Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5138, one step, nine

"Stop it!" Xiaosha screamed, behind the road, the law is constantly changing, and there is a neck hanging on a neck behind the Little Shami.

After the law, the law is not the Buddha, nor to the treasure shadow icon, but a general monks like Xiaoshamition, he is holding a tenure in his hand, and the other hand is holding a brown stick.

"Give me!" Xiaosha Mi's thin body is completely incorporated into the way, and the same one is integrated with the same one, holding brown batons.

boom! boom! boom!

Even the sword is unparalleled, no dare, one-legged, was broken by Xiao Shami.

The stick method is invisible, but it is surprised that the sword is flashing in the buddy, the stick method.

Step in turn, and look like the ultimate way, I am afraid that only the ultimate path will be so strong.

The blood claw collapsed, the body has arrived, the ice cloud was retired, and opened the distance from Million.

"How can this, how can you block me!" Xiang Bing Yun can't believe that he has never put Xiaosha in the eyes, and a small baldness of the Diva is not a sword, but the sword is unparalleled. It was shocking by his perise.

Nowaday, this unpatched Little Shami suddenly broke out, and a stick took his strongest claw. He lived countless chaotic era, and he never heard who can cross several realm steps, directly master the complete avenue. .

Do he have been camouflage?

Xie Bingyun is shocked, but it can quickly denied his own speculation. "No, it is not a disguise, if you have a disguise, you should appear."

"Hardestins, the injury on you!" Xiaosha Jin's young monk turned his head and walked to the sword.

"I support it!" The sword was unparalleled, and the knee is sitting directly, and the body's avenue continues to fix the injury. I only need tea Kung Fu to completely recover.

Now Xiaoshami suddenly burst, temporarily blocking the ice cloud, he wants to hurry to recover the injury.

In the event of a few corpse, then an nine turn is a complete Damani, even if the little sand is strong, they have two people today.

"I really didn't expect, the deposition of hundreds of millions of years, I have just encountered two freaks!"

Xie Bingyun event took a wrist, and he was surprised that Xiao Shami suddenly broke out, as for the strength of it, it was surprised.

Although Little Shami can block his strongest claw method, it does not mean that it can match him, now the breath is dissipated, it can induce, the momentum of Little Shami is constantly decline.

Although the strength of the two in front of him, the two people can touch the threshold of nine turn, and will be cultivated by the Zongmen as an emperor.

Unfortunately, I have encountered him. If it is before, he may still be cherished, but he is caught by Zhenwuyang to suppress billions of years, and it has become unreasonable, then there is an eagerness of ancient times.

"The big arrogance, killing you, I am afraid it is true to Wuyang will have a distressed!" Xiang Yili's mouth leaked a brisk laugh, as long as he made true Wuyang uncomfortable, he will do his life.

For the hatred of true Wuyang, he has a total of hundreds of millions of years old, and everything happened in ancient times is like yesterday.

He won't forget the distant face of the true Wuyang, forgetting the era of exciting.


Endless angry is venting at this moment, there have also been a cough blood ax, which is the weapon used by him, and the ax is contaminated with an ancient blood, and has been brilliant.

The blood ax is broken down, just as the sky is long for a long time, fluttering is moving in front of the air.

Xiaosha is the head of the monks, dancing in the hands of a long boy, starting with the sky, actually going to hand in front of Ice Yun.

The two people turned into a group, and the little sand is natural, the drip of the whole set of sticks is not leaked, and the blood ax on the upper ice cloud has made him not yet.

Every time the brown long stick is swayed, there is room for protecting itself, attacked the enemy seven points, and reserved three points.

The offensive and defense complement each other, which makes the Ice Cloud want to break, I want to kill.

Small sand is calm and stable, and the heart is unlimited, and the stick is natural.

This is the ultimate path of the Buddha, "Zen!"

The Buddha's three millions of practice, at this moment, I thoroughly understand my own avenue. Step by going to the practice roads that were not going through other people, I directly promoted into the Buddha Gate, the strength is comparable to the nine turn.

So amazing talented, even if the number of Buddhas in Tongtian Buddha can not do it, this time, if it is able to live back, he will definitely be set to the first Buddha on the mountain, the ultimate path is less in the original universe. less.

The ultimate path of the emperor is only one, and it is also the strongest existence of the original universe. The ancient people's ancestors.

As for the ultimate Deman, it can be encountered. There are several people to reach the big demonstration in each era of countless domains.

If the sword is not because of the great way, go to the starry to practice hundreds of millions of years, and it has broken through the level of the Dagan, and the ultimate sword is still the fifth floor, never breakthrough.

The ultimate channel at least the seventh floor has the opportunity to meet, the winner is one hundred million, which is why only the ancient gods in the original universe have an ultimate emperor.

And Little Shami stepped into the road, directly grasping the ultimate Zen machine, from the surface strength, it should be a sixth level.

Further, you can try it to try to become an ultimate emperor.

The ultimate way of emperor! Even if you don't control any world, there are the strength of the fourth-order episode. The ancient gods' ancestors are the success of the seven-story realm. Subsequently, I don't know how much chaotic era, and then further strength reached the five-order episode.

This is the top peak of the universe, and he has hope to climb a step, the destruction of the road reaches the nine floors, and the true in the universe is invincible. At that time, the owner of the universe can be found, but this step is also extremely difficult, you need to have big opportunities, want Success is too difficult.

Now Xiaosha is a step, the strength is strong, who knows that he will take a step in one step, will be strong, this is the real Tianjiao, once it takes to the emperor, it is four-order strength.

The emperors cultivated by the top forces, mostly in the Dagan, even if they become a lot of emperors, there is only a first-order strength, and they want to control a low world. It is difficult.

This kind of emperor is too weak, it is not worthy of those major power training.

Emperor's minimum of the second-order strength can be counted, as for the third-order Emperor's leadership.

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