was a tea cup and drunk a delicate tea.

The old man, even busy shaking his head, smiling "Master, the disciples dare to blame you! Without you, my family has been covered in Da'an Mountain."

The old man recalls that the year has not changed its name of the Mountain of the Mountain.

At that time, the people of the Mandarin were the most strongest ethnic group, barely able to survive, and one of the wild ancient beasts can be destroyed.

The sword is unparalleled, "Start, you are not my apprentice. I was wondering at the time. When your hair was white, I saw that this young man worship, your face is also true."

The old man listened to a hippie smile, "Master is powerful, it is definitely the high person who is not born, what is the appearance is empty, maybe, you are big, you are big, you are not a big man. Loss. "

"Haha, this is true, the old dragon king is really not big." The sword didn't double the tea, and there was a grief in my eyes.

After drinking tea, the old man is busy.

"Front, I have to leave here."

The sword is unparalleled, so that the old man is shocked!

"Why, the master is ready to travel red dust! Just I am still awkward, I will accompany the master."

Following the sword unparalleled in this mountain, the volk candle knew that he often went to the mountains, just returned to the last travel, there have been many years.

The sword is unparalleled, a pair of light golden scorpions look at the volky candle, laughter: "Yes, go to travel! But this time I will have a long time. As for you, you can go back to the ethnic group, and the potential of the boy has all stimulated. Now, the family is no longer opponent. "


The old man has long been going to go down, especially in the crisis of the people, but the sword is unparalleled. He has already fallen in the family. It is the sword to save him.

Later, the people were stable, and he was in this mountain, followed by the sword.

Suddenly, he can return to the ethnic group, and his excited eyes are red.

"Don't be too excited, I will leave this evening, but there is a good wine to eat this evening."

The sword is unparalleled from the sleeve touches a shortwood, and put it in your hand.

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