Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5158 ???? Tour

The red sailor is impassioned, if you don't understand his personality, I'm trust it.

First, put the wind and rain, now all the forces in the alliance is coming to shoot the arrow, if you really have to fight with the wind, the emperor, go out, don't go back to the main hall.

Everyone is in the hearts, but it can be said that he has to say the union.

This scene made Tong Tian Buddha and Zhenwu Yang showed a good connection.

It is not a loss of the fourth-order peak emperor, and it can do the dripping water.

Under this point of operation, let the Tongtian and Zhenwuyang are determined, and who cooperates with the red water walker.

This person does not have the extent of his face, which exceeds the sum of their two people.

There are not a few strong people in the big diversity, but also a person in Wuyang, nothing, he is okay.

Tongtian Buddha is different. He will lead the three thousand worlds. He has a dozens of emperors. Although Dong Yan and no quantity although each leadership, but now it is inseparable, they can't play a wave.

Dong Yan himself is falling again, the East Dynasty naturally fall into his hand, there is more powerful strength, and he also needs him.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he can justify his strength, but under the premise of all, it is still based on the Polysman.

The red water walker appeared behind, six fourth-order episodes, two of which were top levels.

He is alone in the wind and rain, the winning chance is only one result, and the life is 10%. Although it is not afraid of the wind and rain, it can never let the other people in the red water alliance.

"Red Sweater, I will wait to help you!" Several emperors have opened, although nothing is said, but the behavior of red water is extremely despised.

"Wind and rain, don't think we have a good bully."

Then there was a number of third-order emperors, and they were standing behind red water and several four-level emperor.

The strong people in the Eternal Tower saw it, and they also appeared.

The number of fourth-order episodes and dozens of three-order episodes appeared after the wind and rain, they also exude powerful pressure.

Although these emperors suddenly have a sudden start, but the wind and rain will be the Power of Eternal Tower. At this time, even if it is dissatisfied, it will take the pressure field.

"Wind and rain, you are waiting!"

When the war was touched, the red water was suddenly stopped, and everyone made a breath.

Nowadays, the Temple is in front of it, any benefits have not been got, they don't want to have conflicts at this time, so many stringed men's fighting, must have fallen, the emperor is not easy, no one wants yourself fall, never want I am falling.

So many strokes, even if the fourth-order episode is not careful, don't mention those three-order second-order emperor, as for ordinary first-order episodes and big Damadan, even the ability to participate in the war.

The struggle of the top emperor, any combat Yu Wei can wear them, this level of battle, don't say, they have no rights to watch.

The wind and rain will look back, and she can feel that these people don't want to fight, and they will easily say it. "

"Wind and rain, everyone is clear, we have struggled in the morning and evening, but before, everyone is best to stand the team." Chi Shui said glanced at the Buddha and Zhenwuyang, and there was a return of the Buddha.

Everyone in his heart, they knew that this old guy did not press anything.

However, this sentence did cause the emphasis on the demon, he also glanced at the people, especially the two people who were really Wuyang and Tongtian Buddha.

The four-level top emperor, only ten in the universe in the whole east area, this is absolute top force, especially the five-order Emperor, and their Eternal Tower is also in front of the peak forces. Mao, mainly because of eternal to Bao, if it is possible to draw two four-level top emperor, it will also regulate the red water alliance.

"In this case, the place is the same, I am willing to come to me. I will absolutely welcome, my teacher will return, and the competition of the Dispretal Temple is finally the five-order emperor to choose, you can consider it clearly. "There are some threats and warnings in the wind and rain.

Not only is what they said to true Wuyang, but more confidence in the Red Solid Alliance.

The five-order emperor is a day and irreversible existence for them. If it is the end, it is not a five-order emperor, but it is better to take the Eternal Tower.

"Hey!" The red water walker snorted, and the face was a little embarrassed and glanced, and then he also looked at the strong in the Red Solid Alliance.

"I don't hidden, the long-lived days in the northern area have secretly contact me, there is still a position of Tai Shangke Qing, if I am willing to be reopened, but I gave up."

The red water sound has a generous color, and then said loudly: "Which one is not the arrogance of the sky, the practice is so difficult, but also suffer from the peak power, don't be cheated by their flowers."

"If you rely on these peak forces, you go to the cannon ash, even if the five-order emperor returns to the bodges, you really believe that they will give you the meat to you, there is no background, don't dream, don't dream If the chance is grabbing, it is not allocated. "

The red water walker has just anger, and she has really fell a few ideas.

However, most of him said, it is true. At this time, we will go to the peak forces, that is, a cannon ash, the future is also the same, and the five-order episode is picked, then a part of the disciples, the meeting will get them.

Although the wind and rain is a leader, it is not very good, see this situation, and can only be a strong appease to describe the power of the five-order episode.

But the five-order Junyue is powerful, the more fear, and it is afraid that there will be no compensation in the future.

Zhenwu Yang secretly considers that he has no power, the two have no background, purely relied on its own strength, if it is a wise choice to invest in Eternal Tower at this time, with his strength, in Eternal Tower is second only to wind and rain Existence, even if it is a gun ash, the life is still powerful.

As for the red water alliance, he didn't consider it. First, because of the distribution of interests, it is not suitable for him, and the second is that the red water will be running at any time, too unreliable.

"The wind and rain dominated, in the next real Wuyang, willing to enter the Eternal Tower." Real Wutang considers clearly, no ink, directly towards the storm, the monarch is a worship.

Even the magic will also replace it more, people listen to the master

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