Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5149 talks?

Along with the roar of dissolving, Dong Yan Di Jun is completely fallen.

The existence of the top three in the three thousand people can be ranked so fallen. The East Dijun is the way of the evil, this is not good, and it is not bored, this fall is a real fallen.

In the Tongtian Buddhist world, because of the same heaven, Dong Yan's cognition is too small for the fourth-order episode.

Although the original universe is large, the third-order episode is still a few, and now I don't fall in a tea.

The birth of the Polyson Temple is the beginning of a big era. This era will be the node of the entire original universe.


Tongtian Buddha main hands and ten, low eyebrows, superficial soul East.

"Tao Gong, crack the big array quickly." The sixth romance strongly moved!

Open the big array, he will be a big kill, accumulating hundreds of millions of years of anger, he wants to turn the street into a compartment, killing all those who peek at the Pesticia Temple.

The Hong Kong Avenue descended from the sky, and an emperor fate made his death in a big one.

If the town kills a fourth-order episode, his strength can also increase.

The six-crow hand holds the void, and a dead gas is invading the whole void.

The wind that has been pressed against the wind seems to be afraid, I don't wait to go to the battle, and he immediately broke the Damadam.

He wants to escape!

The waste can't stop the Sixth, Tongtian Buddha is not going to the void. Donglin is to protect the waste. Do not do it. He has begun to suspect that this group of guys is jointly accounting.

"Wind, don't!"

Really Wushou is a sound, once the big break, they will die faster, the void is unsappur, not only they can transient, the six crowself can be transient!

"It's a idiot!" The real thing is low, and the general trend has gone. He doesn't matter if he is alone. Others can be miserable. Tongtian Buddhism is going out, now Dong Yan is already falling, and I will be afraid to fall. More .

Donglin God's eyelids beat, he didn't do it again, and it is afraid that it will die in the shortage.

At this time, he had to go!

"Sixcross, your opponent is me!" Donglin Shenmi glanced, behind him appeared six purple rhombic crystals.


The huge white stone throne appeared at the foot of Donglin, and Donglin stabilized the throne, and the purple diamond crystal flew into the gods.

This is the Zijing throne left by the remaining in the long river of time and space.


The six purple rays shot from the throne, and the speed of speed is no chance to go to the ground, the purple light passes through the death of the sixth romance.

The rays of unbreakable, the death of the Sixth Covered, there was a six-way cavity.

The flesh that has nothing to do with the Daman is turned into a moment of purple light. This makes the six crows, but he has endless derivation, he can't make anything, the cavity is faster, his body is also a step. When the wind did not show an instantaneous move, he pinched the body of the wind.

"Windy, where are you going?" The six crow scared and then suddenly a force.


The wind that he was pinched into a black smoke, and then disappeared.

"Is this?" The six worship is surprised, this big defect is his way, this wind can be converted to the body under his eyelids, and he caught a energy framed.

After being played, the streak roar, the figure of the sky disappeared in the original place, and he had lost the time of chasing the rules, and now I have to deal with the powerful emperor of the power.

"Separate!" Donglin roared.

He has the most in the hands of him. Most of the Buddha Tong Dijun in Tiantian Buddhism is divided. If you die, you will lose a flesh and some treasures. There are not a few people who have a difference, and it is really dead.

As a small number of higher worlds, Donglinjie has no other high-rise world.

He is the only fourth-order epidermond in the Donglin Dynasty. There is only a few third-order emperors, and this is born. He is not willing to bring too many emperors, but these emperors don't want to go further, he wants I can't stop.

After all, in front of the road, strong people will fight!

Such a great opportunity, who will give up.

Who will give up because of danger, if you are afraid of death, they will not stand out from the billion million Dagan.

"You can't escape!" The Six and the shape of the monarch appeared in many emperors, and he also had a dead sickle.


Transients also need a flash world, that is, this is a very short time, the sixth rock, the sickle, and the number of emperors fallen.

Some of the reactive emperors, only left half of the flesh, the other half, but the other place appeared in the water.

Sick sickles exuded, all will be swallowed in life.

The emperor who is in his body is mourning and not gland.

The remaining Many Emperor have been transiently moved, and the Tongtian Buddhism is not choosing to escape, and their shapes have hidden in thousands of treasures.

There is no quantity Buddha turned his head to see the last one of the people, and the figure disappeared in the thousand treasures.

He and Tongtian Buddha have been fighting for countless years, and now I understand, if you want to kill him, I am afraid that he will die.

Donglin God Emperor is red, and there are his disciples and people in the emperors of the emperor. At this time, it will die.

The road that has already taken off the opening of him, he wanted to save.

"It is best not to want to do it, so I am good for you!" Taoizheng smiled.

Their wars they got a great victory!

The Tongtian Buddha above the void also slowly descended the body shape and came to everyone.

"Dear, talk!" Tong Tian Buddha will surround the thousands of treasures of the Polyson Temple, smile.

"Talk?" Tao also squinted.

"Talk!" Tong Tian Buddha is very firm.

True Wuyang is standing around the most.


If some talks, these old things will not die.

Even if they want to talk about it, they will not talk to him.

The hatred is too deep, they have not been talked.

"Talk about your condition!" Taoism casually!

At this point, you turn the right to the right to say in his hand.

Although the Six Crow is the strongest battle, it is the Daozu of this world, and the emperors in the Diva Temple have been pushed out, let Tagong represent them.

I can only stand on the side now, let the road gong to negotiate.

Tongtian Buddha looked at the true Wuyang in a glance, and looked at Donglin.

"Let him solve him first!" Tong Tian Buddha face with a smile, Yao Yao finger.

Donglin God is very shocked, then angry "Tongtian you are crazy, you have to join hands to deal with me!"

True Wuyang is also a glimpse, and the heart is dark in this day!

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