Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5168 ????

But swallow this road, still don't have to be best, this time, as long as there is a mistake, he has to explain in this big.

The road to Wu Dao, the biggest stumbling block is not the spirit of the universe, actually is himself.

This makes the sword unparalleled, he feels that he has been separated from the universe.

The ghosts that are wrapped below were weakened, and the presses of the path of the path will not move.

Especially the heart, the heart of the sword is more powerful than the past, which is also part of the reason.

As for the mental force, these ghosts are the countless thoughts of the emperor, these ideas have made ghosts, and powerful mental power can still deal with them.

The road across the fourth level, his mental strength exceeds the emperor, the ghosts of these emperors, naturally nothing to do.


Every time, ghosts are all destroyed!

There are countless ghosts are not struggling, but they are standing in the universe, and then the body is dissipated, leaving only the incomplete source avenue, these incomplete natives appear in the universe of the sword, naturally by his origin.

If there is no sword, there is no parallel, these origins will return to the wilderness, and now there is no pair of swords!

If the sixth cavity knows that these origins have been swallowed by him, I am afraid I hate to kill him, and I died in his vast, he still thought about it, but I didn't expect to die so many emperors, the ultimate benefits are all A big Deman gave it.

However, the current of the current Years is being suppressed by Eternal Tower, and it is also inserted to compete for these origins.


The sword is unparalleled, and the hands are quietly absorbed by those supplies.

These origins contain emperor's unparalleled schools, swords and unparalleled, after all, is the emperor's cross.

He now creative, but the body of the flesh and delay, he has never been got, this time to enhance the scholar of the emperor, it can be more easy to cultivate.

The power of the origination is like the ocean, and the sword is unparalleled like a black hole, swallowing the ocean.

Now it is enough, naturally, it is necessary to absorb all these origins to stabilize their own origins.

The source of this source quickly came to the fourth layer of peaks, and the Sword of the swords directly broke through the sixth floor.

After all of these origins have been absorbed, the Sword of the Sword has reached the top of six layers.

This receipt exceeded the sword unparalleled prediction.

All of this is really thankful for the true Wuyang, which will send yourself to the big defect, and it will break through so much in just a few years.

This big change, I don't come, I'm also coming, I really have to thank you!

"I'm gone!" The sword was unparalleled, and the universe will be collected.

After coming around, it is ready to leave this place.

At the same time, the direction of the Polyson Temple, an emperor is working.

"Thousands of hands, you will go! Let these little guys will come all." Tong Tian Buddha sounded in his ear.

At the same time, he also reminded him that the two people who have swords and swords must bring.

Just step by step, he came to the sword without double, the ghosts were swallowed.

With the cause, his golden double-eyed cave wear void.

I walked through the endless deficiency and caught the sword, and I grabbed Jiuxi and others.

Nine Yu, these people, can feel the thousand hand of the Buddha world, and have not resist that the situation has fallen into the huge palm.

The sword is a bit married, he is fighting for the palm of the hand, but he can escape the palm of your palm.

Thousands of hands are also a little annoying, directly grabbing the sword.

The palm has not returned, and the main body of the thousand-handed Buddha will take a step again, and the figure has arrived in the red water hall.

Two palms of the shuttle void, fall in another palm.

"There is no double brother, we meet again!" Jiu Yu smiled slightly, reaching out, helping the sword on the ground.

"You are fine!" Luo Water and Xiaosha Mit Qing went to the sword.

"This is!" The sword is unparalleled!

"Mohal, it is a thousand hand emperor, we have to save!" Jiuxu as an old nine turn rounded up the big Deman, and naturally knows that this is the monet of the Buddha owner.

The sword is unparalleled in an instant, and the heart is angry!

It's hard to open these people, and now I am arrested, he really doesn't want to go to the so-called Buddhist temple with these emperors.

In his opinion, there is an opportunity to make nine turn into a chance to become an emperor, this is just some of the chances, and it is nothing to do with him.

He now just six turns, you want to reach the nine-turn fairy, is a cut, now I am going to the Division, isn't it a fire?

Unfortunately, the emperor personally brought him back, he wanted to go.

"Then I have to be good thank you Dijun!" The sword is unparalleled to steadily, the face is sincere!

Jiusu see him is sincere, slowly eased, "The thousand hand of the Buddha is very good, I will refer to you later!"

The face of the red sword is unparalleled. "Can't, the emperor is 10,000 units, now fighting for the opportunity, still not bothering."

He forgot to escape several times, and he was arrested by a big hand. I am afraid I have seen the thousand-handed Folo Lord who will not give him a good face, or don't touch the brow.

Although he can say that it is an emperor's means, it is no need to go to the panic, or take a step!

The huge palm quickly passed through the darkness, and the front is bright!


The void tear is closed.

The sword is unparalleled in the hall.

"Go here!" A strict voice sounded.

The sword is unparalleled and others look up, and the big Buddha stands in front of him.

Everyone is not too much to say, it was moved after the big Buddha.

Looking at the figure, look at that pair of huge palms, it should be a thousand hand believes that there is no run.

The seat behind the big Buddha, they see them around.

In addition to the thousand-handed Buddha, this hall has hundreds of extremely powerful breath, all of which are emperors.

Everyone is in a breath.

Such a big scene is the first time, it is difficult to see the emperor, and now so many emperors have gathered together.

They can't believe it!

The sword is unparalleled, there are dozens of emperors who have seen Tongtian Buddhism. At this time, this scene can be accepted.

A Tongtian Buddha has been dozens of emperors. I want to come in the main hall and other world emperors, but he is looked around and did not find true Wuyang.

According to the truth, the big branch is very close to this side. How can I be in Wuyang?

The sword is unparalleled, but when I saw the void outside the hall, I also floated a eternal collapse, he would want to be a homing team.

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