Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5152, Eternal Tower

Jian Damen has already achieved the five-order Emperor, I walked out of the original universe, traveling to the time and space, now the born in the Division, the Power of Eternal Tower notifies the master of the master, but it is a five-order emperor wants to be from time to time. It takes millions of years to drive back to the original universe in the long river.

You can first let them first go to the Purgent Temple.

"Wind and rain!"

Temporary Alliance's large camp.

A breathless old man flashed, and he went to Eternal Tower.

The name of the peak forces Eternal Tower is originated by the old people in front of the old.

This is the fifth-order emperor, the eternal treasure you got from the time and space, and it is also the main refining of the legendary universe.

This kind of treasure is that the five-order episode will be red, because it is made of the legend of the legend of the universe, including the universe avenue, you can refer to the avenue, can also suppress everything.

The tower is divided into nine floors, the emperor's fourth-order wind and rain dominate, only to play eight levels, and only the emperor can completely display the power of Eternal Tower.

"Chi Shui, do you want to be an enemy of our Eternal Tower?" In the eighth floor of Eternal Tower, the wind and rain of cyan robes were dominated by anger.

She is a female emperor in the fourth-order episode, and the exquisite face is often changed, and the real face of the weakness of the weak.

"There is no way, a group of little guys look at the old man, not to pull me to host the fair, and the old guy can only stand up." The red poter smiled.

He himself, the world of the hometown, has already been destroyed, and it is a secret, although there is no mastery of the domain, the strength is the four-level top emperor of the price.

"Oh, since this, that is, you have to be enemy with me!" The color of the wind is gradually cold.

She is called the magic, which is also cast, and the Emperor of the Emperor of the Emperor's Emperor is like a spring bamboo shoots, and I have been looking for the higher domain sector to control.

An emperor of a second-product avenue achieved a higher world in the SEON's forces, and he also killed the winners of Eternal Tower.

That time, the five-order episode has stepped into the time and space, the peak for a long time, there is no five-order episode, a lot of powerful master or emperor began to get from the eternal tower, the wind and rain, the main world, the strength In the fourth step, Puttong, the many strong people in Eternal Tower are very uncomfortable.

It is that she is the disciple of the day, some people don't dare to make the surface, but no one in the back will go to her.

The peak strength does not have the five-order episode personally suppressed, and the instant is on the verges, internal pressure, external intrusion, and urgently need her strength certification.

Also just the three-level top emperor appeared, let her have a dynasty object.

The third-order Emperor first killed the second-order emperor of the town hall, and then he was able to control the higher world.

Although many emperors have emerged in that era, the emperors who have been successful in the second product are still very small, so there are many union of the higher worlds, and Eternal Tower is the peak forces, naturally look at the potential of the higher world. Control the surrounding higher worlds in your own hands, there is an emperor's emperor in our own forces.

The third-order Emperor is also arrogant, and after controlling the Higher World, he directly across the fourth-order episode, becoming the master, and the self-denial of the wind and rain, and then start provocative Eternal Tower.

In your own trend, the fourth-order episode of the higher world is already a ceiling at the time, even if there is only three dominances in Eternal Tower.

The wind and rain is a man who manipulates the Eternal Tower to enter the higher world. No one knows what happens in it, but the end of the final wind and rain, the internal world has become ruins, a higher world is not destroyed.

Since then, the strong in Eternal Tower is no longer dare, and the dominance of wind and rain has also become a wind and rain.

In the east area, the emperor who died in her hand did not lower the two digits.

It is said that there is no record from the East Domoric era to the era. It is not a four-stage top, and the prestige and famous are not big. Instead, it is nothing to say. In the mid, he has a large and small small and small, and there is no relatives, so he has no discipline, so he is good.

His enemy is a lot, but most will not find him to revenge. After all, it is not afraid of wearing shoes. Even if some super forces have eaten in his hand, they can only swallow this breath.

However, this time the red water became the alliance of the Temporary Alliance, and it actually provocated the peak strength, or let the wind and rain are somewhat surprised.

The red poter is light, wearing a broken robes, like an old man, but his strength is no longer dare.

"The wind and rain, don't say so, the birth of the Disagreement is the gift of the highest rules, no one can enjoy, even if the five-order episode is not!" The red water is a change, and the face is serious.

In the Eternal Tower, the wind and rain dominate before the tower, looking at the red water of the proud voids, browsing crumples.

"Red Solver is old and dead." A three-level emperor's teeth.

They are the peak forces, the nearest, the charm of this Temple, they have the most hopeful, this time suddenly emerged, it gathered more than half of the East Dome, even if they are the peak forces, They can also have any cheapness on the temporary league before the fifth-order emperor.

"The era of turmoil, this old man lobbles around, set off a lot of war, and now someone still believes in him."

"Hey, you think those people are fools, they are all used to use each other."

The Temporary Alliance gathered in the eastern power of the eastern region, all of which were fine, and the four-level emperor had more than ten, so many strong, but it was clear that it was afraid that the five-order episode will return. Hold yourself.

Red water is different. He is a singleer, and the five-order emperor will return, and he will raise his trousers. He does not need any territory, and it can be mixed to the universe.

"Forget it, what is the main thing in the Temple, and then dragging the other part of the strong, but it is more disadvantageous to us." The wind and rain dominate the idea, and the figure has appeared in Eternal Tower. .

The people in the tower did not dare to say anything, the wind and rain is no longer the little girl who is living in the shade of Master.

"Red Water, I don't want to fight with you, let the knowledge, let everyone explore ..."

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