Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5160 ?? Improvision History

After all, the Buddhist Temple can never stop, and never heard of the inheritors, this opportunity is the only one in countless chaotic era.

"Sixcross, you talk about it! If it is useful to us, you can't help you!" The wind and rain also stopped.

Two people look at the six crows together, I am afraid that he has any move.

"Two, the Buddhist Temple does not have the same good imagination!" The Sixth Crow with the mouth of the mouth and said all the people in the Diva Temple.

Just as he said, the Buddha is really not much benefit, the only benefit may be, it is very powerful, as long as it cultivates a certain level, the universe is never asking, but the key issue is that he doesn't think someone Come into the universe of the universe.

"I know so much, if you don't believe, then I can only explode!"

Red water is silent with the wind and rain.

If it is true, the Temple seems to have no need for their emperors at all, but those big demon is coming, this is just a little helpful.

In the void clip, hidden in Wu Zhijing looked at this, and smiled "right, not suitable for you, hurry!"

When the trial is started, these people don't have much thing even if they go in.

In Umbowa, these people are too bad, and they will not be attached to Taoism, mainly to see those five-level emperor.

"Wind and rain, what do you think!" Red Water looked at the wind and rain of the side, now he really didn't know what to do.

Obviously, it is somewhat disappointed with the Polyson Temple. They want to hear these, but what is strong, and even hopes that the sixth caves are self-explosion, this will also be more affirmative of the treasures of the Polyson Temple, and forced the inheritor I don't want to say any useful information.

But all this is not the development of their imagination.

"Temporary him, but should be suppressed in my eternal tower, you have no opinion!" Said the wind and rain said.

The red poter also understands that there is a bad pool who is not good. Although I don't know if the six crow is right, it is that they have inherited the Temple for so many years, don't say the five-order episode, even the first-order top I have not cultivated one or it is either for their waste, or it is no legendary powerful.

"This natural, Eternal Tower Weon is unlimited, just suppressing this person, levy," The red water smiled slightly.

The relationship between the two has also been alleviated.

The Sixdrow is a breath, and the at least keeps the life.

However, it is not long for these talents to recover, and he will leave him, and there is not a somewhat rabbit to death.

If you know that there is this, it is better to invest in the true Wusheng in the old age. With the true martial arts, it is a five-order emperor, and it is also possible to shelter them. many.

All of this blames the death of the death, a person who really treats the god of the people, it is a madness, and the monk of Tongtian Buddha is general, and the mood is not.

Everything looks at the six crows, when entering the Eternal Tower, also smiled slightly to true Wuyang.

From the smile, the true Wutai is able to feel the Sixrow is true.

This laugh, the final remaining light of the ancient era is also completely dissipated.

The true Wuyang heart is not a taste. After all, he is the strong man of the big company. Although he hates these old guys, it is only the only emperor of the ancient times, and is also suppressed by Eternal Tower, he also gave an eternal tower.

How sad!

If he can control the Divide the Temple in the era of ancient times.

Even if these emperors can make him a messenger in the Polyson Temple, he will not put all them, and go to this situation.

From this time, the ancient times are not there, the big sector also entered the era of Eternal Tower asylum, and he really became a strong person in the eternal tower.

The entire universe has changed at this moment, and the ancient bids have long been disappeared. The Ayi era of depositing countless chaotic era is also broken at this moment.

Today will open the age of the discrimination.

A very light is hidden from the blessing hall, and an ancient call spread throughout the entire universe.

The creatures of all corners have been noticed at this moment.

That is the embarrassment of the ancient times, a huge picture presents in the mind of these creatures.

At this moment, all the Deman in the universe has stepped up, step into the world of the disagreement.

In the temple.

The people of the Polysman are in the middle and outsiders, which is not.

The exterior of the discriminates is backward in the discriminant, which is automatically born from the origin of the Polyson Temple, which contains a lot of discriminates and three gods.

Today, the Temple is already a universe. He not only the connotation of the universe, but also creating the affiliated world, these affiliated world is a seat.

These outriends are associated with the inner temple, and the inner temple is a true boy temple.

However, the inner temple is only the Icebergs of the Temple of the Temple, and the real core is the main hall.

The origin of the universe is extremely magnificent. He carries the operation of the entire universe. As for the practitioner but the additional product, its power is the imagination of the practice.

This is also the poor of the Lord of the Universe in the long-term long river.

The Temple of the Origin.

The core of the Diva Temple!

An old man in a body is floating in the vortex of the source, and he holds an ancient book in hand, behind him.

"I really didn't think that I have been sleeping for so long, the ancient times are like last night!" The illusory old people looked at an ancient books and sighed.

He is the true spirit of the Diva Temple, and it is also the power of the whole source of the buds. His strength is comparable to the Lord of the universe. This is also the cause of the Division of the Division in the long river of several time and space.

"The true spirit, are you really ready to open the highest trial in the original universe? This seems to be different from the owner's arrangement!" The Lingli people respectfully stood one side, low head.

He didn't understand in his heart, but he is just a lingerie, and you will come out to ask, the real shopkeeper's entire district still is true.

The true spirit heard his doubts, quite patience said "Aqi, this didn't understand this, the owner did not arrange this year, but the owner also told me, let it go, it is bigger than everything."

"Let's go back? What mean!" Shou Lingren A seven couldn't understand.

"Life is like a play, stupid!" The true spirit laughed.

PS: The new book "The Emperor" has been published, very cool, very passionate, I like to watch the brothers of the blood, now you can go, QQ reading search "Supreme Host Emperor", please brothers support!

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