Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5163 ??? big hand

The arrival of the universe gods, first let everyone doubt, then shock.

The doubt is what suddenly appears in such a list, then shocks the power of this rank.

Such a big hand, plus all the Deman, which makes the remaining big Damai guess.

There is still a background, I know that the Temple is born, and I associate these two things together, and there is no background. I have entered some dangerous, or some remote domains, take the opportunity to turn off the temper to escape this dispute. .

They don't know, this list is coming to the most fair assessment of the entire universe practitioner, even if the weak smaller can get a lot of treasures from the Polyson Temple.

Just like the dermndants that have been entered into the world of the Diva Temple.

They have just entered the world of the district, and they have begun to experien out, so that the entire universe of the universe, this is only a means of preventing them from fighting each other.

Such a big hand, unprecedented.

The ninety-seven of the world, a ring world, floating countless star continent, but not only the plundered Danadian, but also some powerful deceased in the world.

However, these deceased or indigenous practitioners seem to notice that those who have been moved in, still lived their leisure days.

Soon, a voice spread throughout the universe.

"The Temple of Dispasses, officially opened."

This grand voice appeared in everyone's heart.

The battle in the sky, Jiuxi and others also feel the summon.

However, now they are still struggling at the edge of life, and they are worthless of these.

Jiuxi, one person she owe hundreds of nine turn, the ghosts of the big Damadam, have reached the realm of oil.

"Damn, the emperor is still not coming!" I can't help but hurt, these ghosts are really too much. Even if he turns back to kill a nine turn, the ghosts, the ghosts, and can also Can't stand more.


A nine-turn fairy will not hold back, only to burn your avenue, to show the strongest blow, then the whole flesh began to collapse, and finally disappeared in the void.

"Do not!"

There is two, the remaining big Damai has burned his own origin, can't escape, killing, can only choose the burning Benyuan Avenue, making the last contribution to others.

The sword has returned to God from a sound, and after looked at Hui Qing, I was busy saying "Don't look, they can't live."

After listening to shouting, Hui Qing's eyes were awake, and there was a void crack, a body illusory ghost, is desperate to spent the swallowing in the crack.

"Be careful!" The Luo Water in the side shouted, I want to take a reply, this panic, let the ghosts seize the opportunity, directly pocke the neck of Luo.



There is a beautiful and unparalleled sword and its weird angle.

The fierceness of the sword is so cold, and the power of this sword is stronger than when the ice cloud is.


The ghosts of the three nine-way Damadam levels that have been entangled in the Luo Water have been directly chemical into a black smoke, followed by completely disappearing.

Where is Luohai Station stunned, when the sword is unparalleled, she is clearly seen, but she didn't feel any swords that had avented power. But when the sword passed by her, she But I felt a horrible breath.

She can be sure, if the sword is her words, it will definitely fall.

"How will he be so strong?" Luo Water is doubtful, but there is no time to ask her at this time.

"Hui Qing, you stay in this protective Luo water friend, I will help others!" The sword was unparalleled, and the figure was slightly smiled.

"Hardestins, more care!" Hui Qing said, then suddenly turned back, a brown baton directly wore the ghosts that only wanted from the void crack.

The sword has no double shape, and after four next rounds, he will launch a rescue.


The sword was smashed out, and I suddenly went to the ghosts of Number of nine-to-Taxi.

"Weird, these ghosts are clearly unconscious, why is it so fearful."

Although he did not deliberately infuse his heart, he had already realized the sword law of the hearts of the hearts, and all hits contained some heart.


Dozens of ghosts have collapsed, and the pressure of local battlefields in an instant.

Whether it is the head of Tongtian Buddhism or other practitioners, it is incredible.

Three turns, the sword, the number of swords, directly destroyed the ghosts of tens of nine-year-old Damai, which is too big.

Especially the Tianjiao of the East Dynasty, even more shocked, at this time, in the void, I didn't know what to do with the opponent.

"Here to me, you can help others." The sword is unbreaking, these swords still have no truly heart, if it is the ultimate the fifth floor of the heart, I am afraid that I will be a full Damai level Ghosts can kill.

The sword is unparalleled, and everyone succeeds, and then quickly nodded, and rushed towards the cracks of other battles.

The Tianjiao of the East Damature is now a little unclear. He clearly feels that the sword is unparalleled, why is it so strong?

Others have the same ideas, but now there is no time to discuss this.

"Isn't he three turns? How can I be so strong!"

"It should be hidden."

"His swordsman is very special, very restrained these ghosts, don't think too much, first help others, try to drag to the emperor."

"it is good!"


Everyone went around and helped other practitioners.

These people have just evacuated this area, and a large group of ghosts has been swept again, and there is a ghost of a nine turn in the ghosts in this ghost.

It fluins exudes the dark lightweight light, in the body of illusory body, contains the emperor's disadvantage, and the empty eye hole is like a black hole.

These ghosts can also use some of the tricks of the emperor who have learned a short-term, of course, because of the disabled avenue, the movement of the emperor is so powerful, but it is still unparalleled.

Other six-turn nine-turn big Damadamian hierarchy, this nine-turn, the ghostless ghosts, ghosts gave him a feeling of falling, and the dead.

However, he is now dealing with these ghosts, but it is much more than the ice cloud.

The Ice Yun is weak, and it is estimated that it is 100 million in the big Damadam of the whole universe. This nine turn is full of fairy-level fairy hierarchy.

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