Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5132? Zhenwuyang arrival


It is the limit that can withstand this stars and is also the limit of the expansion of the Starry.

Masted the complete limit, it has embarked on the road to the stars.

One thought of the universe, but the epitome of the starry sky, if the strength is strong enough, the star is coming, to that time, the sword is unparalleled is true invincible.

But now, I have been able to compare the neighborhood of the universe. I can barely live in the big dermal derivative of the nine turn. This is the power of the path.

The sword is unparalleled to make this miniature universe to shake the sky, and all the corpses in the miniature universe are preserved.

Millions of corpses want to be as with puppets, it is not possible to go out, only individuals with six-turn large-scale dermndants are barely dragged from the scope of the micro-universe.

"What do you want to do?" Xiang Bingyun did not understand, why did he use most of the strength to suppress these ordinary corpses, is these corpses not to reduce his burden?

Indeed, if there is only one Ice cloud in the micro-universe, he does decrease a lot, but I can be entangled with him, even if there is no corpse, he can't escape.

Since there is no way to escape, then give the other party's bottom to take a salary.

"I said, I will not be as good as just now!"

His voice just fell, and he controlled the endless florencer of the entire micro-universe to swallow the void, and formed a strong sword with hundreds of millions of people. When he went down, there were countless swords and void, and every one had his ordinary sword. Power, hundreds of millions of roads, and the corpse of the miniature universe.

"You have a hand!"

Xiang Bingyun is completely thorough as a ridiculous beast, and a claw scatters tens of thousands of swords, but this sword is almost useless for hundreds of thousands of swords.

I can only look at the millions of corpse, and kill millions of big Damani. The scene of this scene made him think of the true Wuyang of the era.

Recalling the shame of the year, II Yincun is angry at the moment.

"Today, I want you to die!"


Countless corpse powder scattered in the void, like heavy snow, while the Ice Cloud will make a wild ancient beast.

The sword is unparalleled.

"Want to go crazy? It seems that it is still not enough!"

Little Shaishi low her head friction in the hands of the beads!

"Hardestins, I am degree in these big deansers, you can rest assured!"

Xiang Bingyun heard almost vomiting blood, if it was not because of the big investigation, he had already brought a number of nine-way big Daman to attack the sword.

The bronze hall.

Two black robe people sit in front of the ancient temple.

"Who is this person, so the strength is in ancient times, there should be some names, is it in recent years?"

The sword is unparalleled with nine turn, and it is also possible to combine the juniority of the nine turn. In their view, it is never nameless.

There is a great possibility to be a super power that is already famous in ancient times, otherwise it will not come to the big rule of the draft at this time.

"Hey, but I can't see his identity from the outside, but I can feel the breath of the true Wuliang, no matter how it is going to leave this person."

The knee is sitting in the knee, and he is one of the left and right care laws, and is the closest belly of the Lord.

"I want to leave him is not so simple. You and I have to protect the people of the people, can't stop again, the true world in the big domain, I am afraid that we have discovered us, it is not more important."

At the time, they were in the same year to enter the boy temple with the Lord, and the Lord has once told it. When I wake up again, I must lead the corpse to protect the people's temple, and I can't close anyone.

At this time, it has already reached the key moment of the recovery of the Lord. If there is a pool, the two are not affordable.

"Since it is not possible, lead this person to other places! This place can no longer appear a lot."

"it is good!"

The micro-universe.

After the millions of corpses were destroyed, the universe was once again weakened, but there was no decline in strength bond after the burden of the previous side of the corpse.

However, even if the sword is unparalleled in strength, it is still unable to touch the ice cloud, and can only dodge all around.

"It can't be consumed anymore, my mental power has reached the limit, I have to open him!" The sword was unbrick, and the figure was again transformed. "The old man in the era is really hard enough."

III Yunyun shot, the bloody scorpion turned, just pulled the figure, when the sword was unparalleled, I just left his position in advance, and a sharp paw suddenly pierced into the sword.

The golden blood is sprinkled on the spot, which can be changed again, and the Ice clouds quickly flashed.

After stabilizing the body, I found that everything was a illusion, and the sword was unparalleled and the sword was brought out after him.


"Hey! For your skin thickness."

The battle of the two makes the whole miniature universe, and the heavens are burst!


Deposition in the breath of the ancient times, a new year is from the inner temple, and the two of the handsome is a meal.

"Haha, I completely recover, the thief is killed!"

That breath is rushing, it is from the Buddhist Temple. The sword is unparalleled to see this heart.

"Waste that is killed by Zhenwuyang, what can I have to recover? Today, you can't stop me."

The sword is unhappy in the hands of the god sword, and the eyes are persistent.

How many years, how many times he was fighting, that time it is not tackled in adversity, but he has never given up a chance to go today.

"Dare to insult the main, today I will come, I want you to die!"

The era of ancient times is those emperors. They are all being shine, and they are insulted, they are in insulting them, and they will insult the glory of the ancient times.

Just when they were intertwed, a large margin, a middle-aged man in a big degeneration, flicked, every moving body, all the endless voids, But this middle-aged man is a flashing body directly.

I have encountered some powerful ancient relics, and it is also directly hard, array, wrist, and the guardian is all instantaneous, and the powerful exceeds the rules of this world.

Head wears white jade high, a golden robes, face distinguished.

This person is really Wuyang.

The discomfort of the wild, he had long been spotfully, and he thought it was an excuse of the era of ancient times.

What he didn't expect is that the old guys actually control the legendary Buddhist temple.

The blame can not be able to born five emperors in ancient times, so many big Damai.

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