Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5144, another trunk

The sword is unparalleled. I know that Xiaosha is hidden, and Xiao Shami also looked at him.

"The Laters and Huang have barely slammed the enemy, and I don't have the work of me."

Although he has been watching, I don't know the distribution of the forces in the three thousand worlds, which can be roughly listened, and the Buddha and no quantity are all Buddha gates, but it is not a forces.

And Dong Yan Dijun is not a Buddha's person, and it is not too dedicated to the two of the two Buddhas. This time, it should be just for the temple.

With such a group of big things, he has to be careful.

"Causality is loop, it is difficult!" There is no amount of Buddha waving, and a stream is smooth down.

"This item should have some fate with you, and it is helpful to the mood in the future."

"Thank you for your predecessors!"

Seeing that the sword has been shameful after the article, and he is busy.

The treasures in the flow of light are a shortwood, and the shortwell to the truncation is just consistent with him. Is it?

The sword is unparalleled, and he now understands that the shortwood is a fascination of the Buddha. If it is the case where there is no quantity, it is not to know that he is a heart practitioner, and it is also known that the existence of the temple is also clear.

But all this does not dare to have any doubts, the surface is surprised, and the heart is surprised!

"Well, yes, chasing you two people should be him!" There is no amount of Buddha to grab a little in the hand, just in the arm extends billions of miles, break the endless void, directly will escape the ice cloud Back.

The emperor is very calm, even the little sand is very calm, only sword is unparalleled.

No way, the emperor he knows is so many, and it is really a few less, and I have seen the real Wuyang a few times, but there is no shock of the Buddha.


Suddenly, the Ice Yun, who was arrested from the void, and then saw the emperor of the emperor, the eyes were straight.

"How is this possible, I am clear that it is already far from here. Even if the emperor is not so far away, I will catch me back!" Xiang Ice Yun is still afraid.

It is the existence of so many emperors, which is afraid that these emperors will definitely not be for him, but to the primary plan.

"Seniors, I am a big tribe of the ancient times, my home is on ..." I still think about it, I haven't finished it, I was pinched by the big Buddha. Crush.

"Dust, soil, soil." There is no amount of Buddha waving, countless fineness of the bones from the palm of the palm.

"They should not appear in this world!"

There is no quantity of Buddha double-handed ten, re-recover the original kind of kind.

Dong Yan Dijun took the mouth, and his heart was screaming: "The revenge will revenge, what is dusty, if they don't recover, the secret of the Purd of Disposal is I will not be able to go to the world!"

The waving of a big Damadam of the Successful Division was shocked in the sword, but the surface was respectful.

This strong person can only look at it, saying that he will destroy him at a moment.

"You first waited for a moment here, and then I will pick you up with the big dean of the Buddha world."

The emperor is coming soon, the voice is just falling, and the shape is faint, and then completely disappears in front of them.

After several breathing, even the breath of the emperor disappeared after the emptying, the sword was unparalleled.

If the feeling of being released, the mood is also improved, but it is very small.

When Little Shami, the body's injury also returned to seven or eight eight. He turned and looked at him: "Hardestin, thank you,"

"Everyone has a secret, there is no need to say." The sword was unparalleled.

He now just wants to leave the big shortness, and the road to the big downtown is blocked by those corpses. Now that these emperors go there to be a war. He can't go in a short time. Tongtian Buddhism.

However, I just met with the Tong Tian Buddhism, he had almost zero to the Tongtian Buddhism.

Since Tong Tian Buddha let him wait for the big Damadam of Tongtian Buddhism, then he will wait, wait for the next to find the opportunity to leave.

Nowadays, breakthroughs become big Damai, and he also has the ability to go to other worlds. When you think about tens of thousands of years, he hurts.

In the temple.

"Hey, Fenghua, you are sitting down, the ice cloud seems to be fallen." The six crow controlled the Dahe Tiandao, and everything that naturally happened in the wilderness. When Xie Bingyun was just killed, he was induced.

Xiang Bingyun has followed the wind of the gods, and the character is very similar to the wind, the wind is very valuable to this hand, thinking that he has an emperor's posture, but now I have just fallen.

The sixth decidual will not be dealt with Fenghua. At this time, I can't help but go to the oil. "It seems that it is a waste because it is to be killed, it is really a waste, and finally I didn't have the two kids. Kill it, I will fall when I arrive. "

"You." Fenghua is anger, but I think that now the big waters are the six-crow, the anger is strong, I can only say cold, "I will personally revenge him, now the overall situation is heavy."

"Haha, revenge! Who can you know who is killing?" The six crowns smiled.

"In addition to true Wuyang, there can be anyone else, so that you have killed him for a snow, do you forget that he humiliates you." Fenghua bite the teeth.

The rest of the emperor is close-eyed and relaxed, and the dialogue of the two is all sigh.

Everyone in Block did not be ashabled by true Wuyang. I really rushed out of the big company like the dog's dog.

The strength can only be kept enough, who can think of the realization of the real efforts of the truth so fast, less than 10 orders from the third-order Emperor to the fourth order, directly killing the drama, in order to get the fall of the people, humiliate, and finally all towns Kill it in the wild.

It is even more than their corpse as a fairy road.


The streak is not willing to mention the past, and it will not go to the wind, calmly speak the truth.

"What, the people in Tongtian Buddhism have arrived." The number of emperors was shocked.

"How can they know the Buddha temple, should not!"

"Sixcross, when did they come, how many emperors come, how is strength?"

A series of questions appeal.

The original ambitious, it is to inherit the people of the disorder, become the people of the universe, suddenly panic!

The Sun is looking at everyone at this time, and the choice is more and more, this is also fortunate to have a long-lasting. Since the suppression of the suppression, they began to transfer the dendrites. The recovery is even more resuscitation. .

PS: The new book "The Emperor" has been published, very cool, very passionate, I like to watch the brothers of the blood, now you can go, QQ reading search "Supreme Host Emperor", please brothers support!

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