Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5175? No double brother, too reluctant!


Luo Hao speed suddenly improved, a black dazzling armor, issued a black stream, making his speed change faster.

His strength is only the bottom of the top, he didn't went to the mainland to fight, and he could only hunt some ordinary nine turn around the mountains to maintain the previous thousand.

Although this time, although in his control, if you don't fight, he is hard to hold, this time, if it is not a receivable, he will be determined to go to the mainland.

The front one has a god of the disagreement, but also to the district of the district, this is too big to help him, although he has reached the edge of the past, but he does not have anything at all, you want to succeed. By gambling, gambling with it, it is better to be crazy in the Diva Temple, at least the original star, one thousand, he is a powerful.

Black Yau Shadow is long, straight to the sword.

If it is in the outside, it will hit the void, but in the original star, the space and its stable, it is strong than some road ancestors, if it is weak, I am afraid that a few battles will be thrown. .

The sword is not a double eye, until a black Yao Ying shadow that the naked eye is broken, it began to escape!

"It seems to be hooked!"

At this point, the canyon that is arranged in advance is getting closer and closer. It only needs a tea time to arrive!


One shot of the voids, and under a mountain peak, I walked out of a head of the high-headed, and the young man in the emperor was slowly walked out of the cave. He looked at the golden light, and the whole person was extremely expensive.

"I finally recovered the body, although I spent half of the treasures, but also worth it!" The high crochet man took out the identity token, originally ranked in the name of Ninety-seventh, and stabilized after a few times. 56 twelve.

"Hidden for a year, actually fell to more than 500 people, really fierce!" He figured out the mountain range.

It is not his battlefield at all, now the strength is restored, he wants to go to the main battlefield on the mainland, where it is to earn a record, kill a top thousand strong, can get a lot of records, of course, the danger is also Waiting, but the strong people have never fear danger.

"Well?" Emperor man, leaking a sneer, the scorpion passed through the void, and saw the sword was unparalleled to move in his direction.

This is what he didn't expect, just resumed the body, and met the fat meat in front of the door, and seeing the other party's strength is weak.

His figure is slightly retreat, and a punch is in the flying sword, and the huge boxing shadow outbreaks, and the momentum sweeps around countless mountain peaks. At a time, the boulder rolled down.

Huiqing, the depths of the canyon, also suddenly opened their eyes, and the powerful breath made a diagnosis.

"There is no double brother, it is too reluctant!" He sighed a breath, re-stabilizing the array, quiet, etc.

He didn't know, the breath has exceeded the sword unparalleled control!

"Fast, I am going to be here!" The sword was unparalleled with a breath, and it was going to the canyon. With the big array, he and Hui Qing jointly and not afraid of the emperor Luohao.

"Well! What's going on!"

Still don't wait until the sword, there is something happening before, and a huge boxing shadow is to his body.


Donors, the top of the emperor, the emperor's background is also extremely powerful, although not a forces of the emperor, is a strong monk.

In the world, don't do emperors, just do emperors!

His father gave him a 30% of the governance to him, a higher world's 30% of the world, which is huge than a medium world, in his scope, even the emperor is honored to call him "God

However, in the original star strength than the background, even if his father is dominated, he almost put him on the spot, and finally retransmond a congenital to the treasure.

The sword is unparalleled by a punch, and even he fleszes before you chase his Luohao.

"What does this mean?" Luo Hao is a bit of a little, even if the other party is mad, he did not expect that he faded directly from him to the mid to ridicule him.

But he has not been able to have anger, and he feels a powerful breath, and it is broken.

"Actually, I didn't die!" Emperor, glanced at the sword, and then looked at Luo Hao, the voice trembled, "the boy in the Roman! Good, good."

At this point, he didn't pay attention to the sword that was returned by a punch, but it was interested to look at Luo Hao.

He was in the mainland, and the serious injury was killed. The chief of the Da Luo also took the opportunity to attack him. He remembers the other party's background, a higher world from the Daruo.

Luo Hao also responded, but he had no time to flee, he didn't understand it now, how can there be such a power here now.

"You are God of the emperor!" Luo Hao is full, although knowing the other party is the peak strong, but also the son of the emperor, is a variety of treasures.

"Kid, today you will die, you have to blame other emperors in the Lu Luo!" Mo Yu Emperor cold channel.

If it is not the emperor of the Lu Luo, he will not be injured so heavy. Nowadays, the light is rapidly recovering to spend half of the treasure.

He has accumulated numerous years, plus this father gave him a treasure, his price can be comparable to some of the three-level emperor, half of the treasures of the third-order episode, will restore his body, but it is impossible to know more .

Almost, he must fall into the point of sleep. If you don't have to repair the body, you need to rely on cultivation to restore the need for several chaotic era, as long as an accident, he may defeat the body.

Now, it will restore the peak body in the year, and I know how many treasures he spent.

This account should be clear, this time, if he is not in front of it, he is here to be a loss.

Even if you enter the top ten, the treasures given by the Distribution Temple can not be too much, and you will go to the discord of the district.

I blamed the emperor of the Lu Luo, and the crucial moment sneak him. He moved to the whole body. He became the sneak attack, so that he injured once again, causing everyone to play him.

The mixed war of the peak, just like a group of hungry beasts, whoever fights, who is weak, who is food, only keeping the peak force, can have dominant.

Once the breath is weak, the rest of the strong is like a bloody shark, and instantly pocked the food.

I deeply understand this emperor Mo Mo, I blamed this in the Emperor's emperor, and now I have just resumed the strength, I have encountered Luo Hao, one of the top ten emperors of Luo.

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