Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5156 5152? Faces don't want

If it is the power of the Eternal Tower, the strength of the wind and rain will go to the five-order threshold, and everyone is far more.

The strong people near the big domain have thought that Donglin God is the first, and then the Tongtian Buddha main demon and himself.

However, after this battle, his strength of Tongtian Buddha has reached the top of the fourth-order top, and it is strong than the general master.

Especially the Buddha's arrival, it has already reached the peak, and there are few people in the fourth-order episode, and there is such a treasure plus its own strength, enough to carry out the top ten in the eastern region.

"The strength is good, talk about the things of the people of the people!" The wind and rain are not abolished, and the big old and far came this place, and naturally, all the people are dominated by the Buddha.

Do not wait for the true Wuyang to return, Tongtian Buddha opened the saying "great wind and rain, there are two parties in the Polyson Temple, I have confront them after coming here, but unfortunately, it is not enough to get it from them. Any useful information. "

Tongtian Buddha is all ten, one one is harmless face, and people can't feel that he has just killed the ring here, and the sixth cavity and the road can't change the hand.

Zhenwuyang heard this, I didn't know how to say it for a while, and I didn't want my face. He now understands the gap between the other party now.

The imperial monarch who lasted Donglin allowed the Buddhist temple to put down the guard. This kind of conspiracy can think of it. Now, the dirty water is poured to the six crow, knowing that all the true Wuyang is now in the sky.

Even him is a bit unbelievable, after all, the six cavity congratulate how to say that he is his older, together from the big domain, more less than a little bit of heart.

Zhenwu Yang has a sutch, look at Tong Tian Buddha, and finally said.

"Tong Tian said right!"

The six-year-old bristles are popular with the two people, and they will be prepared to open. It is not understood that the red water in the distance is wrapped in a water, and he can't lift his head.

"Yes, the atmosphere is very consistent with the feeling of the Apsical Temple. It seems that these two are the inheritors." The red water is not dangerous, and the polar shape is on the front of the wind and rain, one pinching Gong's neck.

"It's too weak, even the fourth-order ordinary level is not reached!" The red water walker dislikes, which is somewhat different from the powerful inheritance he imagined.

It has been framed by the two people who have been in the sky, and now they are discarded. It is the strongest Taoist Taoist Taoist Taoism, the full face is full of red, and it is not enough strength. If this time it is possible to retreat, He did the vowed to the temple, wash brush today.

The sixth rusters have deeply, and they did not expect to actually have a shameless Buddha than the true Wuyang, but it is a big defect. It is his trend. The strength is barely able to have the top level.

"It's enough, here is my treasure, if you want to get the Polysman, first, say." I still think about domineering, let these people step on his body to enter the bodies, but I think of Tong Tian Buddha and Really Wuyang can enter the bodge hall under his eyelids, and he has no courage to say this.

The red water walker and the wind and rain give him a feeling more surpassing the true Wuyang and Tongtian Buddha. These two one one can hold him, and even there is fallen.

"Oh, I will forget you!" The red water walker smashed the road, she as the first strong in the field, naturally could not fall.


The unlimited eternal tower of the power is reduced, becoming the size of the paternal, and directly suppressing the streak in the tower.

"Okay, let's talk now!"

The emperor of the scene is more than 100 people, and the nine turn is also thousands. Many of them are elites in Da Di fairy. The weakest is the nine turn of the Si Pin Avenue. At this time, it sees the wind and rain. The devil and the red potators crack the four-level emperor, and they have leaked unprecedented tribute.

Is this the fourth-order peak power?

Cut the same order!

Don't say it, an emperor who has across the fourth-order threshold, but the six-crow can be a touched the top level of emperor, which has been suppressed.

The distance from Tong Tian Buddha didn't know much, and they were on a boat at this time. Although the strength is all four-level top level, they can be paired on these two peaks, and they don't have much resistance. Grasp, you can only hold the group.

"Since I entered the sky, I couldn't go with Tao Gong, and you killed our two people." The six crow knows what is inversely inverse, and it also licked soft.

He is also the truth, the change of the district, and he is not clear, only the sky and the true Wuyang know.

After they entered the temple, they first looked around, and the whole temple was wrapped by thousands of treasures. It could not open.

Now that two people pushed all things to his head, he is also a million headache.

The red water has already arrived at the level of the name. At a glance, it is not like a false voice. If you are really like a six orchid, then you will be troublesome, and you can move itself.

The power of the Polysman, exceeding the treasures of these people.

Even if all the emperors in the scene, all the emperor combined with the blessings, it is like this void, although it is, but I can't get it.

"The wind and rain, the things of the Polyson Temple can have a notice of the gods." Chishui is now in a hurry, can only knock on the side of the slamming.

He wants the answer, the storm, but her master is a five-order emperor, and I have been walking in the long river in the long run for a long time. It is definitely much more than they don't often come out of the universe.

The name of the Polyson Temple is very large in the long-term long river. There are all kinds of legend, and even some strong people think that the Buddhist temple is related to the ancient civilization. This is also the same, and the styles of the districts themselves are really very like. However, the Temple of Temple is only one or two long rivers.

Every time there is necessary to cause countless emperors to go to the watch, it is the way to do any ways this one of the bodies. I don't want to go to suppress, and I can't touch it. I can only see it. The temple flying toward the endless stars.

Some of these legends, the red water walker is also aware of, but he is still the first time, and the people of the Discriminate Temple are still standing.

It is not like running, and the inheritors of the Polysman are also confirmed that they have received inheritance, saying that they still have a big chance.

In particular, the five-order episodes in the original universe are in the long-term Hanoi, and now he still speaks the qualifications. If it is waiting until the five-order episode, he can only follow it, and he did not speak at all.

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