Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5127 ?? Control Path

The crowd of everyone shocked!

Moreover, the strength of the volk the candle is now strong.

This makes them a cold, the original people have been at the end of the peak ethnic group, then the candle is falling, directly getting to the top level, then the East Jun broke out, re-casting people again, becoming the peak ethnic group.

At this point, two people led the people to the peak ethnic group, and actually standed on the hall.

Dongjun saw the volky candle like the father, such as the teacher, eyes red.

"Ancestor, is you?" He didn't believe in this moment, but he was very familiar with the breath of the volleyball.

At this time, the candle smiled and turned and turned to see the East Jun. "These years, you suffer!"

The feelings of the two are unable to express them in words.

Dongjun shakes his head, tears fall from the cheek, and the trembling road "fortunately, no longer disappointment."

At this moment, he didn't have the wind of the first strong, directly double knee, respectful: "Congratulations to the family, the people of the people," "

"The family is in love!"

After all the people in the lower parties reacted, after all, they did not grow up, and they treated this ancestor, there were not much awareness, most of them have seen him in the hall of the holy mountain. Engraving.

"Haha, get up! Today, you marry."

When the candle was satisfied with Dongjun. The late generation of the people brought the people from the dangers, recasting the glory of the ancient times. He was very satisfied, and his master sword was unparalleled to Dongjun.

"Yes, the ancestors!" Dongjun got up, even the wife, ", !"

A red long dress is exquisite, flashing a pair of fangs, exquisite facial features, after listening to the words of the husband, even busy!

", see the ancestors!"

The face of the volky candle is full, and I am busy, "Okay, Ok, Ok!"

"The ancestors, this is ..." There is also guess in Dongjun, but I can't believe it.

Today, his strength is very strong, even confident, one person sweeps the planet, but he can't walk the young man in the primary position, and the ancestors actually hurt him.

"This is the big enemies of my family, but also my master!"

This sentence of the volk candle makes everyone are shocked!


The young man is actually a master of a volky!

"You can remember the secret, and your giant ax, all give you a teacher."

The sword is unparalleled without a volkage, but he got up and looked at Dongjun.

"I belong to me?" Dongjun is somewhat!

The crowd below is a thrown, and the Dongjun is now so strong that the young man is given.

"Yes, you belong to you, you are very like I know, now I saw you inherited his clothes, I should go away."

Dongjun is a little indisambsed, asked: "The old man, is my ancestor?"

After hearing Dongjun's words, the sword was unparalleled to see the people around him, faint: "Is it!"

Following the sword where the volcanic candle missed, just wanted to open an inquiry, he was interrupted.

"Okay, I am drinking, I will go!"

The sword has no double voice, and it disappeared on the hall, leaving only everyone in the scene.

"I didn't feel the fluctuation of space, how did he leave here."

"Master!" Fu Alum muttered, followed by the sword without double million years, he knew the power of the master, but also guess the Master's respect may come from other planets, and the heart comforted "We should meet."

They can't think of this starry sky, or this starry sky is unparalleled.

Starry sky.

The sword is unparalleled!

The silence of hundreds of millions of years has long been transformed, and now he has some forgetting to all in the big domain.

He can't forget the battlefield in your mind.

The heart is in the heart, and I read the universe.

The ultimate sword, the fifth floor "Heart Sword!"

As early as one million years ago, he truly mastered the way, this starry sky is completely he belongs to him, the long river, hundreds of millions of universe, countless domain, is in his avenue.

One of the first floors of the road.

In the battlefield of the bones, he is actually aware of his heart, and his heart and the ultimate sword knife collide, let him touch the way.

At that time, I came to this starry sky, and it's time to go back.

The sword is unparalleled, and then the starry sky, then Wan Mingyi, the turmoil and derivation of his heart, it is more incredible than the delay.

The usual sword is wounded.

A sword containing the road, you can destroy the soul.

And a sword with heart, it refers to the mind, even if the flesh and soul are good, it will make people move their minds. It will be very changed in the battlefield. Once the mood is unstable, it is easy to become a breakthrough, and it is not over the spot.


After Wan Miss, the sword has no double shape to disappear from the starry sky, and there is no atmosphere.

After hundreds of thousands of years, the thousands of planets under the stars had a collision, a war in the billions of years broke the calm of the starry sky, a big man holding a giant ax, stand out from it, has achieved the emperor, After an era, the starry sky has been in this way, creating a big world, incorporating countless planets, and made a hegemon.

However, these are later, and today's swords have returned to the battlefield.

Big wild, outside the boundary.

The body of the corpse spreads all over the void, and the ancient bronze hall sounded a road!

The ancient dollar holds a spear, one hand pinching the head of the white, one step, coming to the dry side.

"These baldness are really ignorant!" The ancient dollar said, directly pinched the white clean monk in his hands.

The little horns in the edge of the battlefield is trembled. He can feel that the masters are falling, but he does not dare to look at it.

The corpse of the surrounding corpse has already surrounded, but the sword in this time is unparalleled, and it is still close.

Die and the ancient dollar took this kind of time, and then stepped out, it has already arrived outside the sword.

"This person has a feeling of true Wuyang, I will kill him, as for the little baldness, I will give you." The ancient dollar did not discuss the tone, even if the dryness was strong than him, he didn't care.

In the era of ancient times, he would fight the quarter of the Lord, he is not the strongest in the nine-way Damadan, but he is the most crazy.

In addition to the Lord, the big Dami invited to be a big derivative of several big success can compare him.

In addition to these people, even if it is really Wuyang, he dares to fight.

The spear in the hand is horizontal, the ancient dollar does not talk, and it has been rushed.

"Cross the thief, death!"

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