I heard the words of the true spirit, and the uncers of Wu Z. The whole thing was shocked. "How can it be, the true hurt is also heavy, how can it be awake?"

"I have already brought it, the rest, you are not qualified." The voice of the old man is just falling, and the shape is slowly refunded.

Before leaving, the hunchback of the hunchback seems to think.

"Right, the true spirit said, look at the old master, give you a chance. You can accept the trial of the Pestician with other practitioners."

After leaving this sentence, the hunchback old people completely disappeared in the void clip.

"Accept the trial!" Wu Zuo face change.

He used to be a discord of disciples, very familiar with the trial of the Polysman.

The trial of the Diva Temple is not to see how much you have benefit, the threshold is high, and the requirements for potential are also extremely high.

When he was in the peak, he touched the six-order threshold. Nowadays, the injury is not solved. He is only five-order top level, although it is extraordinary, but he is clear, he has no potential.

In the ancient times, he as a disciple of the disagreement, listened to the star of the stars, and the strength was still in the fifth-order episode.

His way is the same, it is a special avenue in the second product, which combines two ordinary second product avenues.

In the future, it is expected to pay, but unfortunately, I have been in the fifth-order emperor, and I will have a sixth-order rule, but it is difficult to control.

The latter is silent, and his strength is not eye-catching in the disciples of the discrimist, but the disciples have survived from that disaster, followed by the bodgent temple. The original universe.

"This is good, the province's use of those waste." Wu Zuo face is full of junior.

With the strength of him, he is not afraid of any strong person in the original universe, the wheel talent potential, except that the ultimate emperor, he tried to exceed him.

After all, the ultimate emperor is too small. In the ancient times, the territory of the ultimate emperor is extremely high, and even the gods are favored by them.

At that time, the ultimate emperor in the many universes in Chang Hano, most of them worshiped under the district.

However, these people are falling, and they are strong, such as the three gods, and the existence of the universe is silent.


Wu Zuo tears the void, nor does it hide the Tibetan to go directly to the Division.

The true trial of the true spirit of the true spirit will begin, so that the inheritance accepted by the Dorsetan View is just the ordinary inheritance of the outer temple.

At that time, the true spirit did not recovered. The treasures they got were limited. Now the true spirit is recovered, the inner temple is open, this is the true inheritance of the Polyson Temple.

There are countless treasures, strong inheritance, and discriminates have collected the treasures of endless years.

At this time, the bodies are outside the temple.

A tower is slowly stopped, which is the Eternal Tower in the Wilderness.

The size of the two is not large, but the breath is like a heavenly difference.

Eternal Tower is like a battleship in Wang Yang, a huge income, with the momentum of conquering the entire sea, and the breath of the Buddha is like a whole, and the people are available.

As for the temporary set, the red water alliance is like a turtle, the end of the warship, wandering in Wang Yang.

"These people's movements are really fast!" Tong Tian Buddha sat quietly, and a flash of Eternal Tower and the Red Waterfruit Alliance.

The eyes of the six crow are popular, and there is no meaning of Tong Tian Buddha.

Recalling the battle, he is now a little!

At the beginning, Tiando and them cooperated to the town to kill Donglin God, everything is smooth, and the true Wuyang is in the same time, and he and the Tongtian Buddha plus the people of the Diva Temple. .

As he thought that the situation was twisted, Tong Tian Buddha suddenly wrapped the entire district with thousands of treasures, and he entered the inside of the Pestician Temple through the moment of thousands of treasures.

This makes the sixth cavemen can't work hard, while low-end white horrible waves, I will repay my bodies.

The same is true, and sudden outbreaks suddenly, I took the road, and I used two people, and I also entered the Buddha Tempo.

Later, it was the sudden breath of the Past Temple, and then the emperor was found.

The change in the temple has made him a surprise with Tao Gong and a surprise, and the Ap of the Polysman after the skyrocketing has a sacrifice. It is obviously different from the past.

But two people can't enter, and the whole people have been wrapped by thousands of treasures. When they arrived in their two, the true Wuyang who entered the boy temple was suddenly transmitted.

Two people still have brown blood, and conceivable, everyone is afraid.

Losing the protection of the Polysman, a group of second-order three-order emperor, the truth, Wuyang and Tongtian, completely the descending of the slaughter.

Although cultivating the death of the disagreement, each of them is extremely strong in the same order, and they can't resist the top four ends of the top four-level.

When I was in the temple of the true martial arts, the two were not working, and I sat in the void, which made the six crow and the Taoism. It can be played again, but only in this confrontation.

"It's really slow enough." True Wuyang is impatient.

After they entered the main hall, they kill those emperors. Subsequently, they did not succeed with how they refined the temple, and there were no treasures inside.

Just when the two were prepared to force the sacrificial platform, an ancient breath was exuded out from the middle, condensed a powerful true spirit. They did not move in front of the true spirit. After that, the black was passed out later. Pony temple.

However, the true spirit also left a sentence to two, trial is about to begin, waiting for other people who are waiting.

It seems to be waiting for these people.

Eternal Tower is a peak forces, he is clear, as for the so-called red water alliance, except for the red water, other many emperors, he doesn't know.

However, it seems that the power of the original universe is almost arrived.


The Eternal Tower slowly landed, docked on the fairy road, and many emperors in the road were out.

"You are the true Wuyang of the big Si Domain?" The wind and rain dominated the temple of the people, and then asked, the tone was abnormal.

When she came, she collected a lot of information. It is a real place in Wuyang, and the Buddhist temple has also appeared in the big domain, and the news is also sent out.

Now, I naturally ask Zhen Wuyang first.

"It is under!" Zhenwu Yang slowly got up, put together the fierce, calm replied.

The name of the wind and rain, he learned after becoming an emperor, the teacher from the five-order emperor, and control the first forces in the eastern region.

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