Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5141 Three Avenues

The first two roads are the most birth emperor in the universe.

Although the sword is unparalleled to the emperor, it can be seen according to the perspective of him from some remains, the stronger the Taoism, the greater the difficulty of improving the improvement.

Although life is unlimited, if it is the right to talk, it will affect the mood, resulting in the final fall into mad, and consciousness will also collapse.

Some of those who entered the waters.

Many practitioners have realized a one in the Daman level, and they have to understand, the level of the opposite is unclear.

The emperors who have cultivated some powerful forces, the sacred, and the sons are all to let them understand some waiting avenues, the third and other ways.

This way is the most popular one of the Damai, the card owner has a majority of Tianjiao, if it is an advanced Daguanian realm, the status strength will skyrise.

Because this road is cultivated to the peak, it can control the secondary world and achieve the third-order episode.

Third-order Emperor, that is the wind in the universe, controls one world, or establishes a huge power, and reaches the roof.

This is the pursuit of most of the Tianjiao, but these Tianjiao in the fourth layer of time in the realm of Damai, at the eighth floor, the card is full of round and full of Damadam, many nine turn, the big Damai survive the endless years, I have been caught there, as for the Tianjiao in the realm of the Deman, it is not from being abandoned, the heart is destroyed.

There are too many shocking Tianjiao on this road.

If the third is the destination of Tianjiao, then the second class is the goal of the major emperors.

There will be a few dazzling characters in each era, of course, in addition to the true Wuyang of the big downtown.

The rise of true, Wuyang will be a real one.

At the same time, there were still some people who were comparable to him, and they were the second wait avenue, but the forever stayed in the nine turn, even the nine turn of the Damai fairy Span.

Only true Wuyang's road is unimpeded, and it is more short to further in short time after entering the emperor.

Today, hundreds of millions of years, the strength of Zhenwuyang has reached the first four-stage top, comparable to the master of some higher worlds. If it is further opened, the strength will have a bigger improvement.

The second class walks to the peak can become a five-order emperor. Although there are countless horrible Tianjiao, there is countless Dao Dao Yuan, but it is born, but these emperors have already left the original universe. Go to the mysterious time and space.

After all, I want to go further in the original universe, I am not realistic, and the various remains of the original universe and the treasures are also helpless, and they are not helpful. It is not necessary to leave.

The five-level emperor placed the whole time, the long river, all the top existence, where did they have more than a lot of universe? The peak of the emperor will further and ask the universe.

This is also in the original universe, only a five-level emperor of the ancient gods.

If you say that the second wait avenue is a shocking Tianjiao, it is worth a matter of serious training, then you can understand the ultimate tribener, is the darling of the whole universe.

Not only the big forces will go to snap, even the universe will give him a variety of opportunities, giving the ultimate air transport, can understand the ultimate practice, each with a large air transport.

Can get so much benefit, naturally there will be great resistance, after all, even the universe is not able to help, this is obviously in violation of the balance of the high rules, although there is no emotion, consciousness, like weapons Icy, but it will self-regulate the balance within the universe, it seems that the ultimate way is not the so-called genius, but the poor person who is hopped by fate, so the high rule will attach these practitioners.

The sword is unparalleled, and the opportunity is constant, naturally it has got the universe to the high rule of gas.

From the ultimate the fourth floor of the Starheon Sea, to the fifth floor of the heart of the world, he first rescued the monk of Tong Tian Buddhism, and then cultivated, although it was just a secondary department, but it was able to let He realizes the path of this metamorphosis.

The ultimate channel is still recorded, but it is not only the sword. There is no double for the first time, but even the inheritance of the company has never heard.

It is just three-way Damai, and you can show this universe-rich area, and the strong intensity of his heart exceeds many emperors.

Today's sword is unparalleled, and there are three avenues.

The farthest thing is the ultimate sword, reaching the fifth level.

The second is the heart, and now his heart level is unknowingly reached the fourth floor. He has completed the heart and swords to reach the fifth level of the heart of the world. The ultimate sword is naturally revealed, and directly enhances the heart level to the fifth Floor.

The last one is just the way you just master, although it is just the third level, but it is possible to show this metamorphosis of the universe.

This is also the biggest base card in the sword, and its second is the world of heart.

Nowadays, the flesh has been completely repaired from the isas of collections, and the mental strength and heart is also gounted. The sword is unparalleled. Every time I encounter a big crisis, it is the test of his mood and mental strength. As long as the stability is These two avenues will be upgraded.

However, this is only the first time, and the sword is not double still dares to determine. If it is true, then he must not be stronger, until the universe, or it is in the next crisis.


Xiang Bingyun once again rounded his arm, and the giant ax was taking the giant ax.

The blood ax is like a dragon, taking the void, compressing the surrounding void, like the mad storm, the rain, black cloud, the city directly, Shami.

Under the powerful pressure, Xiaosha is not changed, but the speed of the flesh is more faster, and now his dermal body has burned half, if there is a loss, then his strength will fall again, when he can only follow Like a few masters, choose self-explosion, use the body to force the body, and war to the last moment.

Brown long sticks on the golden secret vintage blinks, Xiao Shami changed, roaring a double-eyed, fighting up his body's derivative to show the last stick.

But his body has lost half, and the strength is naturally declined. It has no power to show this stick, but it is still a hard-working boss to bite the teeth.

Unfortunately, this strongest one stick is still can't resist the ice cloud. Even if it is his peak state, it can only make a hand.

"Hey, give it to me!" Xiangbi clouds tumbling the strength, and the derivative is again incoming the giant ax.


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