Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5159 ?? Taoist fallen

"Really Wugang, you can consider it clearly, you just have one person to go to the eternal tower, they will definitely be crowded with you, it is better to invest in the red water alliance." Tong Tian Buddha is anxiously shouted, and it is obviously a pair in the outside. Caring for friends.

Only true Wuyang and the six crows are clear, this Tongtian Buddha is absolutely unhappy.

"Really Wuyang, you, hey!" The red water wanders thought, I couldn't clear the heart of Tong Tian Buddha and a sigh.

"Really Wuyang, your choice is very wise, my wind and wheevan, never let you go to death without changing, the future teacher regrets, I will introduce you to my teacher, and your big domain It will also be asylum that I am Eternal Tower. "The wind and rain magic is still a pragmatic, and I ate a fixed pill directly to Zhenwu Yang.

Tongtian Buddha seeing and envy and embarrassing, but it still can't show it.

He is not alone like Zero zero zero, you can choose to choose, if he is also a person, will also choose the eternal tower, do not say the future, then the present form, follow the wind and rain, the magic is absolutely reliable .

But after him, there is a large group of emperors and Dagani, can only go to the Red Solid Alliance, and in accordance with the interests of the alliance, he can also account for inexpensive.

Really, Wuyang, heard the promise of the wind and rain, and even thank you "Thank you, the wind and rain dominated, after ordering, I will give birth to the front horse."

This is also very popular with the wind and rain.

Although he is in the eternal tower, he is not small in the hands of several four-level top emperor. These emperors are under the old people of the Tianti, she is not suppressed, now there is really Wuyang to join, she naturally I want to pull the true Wuyang to become my own heart.

In the future, I can also contain several of the old people in Eternal Tower.

The true Wuyang figure is moving directly to the Eternal Tower, and his position is close to the wind and rain, but it is half a step more than the other fourth-order top of the monarch.

Several old power of the Eternal Tower, for the true Wuyang this person knows, but now it seems to be a sense of time, and there is a smile, congratulations.

"Red Solo Lord, I am willing to bring the union with a strong!" Tong Tian's face is extremely sincere, and the book is in the same temple in the Red Solid Union.

This doesn't expect everyone, and it is also suitable for the Red Solid Alliance, and the true Wutong said that he will find it.

Tongtian Buddhism is all the right to choose, only to follow the Buddha.

Even if they choose, the strength is so weak, it is better to follow the sky Buddha, with the asylum of the fourth-order episode, and at least the Africa Alliance is not bullied.

The red water alliance is large, the number of strong people is also much more than Eternal Tower, but the top power is in autumn, Tong Tian Buddha is the top three of the four-level top, and the Africa Alliance is also superior to the top three.

This makes a strong strong in Tongtian Buddhism, just placed directly in the top of the red water temple, second only to other top potentials.

Although Tong Tian Buddha has four-term top war, but the power is not able to reach the top forces, it is barely, it is because of the great power. This is also because of the strong Buddha. .

After both of them completely stationed, everyone's eyes changed sharply.

"If you don't, you will kill them first!" The red water walker looked at the binding of the six-crow.

The wind and rain also nodded and expressed his approval.

The six-family heritage of the two bodies and the road, and now I am not willing to say the specific information in the Polyson Temple, and it is also a scourge, it is better to kill early.

"You are all over, it is not worth giving, and a group of coarse roads will dare to kill me."

There are some madness, looking at the ancient times, they don't want to die to Zhen Wuyang, and now I can't get it, no one wants to get the Polyson Temple.

The light of the swallowing avenue instantly covers the whole body, and he also takes a few mat backs.


A power that is noble in Donglin dominates self-explosion, and it has a short vacation.

"Entering Eternal Tower, fast!" The wind and rain are facial, and there will be some second-order third-order episodes in Eternal Tower.

As for the fourth-order emperor, I have already moved to the distance. Although the self-explosion of Taoism can't kill them, it will also be injured. At this time, it is a critical moment of competing for the temple. If it is injured, it will not pay.

The second-order third-order three-order, and the many strong people in the red water hall can be miserable.

Ren, how to be asylum, or there is no number of strong gas streams into the red water hall, killing a lot of big Damai, and a few unlucky first-order emperor fashure.

After several breaths, the breath is completely disappeared. This this is really fallen. It will not have a chance to recover in the future. The power of the avenue is also turned back to the universe.

With the first time, the red water walker and the wind and rain are rushed to the sixth crow.

"Don't forget me, don't forget this is my way of doing!" The six cavity drunk, with the source of the water, broke and bonded, and then held a lot of water in the past.

The red potent is shaped, and the road is just the ordinary fourth-order emperor. The six-crow can be touched to the fourth-order top emperor, and it is also controlled the big defect. It is the road of this place. If he is self-explosion, they have to be injured.

"Why don't you kill me, I can also put on you, I can also talk." The six crowbbows wrinkled, he was dead once, he didn't want to die again. "

Without the deposition of hundreds of millions of years, he can't accommodate a half pool.

He gave up the death of the disagreement, turned to control the big shortage, he was not the same as the era of ancient times, he only wants to live, then with the help of the Different Tempo.

He didn't dare to become the Lord of the universe, and it was able to achieve the five-order emperor to satisfy, this is the reason why he gave up the discordance.

"Oh, what do you talk about!" The red potent asked in rare.

If the Sixcush is really useful, it is not possible.

The main two people are different from the true Wu Yangtong Tiando. The six crow and the road are the inheritors of the Disagons, not willing to say, if they stay in one of them, they have escaped in the temple. They are buddy.

The power of the Temple of the Temple can feel it, if it is a heart, don't say they, even the five-order Emperor can't stop.

The meat of the mouth flew, and the five-order episode returned, and he could not kill them.

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