
Tongtian Buddha is also moving in the direction of the sword without double two, each with a diameter of an ordinary territory.

With their speed, you can meet the swords, you can meet the swords, and you can get until the Divorites.

Tongtian's face is getting gradually gradually, turning backwards.

"There is no quantity, there can be a big cause with you in front."

There is also the quantity of the Buddha, and the existence of the emperor is the existence of the emperor. The main controller of the three thousand worlds is also the most powerful Buddha owner, with the biggest strong Buddha owner outside the sky, with three-order top strength.

After passing through the big wild, I have to enter the four generations of disciples under his door. Many of the monks in the big Si Domain are the disciples under this unmea, the Buddha's main door. The sentence "this life is willing The rhetoric of the extension of the Damoya Damadam is this unmeased Buddha.

It is this sentence, it has attracted the monks in the world, and after going to the end, it will take the endlessness of the endlessness, crossing the half of the big degeneration into the big domain.

"It is my disciple under my door, it seems to be faced with robbery." There is no big Buddha.

He only raised Little Shami and did not mention the sword.

Or intentionally cover up, after all, he will not give the Triad Bodhi, and how can you feel the sword unparalleled existence.

And he is still a must-have quantity of Buddha, and he has achieved the avenue of the emperor's master. Although the master of the road is only medium-level, it can also have the strength of the third-order episode.

"Then let's save it! How much time should you delay." Tong Tian Buddha looked at Dong Yan Dijun, and then he also looked at the Buddha.

The three people are the strongest three in the same year. When they were born, the Tianjie was not broken, and each other was the emperor of their respective Zongmen, and there was a lot of fighting, but the end or he won.

Dong Yan is okay, mastering the city, self-contained, and he has always been a competitive relationship.

There is a half into the Buddha's door, which has become his left right arm, but he can feel that there is never entering Buddha.

This is not a bit uncomfortable, and after some things that are low, it is natural. "This is nature."

Tongtian Buddha recovered what God did not say, this disagreement suddenly appeared, and he was in a big deceased. He used to hide such secrets as a half-owner. He didn't know at all.

There is no quorning these years, they have always advocated teaching to enter the big domain. He is even more unsubalypted. Now it seems that all of this has been probed.

The sword is unparalleled to escape, while the moment is always improving the ice cloud, and it has already arrived at the point of collapse.

Fortunately, because of the powerful power, it can be comparable to the emperor. If you have such a mood, you can stick to now. If you are an ordinary Dami, even if you are nine turn, it is too early to die.

"Hardestins, stick to it, I can feel that life is in front, so I will arrive soon." Little Shami said on the hand of the beads.

He is a large world of Shami. It is growing up in the mountains since childhood. It is the road to the fascinating Buddha. He is the six-generation disciple on the mountain. The most dangerous big waters, passing through half a big shortage, is incomparable to the boundaries of the boundaries, and seeing to enter the Dream Domain of the Dream, I didn't expect to just fall into the mud again.

This disaster is more than a hundred times, thousands of times, 10,000 times more than the danger encountered than any one.

Several masters were falling in the big field, and they did not enter the big domain. Even the Daman of a big dome did not degree, and now they have been chasing it, but all the way, but the time, he It feels like cultivating hundreds of millions of years.

"Not good!" The sword was unparalleled, and it was as treated.

Tick! Tick!

A sharp paw passes through the sword unparalleled chest, the golden blood is smooth, dripping on the face of Little Shami.

"Hardest!" Xiao Shaishi is red, the master is dead, the second master is for him to explode, and the three masters abandon everything that makes them live. Everything they do is just to let him live, don't worry about life and death.

I have always been to protect his big goodness.


Little Sand Maspesed a small hand of the sword, and the beads in the other hand were also smashed in the unknown.

"Why is this? We just want to live." Xiaosha Miye changed blood, released the moment, his body suddenly slammed out, standing in the sword.

Little Shami took the fist. The little face was full of suffocating, and even the thick eyebrows were trembling. At this moment he stood in front of the sword, and the nine turn was full of fairy.

"Expand!" The sword was unparalleled, all the treasures on the body were exhausted, and the armor had already broken, and the unbeatable unparalleled sword was also broken.

The sword is unmatched, and the last thoughts are exhausted to block the ice cloud, and then reach out to Little Sham, "Go!"

"No!" Little Sand opened the sword unparalleled arm, and the strength of the meter suddenly broke out a unimplete power.

Just delayed the moment, Xiang Bingyun has arrived in Little sand.

"I don't know how to live!" Xiang Bing's latter illusion disappeared, leaking the original appearance, the body shrinks to a high high, the green spreads on the body flutter.

"Go to death!" It has been chasing so long, Xiang Bingyun is also angry in the heart, and it is a dead hand, and the huge palm is directly taken into Little Shami.

The nine turn is a paw of the big fairy, even if the sword in the peak is not a hard anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-fearlessness, it is not afraid of being fearless, it is not a stop, I want to hard.

It hasn't stopped all the swords that have no eyes, and he doesn't want to die. He just got a great way. The ultimate path is the fifth floor. He still has endless future, not to die here.

"Forget it, don't escape." The sword did not touch the unpackless sword in hand, and the broken body was scattered. He looked at the little sand of the Ice Cloud, he leaking A touch of smile.

Xiao Shaishi stretched his hands and spit out a touch.

This breath and spit out of 300 million practice.

At this time, he suddenly enlisted, there was a Zen machine in his eyes, and his heart was naturally wide.

This broad-free, there is a white jade, there is Zen in the eyes, there is Zen in the heart, the only one in the heart, I am forever.

In an instant, Xiaosha Michae stepped into the way.

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