Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5157 5153 ??

Don't look at the multi-party power to invest him, set up a red water alliance, once there is a five-order episode, these people are faster than running, but now I want to fight for him with his strength, he has no power, itself The strength is strong and will get a high degree of assistance.

After all, he has limited capacity, better control, if he succeeds, it is not necessary to choose, anyway, the last is the number of people.

Most forces in the Red Solid Alliance think so, even if the red water wants to indulge them, they also have strength to resist.

This is also a thief boat, which is also known as the conspiracy trick. This is a thief boat. This is no way, but it can only be hard.

If there is no one in the peak forces at this time, he is a fourth-order peak emperor, and it will not be beneficial in so many strong people. Only by pulling one part of the power can compete with other peak power.

He understood this, both parties used to use each other.

However, when I finally arrived in the treasure, I was afraid that I would have triggered a big fight. At that time, there is no allies, and people in front of you can be killed.

In the dark void clip, the Wu Zuo knee sits in the top of the black dismissal, this black disaster is his puppet gives him the sixth order emperor.

Unfortunately, there is a lot of internal damage. If there is no previous strength, if he can repair it, he can repair it, but the damage of the body is too serious. If you want to restore the six-order strength of the peak, you need a lot of treasures.

These treasures don't say that in the universe is that there is no longer in the long river of time and space, and he can only hopes in the Polyson Temple.

This time I can participate in the trial, it is not alcohamer, once the strength restores the peak, there are few people in this river are his opponent, and he can also use the inheritance of the disorder to ask the universe peak.

Looking at these indigenous emperors are constantly quarreling, he is also a little fun, the people of the people they can break, a group of ants.

When the Temple was refining, he had seen a few gods who saw the people who destroyed a universe, extracted from the origin, injected into the Polyson Temple.

The origin of a universe, that is much more energy, even if the universe must be good, it can take it intact. If it is destroyed, a universe can do, it is difficult to do not destroy Take it down.

The power of the origin is the core of the universe, and the core of the Discrimination Temple is also a source. This source of this source exceeds the universe and can compare a few universe.

Those emperors in the big downtown are just a hall, there is no treasure in it, and the only one is only useful to be the source.

There are a lot of the halls of the Diva Temple, and there is a small source of the house without the house.

The power of these origins is all the core of the Difficulture Temple. It also contains a discrimist of disorders. In the appearance of Wu Zuo, it is the most stupid method to practice.

And these people still claim to be what 18 gods will, one hundred and eight messengers, this is really ignorant in U.

The Division is indeed by the three gods, 18th God, and one hundred and eight messenger, but you want to get the inheritance of these people, at least the strength of the five-order episode.

Nowadays, the madness of these indigenous segments is full of nine turn, and there are even many nine-way large dermndants.

They inherited the origin of the outside hall, and the gods of the gods in the top of the number will be the avenue of the gods, and they are simply ridiculous.

If it is really capable of only containing the swallowing of the universe in the outside of the temple, I am afraid that my disagreement will amaten this person's understanding, but he is falling, if it is not falling, I am afraid it will worship him as a teacher.

When everyone quarreling, I didn't find it in the void clip. It is a super power to laugh at them, and the super strong is still the only disciple of this discrimination.

"Wind and rain, don't say so, the jealousy gods have left for so long, even if they go back, even if they go all the way, it takes millions of years. If they do not hesitate to use the transfer, I need a long time, we now go in It is also to explore the road in advance to God, now you don't say some information, in case I have been in danger, this is also a big loss for God of God! "

Wu Zuo stopped the voice, and his eyes turned whisper "or said that the emperor gave you the news about the Temple of the Temple, you are privately concealed!"

The sound is indeed low, but the major emperors present, even even the nine-turn dermndants clearly heard this sentence.

If it is a mortal, it is really not necessarily hearing.

The one that can be here is not a strong top, even if the sound is like the size of the mosquito, it can hear it there.

What's more, this is what the Chi Shui walker is said, a four-order peak emperor said, if it is in some small points, it can be said that it is going to follow.

Especially the words just have to know people outside the domain.

If they really can't hear it, they can complete them completely.

This sentence is out, no matter who is in your heart, she will be isolated regardless of anyone who believes.

Even the emperor of Eternal Tower has a trust crisis on the wind and rain.

Although these people are the world's overlord, they are a peerless strong person who stands out in countless days, and they can be equally fragile in front of the avenue.

It is a comparison. I heard this sentence. If I don't believe it, I will compare it myself. If I am a wind and rain, I know some information about the Diva Temple, such as how to go in, will he tell others?

This is the philosophy on the road.

Very exclamation!

Just in a single word, the more you are strong, the more lonely, this loneliness is reflected in the battle for the charm.

The storm is the devil, that is, she dismissed the things that she did the three, can kill him, then he would never say a word.

"Red water, you are looking for death!"


Eternal Tagway is unlimited, and it is instantly flying out of the hand of the demon, turns a thousand gang size. Spend in the top of the red water.

"I only said that once again, the Master did not respond to anything in the Discrimination Temple." On the exquisite face of the wind and rain, the brilliance of the dragonfly.

From the appearance, it is difficult to imagine the exquisite girl of the body, suppress the majority of the whole east.

"Who knows!" The red water is behind the shaped hall.

"I am relieved, since I was recommended as the owner, I naturally protect you, you will stand behind me, I have to see how strong this wind and rain is, the power of Eternal Tower is too powerful. "

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