Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5150, you are as stupid as before.

Tongtian Folo Lord refers to the emperor of Donglin.

The remaining fourth-order episodes in the scene are three-to-two. Even if they can't lose, they can retreat, those emperors die, and they still have no big problems.

Now that the Buddha is about this, the part-time job is his old life.

"Tongtian, you are not crazy, cooperate with them!" Donglin God also panicked.

He is the master of the higher world, although there is a difference, this is the strongest main battle, the secret treasure belt is great. If this is the fall, plus the lost emperor, then they The Donglinjie will be difficult to stand in the surrounding domain.

"Donglin, you are lending the name of the emperor's name, and I have to report this for yourself!" Tong Tianfu has leaked the fierce face.

"Dong Yan is the emperor of my three thousand worlds. It is also the Daozu of the East Dynasty. Now, I will follow me to seek a chance, but you are killed."

"You let me go back how to explain!"

The fierce light of the Buddha is progressive.

The six cows looked at all the minds of thinking. He did not dare to ensure that there were a few words in the sky.

Dong Yan's death is indeed related to Donglin, but you can't rescue at the critical moment!

In his opinion, this Tiando is a smile, which is to weaken the fight against the scene.

If they don't lose, I am afraid that they are besieged.

"Why, don't you play?" He hesitially hesitated.

At this time, they can't support him. After all, they are all for the disorders, if they are killing a fourth-order episode, I am afraid that you can shock more than a small.

After all, there is only a five-order epidermond in the original universe. The ancient gods are very distant, even if they use the treasure to the treasure, it takes a long time.

Now, most of them can be rushed here, most of them are the surrounding emperors and big fairy.

First, these people have been handled, let the dead spirit swallowed the dead, reaching a complete realm, when the power of the Division of the Temple is brought into the big mans, even if the five-order Emperor is coming, they also work around.

Tao Gong first looked at the true Wuyang, and then nodded toward the sixth cave.



Taoism took the lead in shot, and the dust bluntly covered the sky, so that Donglin God fled that there was no place to escape.

"I will stop Zhenwuyang, you have faded Donglin, which is rapid."

The fourth-order episode is only the strength of the field, and several other emperors are the fourth-order normal level, especially the Tongtian Buddha, inherited the origin of the higher world. Although the road is only the secondary world, the home of the higher world is still let him The road is powerful.

"Tongtian, you are not shamed!" Donglin God fled, and one person faced the two four-level emperor of the sixth and Tongtian Buddha. The body was quickly played. Torn by the six rickets.

The road is in the distance to suppress the empty, and the road to the real Wuyang is stopped.

"Really Wuyang, don't worry, I will turn to you later." Taoist laughed.

Tongtian Buddha is looking at them, secretly telling them that as long as they join hands to kill Donglin, they will help them to deal with true Wuyang.

This is why they work with Tongtian Buddha.

Even if the Tongtian Buddha is angry, the combat power on their scene is not weak in each other, and the situation is not far from the current situation.

As long as you kill Donglin, even if you have repented, they can use the Difficulture Temple to contain Tongtian. The six cavity can be siege to besieged the true Wuyang, and the real Wuyang is fear, and reports the hatred of the year.

"Tao Gong, you are as stupid as before." Zhenwu Yang leils the evil charm.

In the voids in the distance, Donglin God is imitation, directly detonating this fear.

The four-level emperor's self-burst is very horrible, and the endless white gas waves are rolling, even if the third-order Emperor will be turned into it.

The Sixth as the fourth-order episode, with the big man, the death of the dead, can reach the first threshold of the fourth-order top, but can not dare to fight, and then go back to retrore.

"Tongtian, the net." True Wu Yang was cold, and the body was on the sky.

Tongtian Buddha, thousands of treasures, body, body, no damage, heard the emotion of true Wuyang, sigh, "good!"


Distance to the void outside the battlefield billion.

Little Shami and the sword are unparalleled with the Tongtian Buddhism.

Suddenly a horrible breath came from the direction of the distant bodies.


The air waves are rolled, and all the voids of the core of the wilderness are all smashed, and countless horror spatial cracks cannot heal for a long time.

"Is this a means of emperor?" The sword was in a double heart.

Being 100 million miles can be hurt by the breath.

Fortunately, the people in the scene is the top of the nine-way Damadi. As for the sword, the unparalleled and small sand is the ultimate way, the strength is not weak than the nine turn, and it can bear this breath.

"This is too horrible!" The nine turn of an east righte is not exclaimed!

Originally, they gave an emperor to guide the way to find a normally, and they were very excited when they were always very excited.

I feel the breath fluctuating, they all have a bad hunch.

"Sure enough, it is not so simple to get the big demonstration to become the charm of the emperor."

"How, Jiusan brother is afraid!"

Talking is the first night from the East Damage, the strength of nine turn is full of Damani, and the strength of this group of Dagan is in the first few big Damai, except for several emands in the East Dynasty. His status is the highest, and it is the most promising Tianjiao in the East Million Years.

His avenue is still a three-product avenue. As long as the success is successful, there is the strength of the second-order episode.

Nowadays, the three thousand people have a lot of worlds, he is a local practitioner, and the emperor can naturally control a big world. At that time, with his own way, with the sense of heaven, it can quickly become a third-order episode, one Jumping into the peak power in the universe.

"If you are afraid, you will not come!" Jiuyu is cold and whispered.

His foreign trade and swords have a little more similar, but the strength is the difference.

When I just met this group, Xiao Shami gave him a voice, do not provoke the first "Jiuyu" in Tongtian Buddhism.

The cousin disciple on this Tianshan Mountain has been successfully completed by hundreds of millions of years. He has realized that he realizes the nine avenues. The strength of each road has been raised to the nine turn, and it has been suppressed to compress the strength. It is said that it is cultivating a special secret law. Once the Secrets, he can go to the way, as long as he succeeds his way, it will be comparable to the ultimate way.

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