Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5140, the secret of the ancient times

"The wind, you said less, and the six crowd brother is waiting for me, but gives up the universe avenue."

"Sixth brother, when it is not in the fight, the real Wuyang estimates have come. Although we are safe, we can practice the road, and how can I have been closed, I still need to hard to the strong enemy, stand firm Talented. "

Just when everyone is still quarreling, in addition to Tongtian Buddha and Zhenwuyang and others, a batch of great forces arrived at the end of the wild.

At the depth of the wild, the real Wuyang plate knee sits on the knee, and the big branch only came one, but one person is enough.

The fourth-order emperor is another door, he is not worried, the only change is the disappearance of the Purono.

I looked at the emperor to the depths of the drama, and he didn't find the legendary Buddhist temple in the big dirty.

He is still suspected that the Buddhist Temple was recognized by a certain emperor. He entered the depths of the landscaping, and all the Damadi in the Diva Temple was close to the town.

He rushed at the end of the ancient times, and he didn't have the opportunity to contact the Diva Temple. The 18 emperors were blocked the news of the Buddha. When he got the inheritance of Zhenwu, I know that there is a bodies in their big diversion.

Inheritance also describes where the Temple is coming, and even the way of which is extremely mysterious.

There is no more information about the discrimination, but there is a little true Wuyang confident that the emperor who enters the Diva Temple is true.

At the end of the era, as he is so powerful, he also knows that in addition to the big sect, there are other domains, and other domains, the emperor is very rare, and the surrounding boundary areas, only their big diversion is in one Time has more than ten emperors.

After adding the avenue of Zhenwuyang, he added a secret secret to the temple.

The way of the disagreement, the fans of the emperor.

Even the Lord of the legendary universe.

In order to seek truth, he killed the ring outside the domain, killing everyone, just for the Temple of the Disagree.

However, the final result is that all people have never found the Temple.

After many years, he relieved, and he didn't deliberately seeking a disagreement hall. He pressed in his heart.

Until now, the emperor of the ancient times recovered, the born of the Discrimpious Temple, led him to the remember.

If only those emperors recover, he will not put it in your eyes. He is the fourth-order episode. Now in the past billion years, his strength has long been to the fourth-order peak. If it is not the sudden death of the Different Temple, he I plan to leave the original universe.

The original universe is already very small for the emperor's help. If you want to further, only the long river of time and space, there is the place where the emperor will go.

There are also dangerous places where there is a big opportunity, even if he is the fourth-order peak emperor, there is a risk of falling.

Nowadays, the Temple will appear again. He doesn't know that this is not a big opportunity. If he is in front of him is the only chance, then he will go all out.

"Step into the top of the universe, my generation is unhusted."

True Wuyang opened, and consciously locked it in the Polysman who floated in the void.

Now he can't go, he wants to wait for other strong people to go again, if he goes alone, who knows that the ancient emperor will take directly to the distortion of the temple.

He can stay in this disagreement, so he wants to wait, wait for other emperors to come, and crack the temple together, kill the old guys in the ancient times, go to other gentlemen.


On the side of the wind, the other side is a life and death.

The sword is unparalleled with Xiaosha, and the two people are still facing life and death.

If you have a delicate stick, even if the drip is not leaking, the strength gap is difficult to cross, but only a few breathing, Xiao Shashi is clear, and it is difficult to be an offensive of the Ice Cloud.

The ax method, the strength of the power, a force breaks the law, even if the perfect defense, the absolute power will be broken.

The sword is unparalleled, and he also held a honegie in the stars, he also held an ax, the giant ax can be opened in his hand.

That scene seems to have been in the past, and the sword has no double detailed recall.


Xiaosha is no longer possible, and the law starts to break, but his figure has been blocked in front of the sword. He never retired half a step, even if the flesh is broken.

"Call ..." The sword is unparalleled, and the injury on the body has recovered the seven seven or eight eight, and the heart and mental strength need time to accumulate.

However, the mood of the sword is now changing under the success of the success, which is very good for the world's fifth floor of the fifth floor of the ultimate sword, especially the road, it needs to be bored, in the stars, he has already mastered the billion After a long time, it can be improved to the third level. The first layer is the state of him. The second layer is his realm of his life. The third floor is completely mastered. .

Just mastering the three-story, the universe of the sword is unparalleled, and the universe of the nine turn is full of big Damadam, this is the powerful way.

Usually the small road, I can realize the sixth floor, the seventh floor reach six transparer Deman, the eighth floor reached the nine-turn Damadam, the ninth floor reached the nine-turn round full of Damai, and the tenth floor It is a successful way to become an emperor.

Mastering this emperor of this ordinary avenue, although than Da Dai Xiangqiang, it can be strong. In the emperor is the bottom, and even the status is not as good as some nine turn.

In order to achieve the emperor's position, it can be seen that this kind of trail is weaker.

It is successful, and the road is also enlighten, and it is trapped in the first-order episode. This emperor is most useless. This emperor is the most in the universe.

If it is finely divided, there are countless avenues in the long-term Hanoi, which can be divided into five levels.

The fifth, etc., the first-order emperor who blocked the road, they were the weakest in the same level at that stage, but they can rely, at a little bit of simple and smooth The avenue walks to the head.

Compared with the fifth, the fourth, etc., it can be said that there is a change, and many big Damai also walks on this avenue. If it is successful, they still have another hope, once the enlightenment The strength will reach the second order of the emperor.

In the second order Emperor, they can control a low-like world. In the case of the world, the strength can reach the second order, with the advantages of the road, not afraid of some third-order emperor.

However, the low-class worlds in the universe are divided by all major forces. If there is no background, I have no chance to control the world to become aus.

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