Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5176 ?? God Mo Mo

Although he has no hatred with him, he can revenge, he can solve the top power in this nine-turn round.

When you returned to the body, he also conducted a strong man who was in the Romanian in this original star.

The top ten emperors have six in this original star. This chance is very rare, two of which have peak strength, and the remaining four are top strength.

Single alone, Shen Emperor Mo, has a full grasp of them to kill them.

Emperor, Luo Hao!

That is the first place.

God Di Mo, the momentum broke out, and a punch is to Luo Hao. This punch is more than ten times more than the punch that has just attacked the sword.

"Emperor!" He screamed, and his body was in front of Luo Hao.

boom! boom! boom!

The fight of the two, so that the whole mountain is boiled, although Luo Hao is weak, it can have a congenital to treasure, plus the peak to Baomei, is also enough to make up for some gaps.

But he forgot the other party but the emperor.

Just a photo, two people handed over hundreds of tricks.

Golden boxing, once in the peak to the treasure armor, send out the fire.

"I want to explode you this black turtle shell!" God Di Mo's hands, there is a pair of golden dragon claws, and the dragon claws have once again burst the power, and smashed to Luo Hao.

Huge power, let Luo Hao's heart tremble.

"not good!"

His body shape has no retreat, the flying edge of the crescent shape appears, and force the head to the head of the emperor.

Take the break!

Start and later!

"Wonderful! It's too exciting!" Two people hiding in the mountains of the far away, the bloody bubble!

They didn't expect that halfway killed a Mo Zhen God, directly pressed Luohao a burst!

Even hope to kill Luohao!

"Brother, I don't have a way to revenge!" Dafai girl muttered.

"Mother and sister, I have heard that his father has heard that his father has come to our dream world, I heard that we are looking for our old ancestors." The big dream man also took a proud, casually "After the time will be stable, I personally talk to him in the past, watching it on the face of the ancestors, let us solve Luo Hao!"

The man is full of confidence, in which no one does not give them a big dream world, except the group of small people in the Romania.

In their eyes, the big dream world is one of the cores of the universe.

Outside thousands of miles, the sword is unparalleled under a mountain, and his body knocked down the number of mountain peaks and finally entered a peak stone pile.


The body trembles, a hot golden blood is sprayed from the mouth, he is more slow.

A bursary of a burst in the sky is shocked in his mind.

"God Di Mo!" The sword was unparalleled, and a punch can hurt the peak of his body!


He is really ufewei this time.

A boxing directly took him, so in a strong sense of mood, just a breathing recovered, rushing from a messy stone.

Just saw Luo Hao in front of Mo Han Di.

"Not too bad, but unfortunately, if they fight in the big array of he fight!"

The sword is unparalleled, now he can go directly, but if you leave this, even if it's almost 40,000 records, this is far a thousand.

Little Shami is clear, but still in the middle of the big array, now give up, where should he attract nine turn rounds.

The nine turn in this mountain range is too small, and the mainland is too dangerous, and there is no chance to arrange the big array.

In the rich insurance, the sword is unparalleled, and a bold idea appears in the mind.

If the two are ranked in the top of the previous thousand, the super power of the previous thousand, and then wait until they have two hundred fear.

This is not too likely. At present, God of God is in the absolute upper wind. It has begun to let Luo Hao with peaks to Baodao, and he just takes the opportunity to interfere with the emperor, with Luo Hao. Escape in the law, you can also introduce Mo Yu.

This plan is feasible, but the difficulty is extremely difficult. First of all, I don't believe that Luo Haoxin doesn't believe him. If you don't have a life and death, this person is hard to believe in him. .

I don't know, I will introduce Luohao to Luo Hao, deliberately let the emperor Mo deal.

God Di Mo is powerful, and the style of acting is to be exaggerated. The two are overbearing the hiony characters. In case he just appears, it is not possible to kill by two people.


The sword is unparalleled, and I can't live in Luo Hao. When I need foreign aid, he is shot.

"Yes, that's this!" The sword has no double body flashes a few times, and in the 10 million miles away from them, hidden in the void, and the sound gives Huqing, ready to meet the enemy.

In the caravan of the canyon, Hui Qing received a word, only returned to a word "."

His breath is unknowing, gradually strong, this is not the strength of cultivation, this is the power of a recovery.

In the brain, two memory mutually blended each other, Hui Qing's heart, although the awareness in the mind is very powerful, but he is a little bit will deal with the swallowing.

"My heart is the only thing, when cracking all evil!" Hui Qing Duxiu's face was a sharp, his black evil, invaded his scene, one scene.

The battle of two consciousness is not weak than the fight against the top of the outside world.

One party fists to the meat of the meat, one party is fighting, making this mountain range from calm.


Luo Hao was once again smashed into the ground. It was originally standing in the mountains and was flat.

In the sky, God of Dragon's dragon claw box is contaminated with scarlet blood, and it is right to drop.

"Take a look, this is the piece of meat on you!" Said Mo Wei, and then swayed his blood.


Luo Hao relieves out the body that is deeply traveled, covering his chest, the peak to Baoding armor is ruined.

According to the common sense, the emperor is difficult to destroy the peak to the treasure, even if it is a congenital to treasure, it is difficult to destroy the peak.

However, the strength of God Mo Mo is too strong, and the peak is 9 turns into the big Damadam, the innate to treasure is two digits.

The light of the eyebrow is the secret treasure of the eye, and the top-level congenital to the treasure, the secret will be envious of the emperor.

This Temple is open, and the biggest means of Mo Hao gives him the secret treasure.

At the last time, he was not willing to use it. Before entering the boy temple, his father has said that this secret treasure is not easy to control, it is not a congenital to Bao, which is born in the universe, but the ridiculous secret treasure floating in the long river of time and space. It was circulated in ancient times.

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