Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5166 ?? 5 million diameter

When the sword is unparalleled and Hui Qing, when fled, it did flee a far away. Even if the sword is unparalleled, it takes a day to reach the Different Temple.

However, the emperor is different. If the emperor is really coming to save them, I am afraid that a transient can come.

And when they kill them with ghosts, he can feel a terrorist breath that exudes from the Diade Temple.

The existence of this breath is either fallen, or there is an unprecedented battle.

Such a powerful existence, the distance can feel so far, if it is close to a little, I am afraid it will be smashed at the scene.

The sword is unparalleled, this is still the case of red water and the wind and rain, if it is not suppressed, the air wave is spread, enough to make them injured.

Looking at the gods disappeared, the sword will have been dramatically.

At this moment, he never hidden his strength. The world of the swords also entered the swords of strong, swords, and the swords of swords were willing to harvest those weak ghosts.

Can be comparable to the origin of a small world, the sword is unparalleled to lick the lips. If it is really able to absorb the emperor's native road contained in these ghosts, his strength will immediately rise hundreds of times.

It is powerful than practicing billions of years in the Starry Sky.


The sword is unparalleled, and the success or failure is once again.

If he can't be swallowed, he also has the ability to escape, and it can be swallowed up these sources. He will not leave it so quickly, it is simply his treasure.

"One thought of the universe!"


A air bubble is like a pinhole size, starting to expand from the sword unparalleled mind!


A power broke out from his body, the bubble continued to expand, rushing out of his mind, just instantly encompasses the world of swords in the void.

"Well!" The sword was unparalleled. When he had just rising, he actually became an unusual excitement, it seems to be very interested in those ghosts.

The bubbles under the perspective of the perseverance continue to expand, gradually spread to the entire void.

100,000 miles!

300,000 miles!

800,000 miles!


It has exceeded the size of his first display. At this time, the origin of the universe is like a baby to wake up, and constantly hover around the bubble, the scope of the universe is still expanding.


Two million miles.

The universe of the original, suddenly appeared a star, although these stars were illusted, but the sword was unparalleled.

3 million miles!

The bubble is still expanding, still does not stop.

This range exceeds some mainland China, and then expands, the soul of the sword is unbearable.


Five million miles, the bubbles stopped, and the origin of the universe was also returned to the sword.


"I can actually reject the wilderness of the world!" The sword is unparalleled!

A medium-world avenue is actually excluded by him. Although the other party has just been born, it can be a medium-oriented avenue, which is blocked outside.

"It's really incredible!"

The sword is unparalleled. If it is more than the ambiguity of the universe, he can not swallow the whole big waste.

This idea has just appeared in the mind, a warning from the high rule appeared in his mind.

Obviously this is not good, the sky is the original universe, he can't devour it again.

Only by swallowing the origins stored in the world, but this source, either in the universe, or a super powerful hole world, it is not to him.

This time, there is also an emperor battle. He can have the opportunity to touch the fish, and take the opportunity to swallow these emperor's origin.

Although these also belong to the original universe, this rope is small, the original universe is not seen at all.

The sword is unpaired to the sky.

If you want to think about the universe, he is afraid that it is necessary to cultivate the passage of eight floors. The ultimate sword is practiced to the seven layers. It is probably that he will take it to the sixth floor.


A shackle that spans the peak of life, how many shocking Tianjiao is in this step, he does not have any grasp of it.

Still first, take the benefits of your eyes!

The sword is unparalleled to mobilize the delay in 5 million miles, and the strength has again across several thresholds. Now the strength is about nine turn.

He didn't notice that the name of his own gods was always beating!

The exterior of the big Dikifa has noticed the number of swords and unparalleled people in jumping, especially those who have escaped.

"Jiuyan brother, you actually put it in the top five hundred!" Many Damadan exclaimed the strength of Jiuxi.

Tongtian Buddhism is recognized only that Jiuxi is only 100,000, and it is only 100,000, which is too exaggerated. I am afraid that I am doing a breath.

Jiusu also relaxed at this time, looking at the scene of the universe of the world.

He is not interested in his name. It is almost the end of his previous, and he is not satisfied with the present, he is still incorporated into more roads, and the light is two. I realized a number of people, and he went to Wan Dao and now it is still far away.

Once Wandelo, the powerful is not as the ultimate way.

"Fast, is a brother, his name is changing!"

Everyone went to the situation, and there were strong people in the level of Da Daoxian, and hundreds of millions of rankings were increasing.

"More than 5 million!"

"It is estimated to be a temporary breakthrough! He also said that there is a special treasure, it is estimated that it will break through the treasure, but it can surrenders a million people, it seems that the strength change is very arrogant.

His strength has taken a top 100 million, which is the top power in the nine turn.

This includes the rankings of the entire universe. The whole world of the entire universe has thousands. The secondary world is more countless. The big dermatoma in these big world is more, and the nine turn is full of Damani. Even if it is difficult, it is also accumulated. It is better than 100 million.

It is really proud to be proud of tens of millions of strong people.

"No, still change!"


"This is one hundred million!" Luo Water shidder!

One hundred million for others is nothing, but I can say that the Sword Wushuang This three-way Damadan is coming, the whole universe is one.

Jiuyu's eyes turned, feel unbelievable!

"Is this the ultimate way? Three turns comparable to nine turn!"

He is very confident to his own Wan Dao, or even if he is in nine, he does not feel that he is comparable to the nine turn.

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