Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5126?? Feast

At night, the stars shine.

At the foot of the Holy Holy Hushan, the first big city Donghuangcheng!

Today's people, very lively, because the "Beishan Ax" "Beishan Ax" "Beishan Ax" is big married tonight, and the Wanban strong will come to participate in this worldless feast.

Inside the Human Palace, countless people are busy, preparing for a time-behind wedding dinner.

"Wow! Quickly, it is a Bai Lingman's holy woman!" A joy of a joy, seeing mixed columns, Ba Lingzi, who wrapped in the snow dress, screaming!


The old people next to the teenager, the anger, took a slap in the teenager, and lowered the sound: "The small voice, she can blow it with the strength of the true spirit."

The old man has been teaching a young man, and a smile is lost to the Bilong family, and the teenager walked toward the royal palace.

I only sighed with the Bilong family with two maids. She was very distinguished, and she was able to compare the world in the top group. Even if the strong people of the peak ethnic group met, she was very polite, but now a family. The parents dare to loudly in front of her.

"The people are big and irreversible." This is what she came to come, and the family explained to her.

I swept a look at the big array of Tiandao for four weeks, and the smile was squeezed on the Holy Hun female face and went towards the royal palace.

As the strong people of all tastes, the big feast is about to open.

Inside the palace, there are now the strong people who have gathered the thousands of strong people, and there is the dragon of the dragon, there is a ghost ghost king, and they talk to each other, quiet and other feasts.

"Lao Dragon, this feast, I have to congratulate you!" The ghost king was gentle, and the wine glasses were brought to Zulong.

A ancestral face in a cyan and wide-wide robes is strong, knowing that he asked: "White old ghost, today is the big marriage of Dongjun, you congratulations."

"Hey! You are so much, you don't know if you don't know that Dongjun's his mind has your dragon's blood, according to the generation, you still have to go to Dongjun's elders."

This sentence of ghost king instantly attracted a few strong people on the peak ethnic group.

I saw that Zulong did not refute, and I leaked the envious eyes.

Dongjun broke through the strong, and has reached the point of incoming thinking. If it is a hand, everyone is not his opponent.

And before a few days, the mysterious top ethnic ancient gods were all destroyed.

The rumor is that Dongjun is destroyed, and there is no blood.

This makes all the big elegances, they understand that the people are no longer blocked, the strength of Dongjun is not what they can resist.

Nowadays, I don't know how many years of Zulong and Dongjun have a relationship with Dongjun. I am afraid that the status of the dragon family in the peak family is more stabilized.

Everyone naturally formed a wave of Zulong, but the ancestral live for so many years, I wouldn't know that this is a blend, and I am busy singing.

"All the people, the strength is respect, although my Dragon girl married the people, I didn't dare to claim to be elders in front of Dongjun! And I met Dongjun acquaintance, I feel that Dongjun is only loved by the ages, and it is the same as it. "

The ghost king's mouth is hurting. He fights with Zulong billions. Nowaday, the Zulong has cheaper and still sells him, let him feel the heart and their own, in the heart of the saints, how this kind of good thing, he can't meet .

"Zu Long brother, I can't talk about it. I heard that Dongjun is very respectful to the east. It has always been living in the middle of the world, and even the ancient people are also because the Battle of the Middle East is the ancient Shen family calculation. If it is a party On that, you are not the elders of the East. "

"I am talking with Dongjun, I naturally want to serve the east, you really don't say anything, I am very admired by East, I am very admired."

Zulong smiled, he knows that it is a ghost king that is chaling, and how many years can be lost, and how can he have a long life, and today he is the ship of Dongjun, and it will naturally have a chance to find it. Field.

Sitting in the top of the top of the peak ethnic group, the face smiles, they are understood, why can this ancestur can survive from the ancient times, because the face is thick.

The ghost king saw him so he didn't have face, and he was not self-discipline, and he watched him.


Before the palace, a row of red giant drums shook!

"Time to!"

With a sharp sound, Dongjun waved the void, holding his wife's hand slowly into the palace.

All nationalists have got up.

"Congratulations to East!"

"Congratulations to East Jun!"

"Congratulations on the brothers!"


Wancha worshiped, why is it spectacular!

Dong Jun turned his wife and walked a wife, and he leaked a smile. At this time, he could make a crown. It was not a frown of a wild, and the whole person looked also to be happy.

Step by step to go to the top of the temple, then turn around and hold the box!

"I am very happy today, I am very happy to participate, I am very happy!"

Although there is a courteous, Chan Jun's domineering is also shocked by everyone in the temple, but still laughs with a cup.

Just when Dongjun took the wife's hand, when turned, a residual shadow flashed, and there was a young person.

Young people have a black robe, long hair shawl, and there is God.

Come is a sword!

Hundreds of thousands of people have been the first time in front of these strong people. At that time, the rescuing candle is just a law, after all, these so-called strong people are too weak, do not need real body, it is a law It has the strength of Dagan, and it is enough to destroy countless planets.

His appearance is really shocked!

Today, the big marriage of Dongjun, they did not expect some people to come to the field.

The position of the sword is unique to the Dongjun deliberately empty, on the wall of the top of the master, and the portrait of the eastern candle, the location represents the ancestors, which means unimaginable.

Because he appeared, there was no power to fluctuate, the outsider couldn't see his strength, and many people sitting below, waiting for the drama.

Dare to run to the people's civil camp, this is the first.

"Such a big feast, how can the family have no elders come out!" The sword is unparalleled, picking up the koh, and then said, "Yes, volk the candle!"


A white-haired old man, appeared in the air, causing the void vibration, and the strength is suppressed, can you tear the void, or a powerful pressure, let the people present!

And the face of the coming, many people know, although there is no big name in the east, it can be a strong top, and he is prosperous with the people.

"It's a volkage, he is not dead!"

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