From the era of ancient times, he felt a lot of changes in the mood of everyone.

Good high.

This is the view of these people, and the Discrimelles of the Discriminate Temple gives them too proud.

I can share with Zhenwuyang, as long as I explore the Temple of the Temple, I will not fall, and they fall into the same look.

They saw the potential of true Wuyang, but they were afraid that they were picked up by the true Wuyang, and they were detailed to block the people's temples, even if they died, they did not hand over the temple.

The true Wuyang hay is crazy in the big domain to find the Polyson Temple, and then the whole town has killed all the towns.

Greed, arrogant, embarrassing.

How can this heart may inherit the death of the disagreement.

The strongest among them is the eighth floor. The strength is about four or so, and the difference between the discriminates, even if it cultivates the tenth floor, it may not be able to control the universe as the universe.

It is better to return to the next time, I have to study the three gods in the morning.

Today, he will take the eighth floor, and it has controlled the big defect, and there have been the strength of the fourth-order emperor.

It is not better than the practice of cultivation, and he can feel that since he controls the big defect, he has deeper the feelings of the wreath. It will not take long for it. He can cultivate the wilderness to the ninth floor. Higher the world, he can enter the entire universe into the five-way.

The harder the strength, the harmoniousness of the temple, and although he inherited the three gods, it would be less part of the relative, and there will be few less!

The Liuqi strokes the left hand arm.

This is the given, a piece of arm.

This cut arm does not know that the power of the power, there is no refining and transcending the power of the treasure. Since receiving the body, We can improve several times, even if he has absolutely Confidence.

As for many emperors in the temple, each is his opponent.

After depositing hundreds of millions of years, the eighteen emperors have five three-order strength, and eleven is still second-order Emperor.

Then, this is the existence of the real time in the era of ancient times.

If it is not a three-order strength, there is still a need to rush to the big shortage, and they will be destroyed in the big branch.

It is a pity that the strength of the death is not broken. This recovery is reluctant to arrive at the fourth-order level, and the threat does not reach him.

"All, I said, I will guard the Buddha, this direction."

The sixth cavity came to the whole hall, and then he would say: "However, one thing you have to understand, this world is always the strength."

"Nowadays, many emperors come to the sky, not only the Tong Tian Buddhism, but also the emperor of other big worlds, and some of them are not weak!"

I have been steadily living in the main hall, and I opened my eyes at this time. I said: "Sixcross, what you say!"

"Yes, what is wrong! We deposit a hundred million years old, the strength has also been improved, plus the giving of the Diva Temple, and we are also in the past."

In the past, they were murdered in the wilderness, and they were instilled with their own blood together with their own blood, which was to stimulate the power of the people of the temple, and no one thought that waiting for hundreds of thousands of people in the temple to borrow them.

Their awareness is trapped in the Diva Temple for hundreds of millions of years. He has been practicing the discrimination of the disorders. It has naturally got a lot of improvement, and he has got a lot of treasures from the festival of the Buddhist temple. Although there are many emperors. It will not be as desired as the ancient times, and even the strength of the resistance.

"Okay, then I am ugly, I am in the forehead, I will control the big shortage, we will set the battlefield, there is no opinion!"

"This is nature!" Everyone nodded.

"If you play, you listen to me, this is no problem!"

At this time, the atmosphere in the temple began to decrease, and everyone closed.

"Six crows, don't be too much, we all inherited the god of the discrimagulus, although you are now the Lord, you can still or wait!"

The opening is the wind, the emperor, and the other can endure the six crows, but the six can't bear it.

Since inheriting the discrimpic Avenue, they are not a proud of the ancient proud, now let them see the six opows of the face, if it is able to serve soft, they have long been pulling the real Wuyang, and it is still a turn.

"Dear, then do you still don't understand now?" The Sun did not have tough, he was very clear, and he was tough, the more tough these people, the more opposed it.

Calling at all, you can only convince the skin.

"The thief of Runyang should be published in the Temple, and I said that everyone in the original universe is all known. It is likely that in the near future, even the strong people of the universe will also have the existence of the temple. "

The sixth cavity took a deep breath, and then said: "The terrorist existence in the long river of the time and space will be due to the original universe because the boy temple came to the original universe, and he said that now, there is five four four. The Emperor of the Emperor, and this is not a day. "

"Five Fourth Order Emperor!" Everyone took a breath.

Originally, they thought that there were several emperors of Tongtian Buddhism.

"Tong Tian Buddha in Tiantian Buddhism, the true Wuyang of the big Si Domain, there are two strange faces. In addition to these four emperors, there are seven third-order episodes, 16 second-order episodes, the big Damai level Don't say it. "

The Sun is re-sitting on the throne, and finally said: "I don't care, there is a big shortage, there is an endless body, as long as you get them into one, they can't help it, I will be palained, I can feel this. Say your life, I don't have anything. "

The Tempse of the Division is divided into two temples, and they can only rely on the altar, and they are not big, or they will not be killed by Zhenwuyang Town.

Now the sixth cavity become aunt, which is controlled by the wild, not afraid that the foreign emperors, but they are not the ancestors, the strongest is just a very common fourth-order emperor, hiding there is no place to hide, now I have to escape.

"This damn true Wuyang, is he not afraid of the midst of the people of the people?"

"It's too much to inside. He now can't make us, but it will bring a big batch of emperors."

"He didn't change it."

"Still shameless before it!"

"Dear, now we need to unite, fight against foreign enemies." Tao Gong stood up, he understood the intention of the six crow, although knowing that he would have to stand up.

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