Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5153 Survival

Many strong people in the Temporary Union are also focusing on this negotiation. If they don't have a group, the wind and rain will care about them, and maybe the eternal tower will block the big wake into the gods, let them enter.

After the two four-order top strong, after a moment, each of his respective camps were returned.

"Red Sweater, how! The wind and rain prince agreed?" Many emperors showed, after all, this time is too much.

The turmoil is the land. Now, it is now the opportunity to promote the owner of the universe. If it is really a master of the universe, it controls the original universe, don't say that in the original universe, it is the existence of the long river in time and space.

"All the people, the wind and rain have agreed, explore the Polyson Temple, as for the opportunity of the opportunity." The red water smiled.

Everyone heard a sigh of relief, they were afraid that the Yongfeng Tower was hard.

"Fortunately, there is a red sweater for me. Otherwise, the wind and rain will not let me wait together to explore the Polyson Temple." The purpose of the people is reached, how is the red potent to say that the blacklord is the same, and it has a few words.

"Dear, now, enter the big waters!" The red water watched, a huge palace, appeared behind him.

This palace is an ordinary to Baogong Hall, which is beneficial to everyone aggregated.

It is not that they have no more powerful palaces, but no one dares to enter others to go to the treasure palace. In case it is transferred to Baowei to suppress them, then it is a lot of jokes.

If it is separated, it is scattered, or the red poter is mostly understanding them, and takes out a normal to Baogong Temple. Even if the first-order emperor can break the palace defense, this will gather together, look like a force .

However, this palace also has a shortcoming, then the speed is not enough.

The huge palace can only follow the body of Eternal Tower.

There are many strong people in the eastern field, but they feel extremely desolate, even cold.

After the emptiness of the emperor, there were countless distractions, and these distractions formed a lot of ghosts that did not conscious, these ghosts were not strong, mostly just the level of the big Damai.

"How many emperors who have died will have so many distractions." The red water opener manipulated the hall and stood at the highest expected devil.

He has survived from the era of turmoil, and he also seen a lot of scenes.

However, the Temple has just been born. They just gathered, and they didn't go in to explore, and there was a horror battle in it, and they were dead. Many emperors.

If all the emperors of the original universe come to this major, how many emperors have to die.

"Red Signs, just got the news, the emperor of Donglin Dynasty was all over, even the main battle between Donglin dominated."

"Oh, yes, there is a mission to be killed by a mysterious person."

"Wind Magic?" The red poter remembered this person, "I remember that this little guy just broke through the fourth order, no fainting."

"Yes, this fall is really falling. His world is too deep because of his way, it is directly collapsed, and countless life is full."

Fight for the chance, everyone is thinking about the benefits, from no one thinks that the failure will be in the next.

The world collapses, there are countless people!

This is the loser.

Although the charm of the Temple is large, it can be finally able to have a few people.

One will become a harder!

This sentence is the most accurate in any power, and a strong success will have many losers.

These emperors, which one is not coming from the blood of the corpse, which is clear than anyone.

After you have a strong benefit of itself, they have more desired to strong, and they have become the dominance.

After the main launch, I wandered around the group, and the group heating is just the foreigners, and the need is really true.

Nowadays, there is a chance to go to the sky, they can don't take anything.

The two sides of the strong glanced at the big ruins, and the heart is mixed.

After the emperor was baptized, the sword was unparalleled, but it was a big trouble.

Those distractions are only the level of the big Damadam, but they can not stand more!

Among them, the light is a big derivative of a lot of full.

"All the position, protect the big brother and Huqing, I have told the Buddha, there will be the emperor to come to save us."

Jiuxu is the strongest in them, the highest generation is also the highest, and now the people directly command to lay down the big array to resist those ghosts.


Countless distractions climb out from the void cracks, their body is distorted, the shape is like a small ghost, which is a unreal jacket, wandering in the void, once encountered a practitioner, it will come.

The minimum of the big Daman in the scene is a nine turn, and there is a thousand people in the world. Half of the elite in the world is here, and each of them is strong than the big dome.

If it is the big domain of the ancient times, it is enough to proud all the secondary world in the universe. As for now, in addition to the true Wuyang, every one will take it.

"There is no double brother, you follow me!" The gray clothes waved!

They only know that the sword is unparalleled is a big downtown, halfway saved the small sand Mi Huqing, the emperors are told them to take care of these two, especially to protect Huiqing.

However, Hui Qing is six transfers, but it is saved by the sword and waves. This three-way Danadian is saved. This makes them some can't understand, but it is not good to ask, after all, it saved three thousand worlds. People.

There is a little fun in the sword, and this gray clothes in front of him is just a four-product nine turn, and even actively put to protect him.

However, he is not good to vent others, and now stand behind the gray clothes.

"I will have trouble the Luo water priest." The sword was unparalleled, and then she was returned to Luo.

Luo Water is the elite in the east rigid. It is also a person in the foreldard in the parava, but the age is not large, but it is more than 60 million years. Stop.

After the sword is unparalleled, after a woman, even the other big Damadam is very polite, it is still a little over the eyes.

But all this doesn't care, as long as there is an opportunity, he is ready to open, and leave the water early.

Nowadays, he has a predict, if you don't go, I am afraid I can't get it.

After you take a deep breath, the sword is unparalleled. This is carefully looked at the Luo Water Fairy in front of him.

From the back of the back, Luo Water Fairy is gone, but this body is too loose, not careful, see it.

The neck of the white flowers, as well as some hairdresses without the disc, you can see that Luo is definitely a rare beauty.

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