Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5167 ??? to death

Wan Dao is first class, the more powerful, the more powerful, and the ultimate level can also reach the level of the ultimate.

Little Shami Qing is not to pay attention to their surprise, but look at the babysit!

He wants to find an acquaintance in memory!

Since step in the road, a large string of memories in his mind, these memories let him know a lot of universe secrets.

For example, the universe of the universe, or how it collapses in the same year.

The owner of this memory has the strength of the five-order top emperor, and it is also the strong person of the upper number of the universe.

"Jiuyu brother, can you see the use of this universe god? Why sudden appears here!" Dongrunity Tianzhuo open the topic, see Jiu Yu.

Jiuyu shakes his head, saying "I don't know, but this should be related to the Dijun Temple."

Indeed, in addition to the Buddha Temple, the entire primitive universe is probably no such a big hand.

Everyone heard it and calmed down.

Oh, who is also discussed, now thinking about who is in addition to the Buddhist Temple, it seems that this time is right, although it is dangerous, there is no charm.

The magic list is just the beginning.

In the dark void, suddenly broke out a strong light, the thorn could not open your eyes!

"Open, is the direction we escape!" Everyone blocked strong light, squinted to the direction of escape.

"This is probably a big treasure! Sure enough, it is a practitioner!"

"Hui Qing, you should also work hard, there is no double brother three turns so strong, you are also the ultimate way, but also six turn, you can do it with a unparalleled brother." Luo Wei face his face, holding the face Look at the places come from strong light, while you still have a small sand.

"Good!" Huiqing closed his eyes and didn't look, slowly said: "The strength of the brothers has been strong than me, I also admire."

The glare rays are the outbreak of swords.

The path of his body has had an unprecedented change at this moment, and the entire universe has also appeared countless light.

These rays are all cracks. This is a precursor to the rupture of the universe. However, those gods have not been swallowed, if the universe fell, he was seriously injured, and he couldn't run.

The bubble-shaped universe, derived countless cracks, these gaps are like rivers, constantly producing tributation, spread to the entire universe.

When the sword is unparalleled, it can't manage so much. Desperately press the source, the power of the source is running along his body, and now it is not to press the source, but he is overwood by the origin.

The power of the source exceeded his own strength. This is the anti-anti-pathway, which is in his soul because of the height of his mind has reached the six-turn level, and it is possible to barely control the power.

"No, still can't live!" The sword is unparalleled to endure huge torture. The power of this source will make him soaken.

Still overestimate your strength, now the arrow is on the string, he has to temporarily change the direction.

Bathing this source is broken, and it is dead and later!

In vivo tragent flow, the outer surface is surrounded.

He wants to use these two powers to contain each other and make it breakthrough.

The sword is unparalleled. There is a panoramic view of the universe in the mind. The golden origin is like the top of the squid, and the golden season is almost covered by the whole universe.

"Ah ........"

The sword is unparalleled, and it starts to break through.

The difference between the big Damadan and the Dioma is that the in vivo avenue is present, and the source leakage.

The more the avenue is wide, the stronger the strength of the Deman, and the three-turn road is high in the body. Six turns will increase the avenue to Baizhang.

This is the best thing that is the best. The threshold for three go to six revolutions is not high, and there is no high threshold to the big Damai.

The former is only a few more than ten times, and the latter needs to increase billion.

Since ancient times, the number of DVD, the number of DVDs is more than the sixth turn, which is also caused by the gap between the level of the road.

Therefore, the three-way breakthrough six turns is also simpler than the Damai Breakthrough, but now the sword is unparalleled inside and outside. At this time, the difficulty of his breakthrough is also different when he breaks through the big demonstration.

The golden rays, the sword is unparalleled. He thought of the giants encountered in the star air. He was also a chest in the chest when he broke the cage. Finally, for the liberation of life, let him break through.

A huge ax, a force breaking the way, breaking to a high rule.

I finally broke the stars, although this is nothing to do with the sword at the time, I can ask himself is a giant, I can give up life, I will break the way, relieve the cage, and he is also difficult.

Later, he left the starry sky and a big way, and the giant is a trivial road, and he felt that he was right.

It seems that even the biggest gift for his greatest gift is not enough to make a big gift. It is really stupid.


Golden Sands will continue to fall, try to package the outer table of the entire universe, and the sword is not swallowed by the golden origin.

"Broken and stand!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the breath is reversed!

The hand in the hand has already been corroded, but it can be sword in this moment, there is a sword in his heart.

Think of hard work!

The sword is everywhere!

He is proud of his universe, at this moment, he is the master of this world.

origin? Avenue? universe?

It's all illusions!

He wants to break out all.

"Six turns? Blink is broken!"


A powerful breath, broke out from him!

This is the power of six turns, but the sword is unparalleled, but he sendses a sword in the hands of the hand, simply from above.


This sword is very ordinary, but it is terrible.

"This sword is called immortal!" The sword didn't have a double angry, Jian Yings took the universe.


A dazzling radiance was then burst, and there were two halves in the universe. He reappeared in the void.


The golden native of the body is in the original universe, and instantly make a new universe.

The expansion of this universe is faster and spread directly outside.

This is broken, and first, you will build your own cage, then build your own world.

When the universe is re-formed, the sword is unparalleled. The source avenue has also improved a level.

The fourth layer of the pole "Deciens"

He did it, not only broke through the six-turn Damani, but also increased the road to the fourth layer.

The ultimate path also happened at this moment, and it will reach the sixth floor without sun.

Survival of this source is endless, although this is also related to him, but if he doesn't have these ghosts, he can't break through this fast.

It is complementary!

PS: Ask the monthly ticket, the recommended ticket!

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