Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5162 ???? Ranking

Original universe.

Countless practitioners look up at the stars, huge stone monuments are like yin and yang Er, and the practitioners in any place can be seen.

At the same time, those who stepped into the world of the United States and the world have also seen the list.

The universe gods list, partial, land, people.

The Tianbi corresponds to the emperor, and the land list is the big Daman, and the list of people naturally corresponds to those Deman.

However, the current Danifian has been shocked into the affiliated world of the Disagreement. As for the big demonstration, the bondage of the world has already jumped, and the people of the people can't make a big shock, but there is such a big opportunity, even if they don't surprise. These big Damai will come over.

As for the emperor, they don't have to say, they are all existence of the universe, and no one can control them, but they are even more eager to the people.

The ranking of three lists, from top to bottom.

The emperor of the Tianchak has tens of thousands of people, this list is arranged in accordance with the strong people in the original universe. If there are other universe emperors, will also judge the precision of the magic list, enter the list .

This is the best eternal treasure, not only the power is unlimited, but also accurately calculate the strength of the emperor.

"Fast, there is a name on the ancestor on the day." Standing on the big dream girl surprised behind the big dream.

This shouted all the eyes chased past.

"The Dream Road Zu, Tianzhu No. 97, the fourth-order top is from the medium world big dream world."

In addition to the name, there is a large string in the lower side, and the strength of the power is marked clearly in the world.

Another place in the wild.

The sword is unparalleled and others have also discovered this list, but they didn't have time to see this list. If the emperor of Tongtian Buddha is not coming, they all have fallen here today.

"Jiu Yuxian, the emperor of the assistance arrived, we really can't live!" The East Damage of the sky is arrogant, gasping, they have killed the ghosts.

The delay in the body has reached the point of exhaustion. If it is not this because of the disagreement, they all change their home to Dan medicine, I have already fallen.

Nowadays, the drug is also finished, and the aid will not come again. Today, it can only fall here.

In addition to dealing with these gods, they still have to protect the swords and unparalleled and Huiqing.

"Luo, you will come back, don't protect the two waste, hurry up my position, I can't hold it while I haven't lived."

Jiusu is not going to take care of him at this time. He can only give up Huqing and sword. Nowadays, it is now gone. Even if the emperor will blame the crime, he can justify it. After all, the avenue is difficult to go, he achieves nine turn round full of Damai It is not easy to practice all the way, can't be done because of the emperor, he will die for others.

If he knows that their East Dijun has fallen, I don't know if it is happy or sad.

Luo Water is not very wonderful. Although the powerful ghosts are all the top of the Jiu Tuan, but she still wants to deal with the ghosts of the two nine turn, although she is only a four-product avenue. It can be deal with the ghosts that have no consciousness of these two nine turn-ups, or can be reluctant.

At this time, she is also very difficult to get into the emperor, naturally, I have a big arrogance in the East Dynasty.

"The emperor is alive, can give up." Luo water voice is gentle, but it is just strong, and it is said that the two ghosts are dealt with, and they are not going to pay attention to the Tianjiao.

After the sword is unparalleled in the Luo Water, it is a light lock in the universe gods, Hui Qing is the same.

Their two are going to help, but they can just see the gods list, at the time of the spot.

This suddenly appeared stone monument, so that everyone did it, I didn't know what happened, but they didn't look at it in the time, and they were again caught.

The sword is unparalleled and Hui Qing is the light lock in the universe gods.

I don't know whether it is my own, or the universe god list helps them lock their rankings, causing their first to see their name.

"Hui Qing, sixth to Da Dami, rancing more than 60 million, from the high world Tiantian Buddhism world."

Higher World?

It seems that I don't know, Tong Tian Buddha has repaired Tianjie's source!

Huang eyes squinted, this list can expose a lot of people's true strength.

For example, Tong Tian Buddha is not aunt, but is dominated.

He himself is ranked as 10 million. This place is already very high in the whole universe, especially if he is only six transparency, and most of him is full of nine turn, only less Nine transmissions.

The ranking of swords and unparalleled belongs to Huiqing is not much, but he is just three turns.

At the same time, many strong people pay more attention to the sword.

"The sword is unparalleled, ranking more than six thousand seventh hundred eighty four thousand ninety ninety-nine, the realm three transfers Damai, from the secondary world of the domain."

Three-turn Damai, actually can be ranked in one hundred million, which makes many big Damadamies began to suspect whether the list is wrong.

You must know that the top five billion Dawi is almost nine turn. Only a few stars are the six-turn level of the big Damadi, which is not a shocking Tianjiao, especially the six-turn large Damadam in the top 200 million They are the ultimatemother of the ultimate.

But a three-way Dadi, actually ranked more than 60 million positions, which makes everyone can't believe it.

The name on the list is endless, but only the previous trillion display rankings, the big Diki in the front and three trillions of the three-way hierarchy is not more than one complement, most of them are six turns.

It is conceivable that the ranking of the sword is unparalleled.

The sword is unparalleled. It is not surprised by the ranking. He is very clear that he is much more powerful than the nine-turn, and it is much smart than the nine turn.

Look up, I have been seeing the top.

The information of hundreds of millions of people appeared in the mind. This memory is unparalleled for the sword of the big dermine, it is easy. Even the Deman can be easily done.

"Luo Water nine turn big Damai, ranking more than 4 million!" The sword shook his head without a double.

His eyes are not in the ordinary big demonstration, directly pay attention to the ranking of the previous 10,000.

"Jiuyu, ranking four hundred and fifteenth, realm nine turn rounded up Damai, from the high world Tongtian Buddhism world."

This ranking, sword is quite surprised. He didn't expect Jiuxu to be so strong. Although he heard that he bleed several roads, this is the ranking of the whole universe, actually can be ranked first five hundred.

PS: I am married today, ask for blessings.

In addition, the new book "The Emperor" has been published, very cool, very passionate, I like to watch the brothers of the blood, now you can go, QQ reading search "Supreme Hi Emperor", please give more brothers!

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