It is very far behind the speed and defense.

The sword is unparalleled, and the weak ghosts will be cleaned first, and then deal with the nine turn rounds full of big margins.

The ants are also afraid, and this truth is a unparalleled thing.

He is not afraid of fighting, and he is not afraid of the tempering of the dead. Although the ghosts appeared after the emperor, the quality is much stronger than the corpse army, but it is weak, and these ghosts will not exist too long. With the gradual improvement of the big dealer, these ghosts will be swallowed into the source.

These ghosts can be formed by the emperors of the original source of the emperors, which is a big remedy for the world.

They have killed so many people, and they are now falling, and the result is the world's source of Tiandao.

The sword is unparalleled, suddenly light!

The Tiandao of the Wilderness has just formed, and it is still unable to come over and suppress these ghosts. If he is a universe? Is it possible to swallow the ghosts within the universe?

The sword has no bumper, if it is true, his poorer this source absorbs so much disabled, will definitely enhance a lot, and even hope breakthroughs.

Today, his heart has changed again. The realm of the soul has already reached the six-turn level. This ordinary little realm cannot hinder him. If it is not afraid of the foundation to unstable, he broke through the sky in the stars.

This is also Hui Qing to get into the nine turn step by step, and finally fall into six revolutions.

Six-turn is a slope, and nine turn is a vertical height and is the limit of the Danadian.

It is possible to advance the big derivative, even if it is closed, it is not going to go, and you can become a six-transparent Deman with the aptitude, but you can have a certain resistance, need the chance and fight.

As for the nine turn round, it is a hurdle before the clogan. If even the nine turn is not satisfied, it is a dead, only to become a total of nine turn, the full Daman, will make everything Successful, to go to the way.

Most of the nine turn is successful, but it is just a successfulness of your own source avenue, I want to make the flesh, soul, and the mood.

It is possible to perfect these practice and may not be able to succeed!

So most of the nine turn is full of Damai, is looking for a timing, or an opportunity, starting to have a look, trying to use the gas and transport, you can go to the end, countless big dermisy, all fell in this step.

The five-product source Avenue's nine turn is full of Damai, the right way is the simplest, but the simplest one is only a ratio of one.

If it is so easy to become an emperor, the emperor on the universe gods will not be so small.

The original universe is now reaching the maturity. When the strong is the most, all kinds of avenues have already included.

But a bit of ambition, will not choose the five-product source avenue to serve as its own avenue.

I feel that I am aware that the Daman with a self-knowledge of the temple will choose Si Pin Avenue and will become the elite in the future.

The three products of the three products are the backbone of the force, the future high level.

The second product is more vague, there is a general second product source, and there is also a relatively special.

For example, Donglin God is also an emperor of the completion of the completion of the second product avenue. After the high world became the master, the strength is still in the fourth-order episode.

Zhenwuyang's Zhenwu Avenue is also the second product source, but he just masters the secondary world, there is a fourth-order top strength.

In the second product source avenue, ordinary and special avenues sometimes differ from the distance, and even 100,000 miles away.

Some Emperor's emperors of the second products are still the third-order top, and the emperors of some two-product avenue can become five-order.

This is the gap.

There is a difficulty in natural gap.

Don't look at the gods on the gods, there are so many big Damadam, you can finally become an emperor, there may be a few.

The Nine Transfer is a complete Damani, which is difficult to fall in the original universe. Most of them die.

The sword is unparallled by secret text. He is the ultimate way. It is more difficult to have a big way.

Fortunately, my heart has reached the fourth level, and the mood is strong than the general emperor.

Just a moment of haze instantly smashed.

"Cooperate!" The sword didn't swite his head, and he is still far away.

If you don't count the time in the sky, he has broken from the Deman to Dagan in a few days. Now consider it, it is too early.

From the breakthrough to the present, he even did not have a stable, not in restoration of the body, it was killing.

Now, I will take the nine turn to the ghosts of the nine-turn, the ghosts, the ghosts, and then say it!

Maybe, as he thought, he could really send it, this time, he didn't light it, he was killed by the Ice Yun, even all the treasures on the body were also destroyed, even the sword on the hand It is also broken now.

I don't know, I thought that the sword was originally like this!

Although the sword is seriously damaged, it is still in the sword.

The ghosts rossed the god sword, and a uncomfortable voice was issued from the ghost.

The sword has no double shape, and the long sword is barely stabilizes.

"Sword World!"

The fifth level of the ultimate sword is also the most satisfactory sword in the sword unparalleled.

This sword once made the nine turn to the ancient yuan of the ancient Yuan, and I also shaited from the success of the nine turn.


The world of huge swords will fall from the void, and there are countless swords that have hearty swings are like hungry wolves.


Countless swordshots through the devil's unreal body. Every time they pass, let the ghosts have smoldered, this is the horror of heart, as long as they are contaminated, they can burn it.

These ghosts are the soul, and the sword is unparalleled. I understand why these ghosts are so worried.

There is no ghost in your heart, there is no ghost in this world.

The scope of the world of Jianzhi began to expand, and all people came in directly.

"How is this going?"

Jiuxu turned, looking toward the rear, sword unparalleled participation, he did not pay attention, after all, only a small part of the weak ghost is strange, handed over to those nine-turn big dermndants.

He took dozens of nine turn rounded a large Deman is top in the forefront. The ghosts here are nine turns, and even the nine turn is very common.

The whole heart of the heart of the heart of the heart, the ghosts suddenly retired back.

They have no consciousness, but the fear of heart is coming, this is the best, don't say that they don't know, as long as it is the soul will fear.

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