"Unfortunately!" The sword was unparalleled, and these people didn't go, and they were dead.

This kind of good Luo water fairy, the strength is flat, even the ancient dollar is not as good, and it is also the bottom in their group.

Otherwise, she will not let her have no twins with the sword.

Xiaosha Micheli turned, just with the sword, there was no pair of eyes, slightly smiled and nodded.

Since he entered the way, the sword was unparalleled, and Xiao Shami had changed a lot, and the character, the mood, and the strength of the earth.

The heart of the murder is not leaking, the heart of the anti-person is not lost.

Now I think about the scene of Xiaosha Mi, he is somewhat can't believe.

If people can explode potential in dangerous situations, the strength will improve the three or five points, or directly break through the original realm, just like he suddenly became a big Damai, this can also explain.

The most powerful strength of the little sand is, the strength of ordinary Deman, from the ordinary Deman step into the nine turn to the nine-turn, although the back is falling, but the six-turn large-scale fairy is the real price.

This kind of temporary breakthrough is so much, he don't say that I have never seen it, I didn't even think about it.

It was originally used as an interest. He thought it was because of himself, now it seems that Xiao Sha is more like the protagonist.

Behind this, there are too many secrets. Sudden emperor and the horrible white gas waves, all of which showed that the existence of these emperors and the resuscitation of the Buddha.

Just don't know who wins, who is falling.

The existence of this level is handed over, and these people can't insert their hands, and they are more cumbersome.

The sword is unparalleled and slow closed, no matter how it is still important to restore the strength.

He is a leisurely recovery of recovery and heart, but Jiuxi, who is outside the crowd, is fighting for the killing of life.

No way is too much, just kill a batch, and climb out from the crack.

"Jiuyu brother, this is not a way!"

"Yeah, these ghosts are too much, we can't finish it at all."

Everyone began to have a long time, but these ghosts didn't conscious, but they did not fear, and the strength was extremely powerful. There were more powerful with nine turn.

After the nine-year destroyed nine-way, the nine-turn, the ghosts were godged, and the heart was around and sank.

"not good!"

At the same time, on the other side of the water.

The temporary set of red water alliances and Eternal Tower are very relaxed, there is a large number of emperors to open the road, do not have to be desperately desperately intensive.

"This big thing is also so dangerous." The girl in the dream circle squatted on the hall of the hall and looked at the ghosts that were shocked by the emperor.

"You have no old ancestors, we face so many ghosts, don't say to find the people Temple, just want to live in this place." A middle-aged Dagan, frowning.

He didn't know that the old ancestors didn't have, let them live in the big Damadi in the big dream world to find the Polyson Temple.

No matter whether it is a big Deman or an emperor, it will start a change in a mood in the mood behind it.

Vacuum crack.


A dark snake wandering in the void flaw, the top of the big snake head has a black horns, and the huge eyes turn few times to continue toward the front.

"People are still not enough!" The top of the big snake suddenly had a black smoke, and after the smoke disappeared, a middle-aged person stood in the top of the big snake.

He is a white robe, wearing a high crown, and there is a purple scorpion.

When the big man was just fluctuated, he was far away, but he was not in this universe at that time.

"Is this selection to have been abolished? The 18th God will all be killed, the strongest god will actually be the level of the fourth-order emperor, the face of the master is lost by this group of people." Middle-aged people station Sliced ​​on the big snake head.

"Black dish, your heart is getting more and more interesting."

The middle-aged people touched the horns of the big snake, and the purple scorpion of the eyebrows kept turning.

"Since I woke up, why not see me!" The middle-aged people fell to the dark corners of the void clip.

The dark corner is dead, the words of middle-aged people have just fallen, but they have come out of a hunchback old, and he also mentioned a pole.

"I am the old owner's servant, not your servant, you have to clear!" The hunchback old man put the lights and swayed to the middle-aged people.

This question is in the answer, there are too many secrets, but unfortunately in this clip, in addition to them, there are no other people, even if the five-order emperor, it is impossible to conceal them.

"Your dog slaves, secretly let the temple recovered, I thought you can let the waste go to a few steps, the result is that I have just been dead!" Middle-aged people overlook the hump old man, ridicule.

He floated with the blessing hall to the original universe from the long river in the long run. At that time, he was seriously injured. He has been deposited in the void clip until it is now not completely recovered.

I still thought about let those gods will inherit the law of the disagreement, from the Difficulture Temple, he kills those inheritors, capture treasures.

But I didn't expect these people too much waste, and the temple of the Difficulty Temple was almost reincarnated. I didn't even have a five-order emperor.

It is necessary to know that the inheritance threshold of the Disposal is very high, the so-called 18th God will, but the watchdog of the outer hall, only after the five-order episode, can enter the inner temple.

Unfortunately, these waste did not reach the five-order emperor.

"Okay, a few nonsense. I am the only disciple of my discrimination. His treasure will belong to me, say you have a lot of treasures from the inner temple, I don't have too much, enough for me to restore strength." The middle-aged man said that selfishness and greed were exuded, and it was extremely overbearing, and there was no face for the hump old.

"Wu Zuo, I am not given to you, you have to inform you, you have been named by the Diva Hall." The hunchback old man slowly said that his face did not change.

"Reference? You also eliminate my name, you are a guardian." The middle-aged man named Wu Zuo, couldn't help but roar.

What I prefigure in Wu Zhi, but I still can't believe it. After all, I am nothing today. If the Buddhist Temple will be renamed him, how did he go fishing.

The calm of the old man's face is gradually disappeared, and it is a dead gas. This breath makes the pleats of the gully.

Used is not retired from the autonomous Dynasty.

"I am not qualified to reflect you, but the true spirit in the Diva Temple can be!" The hunchback old voice is cold, it is like a sharp blade in the cold wind, and a mouthful of embarrassment into the chest.

PS: Today is one more

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