Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5169 ????

There is a red water hall.

The sword is unparalleled, and the emperor is always in the emperor to reach the main hall.

"The old ancestors, the emperor of the big dreams has brought some big Di Fairy." A Daddy Emperor Zong Zong.

"Well, first bring these good seedlings, the rest let them find a way! The distance between the big dream is not far, if they can't come, there is no need to enter the Difficult Temple." The big dream is arbitrary.

He himself took all the elite Dagan Dai Dai Dai in the Daddy family, there were many Tianjiao, which had a few thousand one thousand people ranked.

As for other big Dali, he can help him, and the rest is full.

In the main hall of this time, the number of emperors continued to increase, so soon with thousands of emperors, Dagan is more than 10 million.

It is almost a strong number of large derivatives that can be 9 turn or nine turn, only a small part is six turns, as for three turns.

"Dear, it's almost all!"

As a scholar, the red poter, he didn't have a power, only some of his special life in the secret in which he was controlled.

These special life must have the second product avenue, the flesh is extremely powerful, and the life level is also thousands of times the ordinary ethnic group.

However, their cultivation is also more difficult, can become a big Daman, and the nine turn is only two.

A male and one female two special life, standing behind the red water.

He (she) The strength of the two people were ranked in the city's magic list, and the red water walker did not have a group and forces, so some for him did not use the forbao, gave these two Believe.

It is said that it is a matter of life, but the red water will always see them as their own child.

"Alliance! I am aligned here!"

"Red water, you can start."

"I haven't much big fairy, I have brought it all this time."

Many emperors have opened their mouths, they also can't wait.

After all the Deman disappeared, the Buddhist Temple released the news and told them that these emperors, the trial of the Diva Temple will begin.

In accordance with the information, try three steps.

The first step is to the Maximan screening!

The universe of the universe has gathered in the world of affiliated temples. They are the first batch of people who have been inherited, and the trials of the Discriminate Temple are also quite hot.

Each of the surroundings in the world can only be alive, in which the ranks can accept the next round of trials.

All remaining all the worlds are located and will receive the source of the world, as for what is also a total number of times.

This is the first step of trial, and the second step is to screen for large fairy.

Finally, I will always go to the emperor.


The ancient tranquility of the people of the people, gradually playing the portal!

"Since we are all, we will go in!" After the construct of the Temple of Temple, they did not rest assured that they were not open.

"Dagan entered the first passage, the emperor entered the second!"

The sound of the red potent spread throughout the whole hall.

Many big Dawns are in a panic, began to enter the Polyson Temple.

" ,

Various encouraged sounds, but they are really as they said, this opportunity is unprecedented, if it is not good to cherish, I am afraid I will regret it for a lifetime.


The crowd answered, and then left the red water hall, moved to the void, and entered the Polysman.

Eternal Tower.

The wind and rain looks far from the outside world.

"Sure enough, the first is the big Damai channel. It seems that the emperor who does not wait for some other domains will come. The Temple will not let us go in." Wind and rain emperor.

"This is also normal, the Buddha is the highly constructed of ancient civilization. It is a relic of screening the inheritor. Dani and Dagan fairy just want to touch the luck, really need, I am waiting for me." Zhenwuyang is thinking.

This is the same as they speculate, in the eyes of the people, they need this source of power to enter the bodies, so they will recruit all the Deman to the Pesticians. As for the big dermatoma, how much can be, the disagreement is true Don't care about this, in the perspective of the temple, the Damai is nothing distinguished from the Dagani.

They are screened in the Tianjiao in Tianjiao. As for these, these can be cultivated later, as long as the avenue is high, the avenue is enough.

These are all cultivated by themselves, and there are many foreign things.

Moreover, the trial of this Psychological Temple is the highest trial, and there are many inheritors, and according to the framework is a training universe.

Each affiliated world picks up a thousand DVDs, there are also millions of millions, and cultivate millions of DVDs, such a large hand is never cultivated one or two inheritors.

"You also go in!" The wind and rain opened the Eternal Tower Portal.

The Tagnen Dami is full of fans, and they shouted "Xie, Emperor!"

The Eternal Tower and tens of thousands of Dawa in the Red Solid Temple have a piece of black pressure.

"Daozu, us?"

Jiuxi and others looked at everyone who entered the Polyson Temple, and he was anxious.

"Don't worry, not anyone can get the benefits." The monk of the monk loudly.

Tongtian Buddha and no quarantine Buddha are talking to other emperors.

As for the sword, he is not anxious.

There is a lot of people from others, although the heart, he understands what you need, although the Buddha is magical, but may not help him.

With this time, he is not as good as devouring the ghosts, so many ghosts in the whole world, saying that this emperor is paying attention to the Buddha temple, he can get into the nine turn.

This is the big championship!

"Tongtian, you can also go in!" The red water smiled.

So many big Damadam, naturally, it is necessary to enter, although the Diva Temple is not divided into, but these emperors are still going to make their own disciples, the truth of the first first has been inlaid in their bone marrow, usually various remains The secret is the first inner, although the Temple is different, but it is still in the old set.

"Thank you, the League!" Tong Tian Buddha's face is full of smiles.

Subsequently, you can directly send thousands of hands!

Tong Tian Buddha does not work, when will he enter, he is now more interested in itself, since I entered the Red Solid Alliance, I have been pulling alliances, and he has achieved alliances in the secret and several forces.

Especially for those monators, he is more profound, as long as there are four-order strength, he almost all reached a league.

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