In the temple.

The huge cyan hall, which is spurred, exudes an old breath.

Empty, chaos, quiet.

The ancient throne is sitting above, and there are also dozens of ancient throne next to them.

Behind the throne, it is a huge mysterious statue.


After a loss, the golden feng bones ignited a ray.

"Really Wuyang!"

"Well, is this this?"

"I didn't expect that his dog's nose was so spirited, and I found a Buddhist temple so soon."

"Ah, kill him, kill him."

"Neighbor, I want him to die."

At the same time, the bones on dozens of ancient throne were all awake, and the eyes were angry. They screamed with the names of Yuyang. I would like to know how hateful in my heart.

"Broken, I waited for the big road, I didn't kill him, it is difficult to discharge the hatred in my heart."

"There is already a heaven, although it is still very weak, it is also comparable to the medium world, and there is no trace, I am here to go, I can't wait to go to the long river, master this way, I can still Improve it, the Lord of the universe is too far away, can cross the second step, I am very satisfied. "

The golden skeleton on the other throne has changed, and it is not the same. "Six crows, how do you want to do this? If you control this way, you can know that your life is hard to further."

"Sheep, you really have to control the universe so easy. According to my original universe, there is no birthplace of the universe, in addition to the Lord of the universe, in addition to the meditation temple records, who said Over? "

The rest of the rest is dark, but it is still unwilling.

They became an emperor in the era of ancient times, all with the existence of the temple.

When I look forward to the birth of the big division, everyone's face has a year with a year.

The Temple of the Disagical Temple does not belong to the big dirty. In the ancient times, the Polyson Temple floats from the void, it has come to the big domain.

At that time, the monk monks were still very rare, most of them were some absurdous gods or unique special life.

They discovered the speciality of the Temple, thus became a dazzling existence, and a smooth sailing achievement of the emperor.

In the Division of the Temple, the 18th God will become the 18th God of the Times of the Different Temple.

The 18 emperors master the death of the disagreement, as long as they cultivate to the peak, they can devour the universe and become the owner of the universe recorded in the Diva Temple.

This is also why they don't control the way of the big domain, nor departing the reasons for the big downtown.

Their 18 emperors were in the fantasy to become the Lord of the universe. I didn't expect to kill a true Wuyang.

A backup inherited from the Zhenwu Avenue, killing the peak all the way, crushed their avenues, and suppressed them in this big.

There are more powerful people in the era of ancient times, I am afraid they know it.

After being controlled by Zhenwu Yang, the big dialogue has no effort to go out. No one knows how much he is now.

"Six crows, you really want to be good, you give up, but the manduary of the disagreement." An Emperor of the light emitted.

From the weak hour, I entered the Polyson Temple, and I always believe in my discriminates. At this time, there was a traitor, which made some emperors couldn't accept.

The six crow snorted, turned to the anger emperor, cold channel: "I have a idiots, you are copying the disagreement, I have never seen you become the owner of the universe, if you really become the universe The Lord, inherited the three gods of the God, why should I give up my discriminant, go to the Woodship God.

The Temple of Dispretal Not only set up 18 gods, but also set up three gods, one hundred and eight messengers.

Become a messenger, as long as it is a candidate messenger, it can become a candidate messenger, and it can become a disagreement, inheriting an emperor, as long as the avenue will be able to become an emperor.

The requirements of God will be higher, must become an emperor to inherit, one but inherits will teach them to swallow the road, this is a big road to become the universe.

The Lord of the Universe is a legendary figure in the long-range Changhe. If there are countless universe knowledge, there is a road to let the monks move toward the universe, I am afraid I will vibrate the whole starry sky, causing endless war.

Moreover, the Temple has also established a high rule, the three gods of the gods, can explore the stars, where there is a secret of the high rules, who can enhance the high rules, and can inherit the temple and become the highest temple.

These hormips are only known for these gods, which is aware of the benefits, they refuse to inherit a small domain, go to step by step.

Don't say inheritance of the people temple, even if you just master the complete swallowing avenue, you have made countless emperors crazy.

The hall is silent,

"Okay, since the Six Crow has chosen the avenue of the wilderness, let him go!"

The sheep turned and glanced at other people, then said: "You don't forget," Zhenwuyang has discovered the border hall, and the strong people in other interfaces will soon find that if there is no one to give up the cavity, who is Controlling the gods? No one is controlling the water, how can we deal with the emperor who takes the first step. "

Although they embraced the road to swallow the avenue, the strength is much stronger than ordinary emperors, but if they have the emperor who take the first step, they have no power.

Even if you are not in the world that controls, they are not opponents.

At this time, the sixth cavity came to control the water, and mastered the gods of the Gods, which can quickly increase the general world with the help of the Buddhist temple.

At that time, it became a top emperor, and it can also protect the people's temple. As long as the universe does not come out, they are absolutely safe in the wilderness.

"In this case, the sixth rickets will be pleased later, otherwise I can only take the empty temple to escape."

The faces of other emperors are also extremely fast, although they believe in the gods, and they are extremely advocated to the disagreement, and in this case, it is still the same.

The number of emperors quickly had a result, and the Liu Crow took the initiative to control the Pacific Temple.

And really Wuyang has arrived in the depths of the extremely fast speed.

"Do not!"

Zhen Wuyang roared, he can feel a heavenly pass in the water, and it has been controlled.

"The damn old guy, I have to get the boy, don't want to take it."

His hand has a simple token, and then urgent power, spread a message throughout this universe.


PS: The new book "The Emperor" has been published, very cool, very passionate, I like to watch the brothers of the blood, now you can go, QQ reading search "Supreme Host Emperor", please brothers support!

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