In the eye hole of the ghost, it can't see any fear. Although he is born, it is still rushing into the world of the sword.

"Jiu Yusi, what happened." I didn't know how to round a big Damani, I thought it was Jiuyu, and I was inquiry.

"It's him!"

Jiusu looks to the rear sword unparalleled, and eye hole is condensed!

Countless swordsman surrounded in the heart of the world, Jiuxi slammed, a sword was pinned in his hand.

The snowy sword is very gentle in the hands of nine, like a fish.

"Heart practice, hidden is really deep enough, this is relaxed!" Jiu Yusong opened his sword, looked up and looked up and nodded.

"Heart?" The strong people in other worlds have some doubts.

"I didn't expect that someone else will be able to repair this level, good!"

The unity of the world's monks have all ten hands, and they are in the world, they are only the Lord of the Buddha.

The Lord of the Heart Buddha is very powerful, and the means is strange, and there are also secret laws that have been treated in the unsatisfactory mountain.

There are countless big Damadama. There are not a few ability to practice, but don't say that it is cultivating the secret.

In their view, Dagan is cultivated and impossible.

They didn't know that there was a three-way Damadi in the mountains, but it was unfortunately in the big waste.

The white river has been inherited in the unintentional heart Buddha. There is no amount of Buddha's face to give him a bodhi heart on the face of the heart of the Buddha. It is often accompanied by the body to improve the mood. help.

Unfortunately, this white net is finally fallen, and he has increased his biggest opportunity to this life before death.

At that time, the sword was unparalleled in the battle, plus the role of the Bodhi heart, and directly let him consciously, enter the starry sky.

The sword is unparalleled, it is also very grateful to whiten, and it is dead, the corpse is not full.

I learned from Huishi, I learned that the Monochron's Mono, if there is a chance, he travels to the world, go to see the law of the white.

Fifth: "Yuan"

Huiqing protects the rock fairy after the body, turning to the sky, the sword is unparalleled, whispering muttered "Master, if you still live, there will be hope to cultivate your heart!"

Standing behind him, Luo water fairy, also looked up and look at the void.

"There is no double friend is so powerful! Also, this little monk is also a deep-hidden, thanks to the protection of your life." Luo Woshi went over, looked at Hui Qing's head, and I want to go to knock. On the impulse, but finally she was tied as she.

"Good!" Huiqing hands closed, low head.


The sword is not lifted, and the void is sealed. Endless swords are full of void, and the heart of the heart is several times more than the last one.


The sword is slightly, and the burst of swords, and a huge cage, which trapped the ghosts who have just rushed into the world.

These ghosts have hundreds of thousands, of which hundreds of devils in the hierarchy of the Damadam have hundreds of ghosts, so many ghosts, their avenues contained in the body can be comparable to the origin of a small world.

After all, there are more than a dozen emperors, plus two four-level emperor's path, more than a general small world is normal.


Millions of ghosts sent a mourning, the heart of swordsman burned its illusory body, although there is no consciousness, but the pain in the spirit of the soul, still let them suffer.

Like a weak, three turns, six-turn big Damadam, they are directly killed by the swords, and they can fight against the swords, they are nine turn or nine turn rounds full of fairy hierarchy. Although the sword is stopped, it is more painful than those who are directly destroyed.

It was directly killed, and there was a happy at least.

These can suffer from the swords, but they have been suffering from heart torture.

Some powerful ghosts began to struggle, mad, crazy, swords and unparalleled.

"Be careful! The strength is not weakened!" Jiuyu shaped, but he was unpacked by the sword.

"I have a treasure, you can deal with these ghosts, you will go first, after I come!" The sword said unparalleled.

In fact, he is really sincere, as long as these people go first, he will not only be the original source of the ghosts, but also to get rid of these people, and take the opportunity to hurry.

As for the boy, he really didn't want to fight for!

Although there is a secret that has become the top peak from Jiumei, it is too far away from them.

A large group of emperors stared too much, and the benefits also did not speed him a big Daiyan, and it was also a gun.

Therefore, the sword has decided to get rid of these people. Now there is a strength of the Dagan, he is also available to the entire universe, take the whole opportunity, and take the other world.

"Is there such a treasure?" Jiuxu has some do not believe it.

At this time, they left here, once they gods broke through the heart of the heart, they had to be trapped here, but they would like to hear the sword and unparalleled, and I fel away, let him once.

At this time, most of the ideas at this time are also the same as the sword, and they think about it. However, their strength is not enough, in case halfway, I will encounter ghosts, there is no such a strong group, can't live at all.

I can only follow Jiuxi temporarily.

"Let's go! How long is the world of the sword, my treasure can only kill this batch of ghosts. Once the next batch of ghosts appear from the void crack, I can't escape." Sword is not bilateral Anxious, there is a quite a pair of roughness to advise him to escape.

Huang's figure is mixed in the crowd, his eyes have been staring at the sword. There is also a unparalleled idea in his heart. Now he is not the little sand, and there is anything like a mirror in him.

"Jiusu teacher, listen to him! Don't go, we will die more people!" Huiqing stepped by step, and the figure appeared next to Jiuyu.

Subsequently, I also saw a sword and unparalleled, and the two eyes met, I realized their respective thinking.

"Since you delilitate this, then we will first step first, remember that if you can't escape the direction we leave, I may not be here." Jiu Yu is going to go, still don't forget to comfort.

The sword is unparalleled, and the positions they are very close are very close to the Buddha. If the emperor really comes to save them, I am afraid I have come.

Even the emperor can't open it, but I know how dangerous in that direction.

PS: Ask the monthly ticket recommended!

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