Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5177 ???? Mutual delay

This secret treasure is just a component of ancient times to treasure. It has the use of yourself. Once started, you can make the self-power ten times more than ten times, and it is extremely difficult, not suitable for the mix, if it is one-on-one, no need to distinguish, you can use.

So the last time I didn't use this secret treasure, this is also a confidence of one-on-one to kill all the emperors of the Luo.

Luo Hao spuriously, covering his chest.

"No, I have to stick to it, the news has been passed out, and the strong people in the family have taken time. I can't fall."

He is not willing!

Careful to win the mountain range, built this manner into his hunting ground, and the peak strong relationship is good, he is a great hope to stay a thousand, get the god of the gods, enlighten the district He can't fall here.

For the family, he can't fall. He is the most proud of the ancient card family, he can't fall.

"I, Guka-Luo Hao!" He looked up, and his anger was aircraft: "Never be defeated in your hands!"


The original weak breath has risen again, exceeding the powerful breath of his peak, breaking through the horizon.

A magnificent, straight, straight!

The strength has skyrocketed, and it has already touched the peak threshold. At this time, he officially entered the gate of the peak.

A zero shredded lightning spread all over the body, and the up and down movement flashed the power of the Thunder.

Although the breath has skyrocketed, he does not have a hurry, it can be dragged for a while. If he is still in the top of the family.

"Why, start the burn of the source!" God Mo Mo laughed "is a good school, can convert the burn of the origin into three times, can not be said to be the top school! It is also the best in middle school."

Mo Yu was shook his head.

"If you think this will definitely fight me, then you are too small to say my strength."

The nine turn is full of large-scale fairy, and there is also a high low point, and the force span is very large, depending on the power of the source.

The nine turn of the five-product avenue of this source is full of Damadam, regarding ordinary ranks, even if you have a peak to treasure, you can only tip in ordinary.

The big Damadam of the four-product source Avenue, generally relying on the peak to treasure, practice to the threshold that can touch the top of the top large-scale Dairy.

Only the nine turn of the three products of this source is full, and it is worth the top power, with the peak to the treasure, they are in the nine turn is a top-level force.

And the strong people in the second product, the practice of practice, generally touch the peak threshold, just like Luo Hao, he is an ordinary second product source, the practice of touching the peak after the practice, that is, the treasure is not enough.

If there is an emperor who is half of the treasure, he also has the power of the peak.

God is not the top in the second avenue, but it is not the bottom. With the best, he is the top of the peak, second only to Jiuyu, this ultimate Damai, one person Can be slaughtered from hundreds of nine rounds full of large derivatives.

Accurate to divide, initial, ordinary, top, peak, limit, half-step emperor.

Halfway Emperor, this level of strong, almost all the ultimate, or a successful arrogance of Wan Dao together.

There are not a few universe. At present, they don't have this original star.

Wufang World, there are thirty-six original stars in each world, and there is a hundred and eighty original stars. As long as luck is good, you will not encounter this monster, and the luck is incoming, only to escape.

The entire original star will be the slaughterhouse of the half-step monarch, and there is no doubt that sit on the first throne.

As long as the Psychological Temple can't run problems, there will never let the two half-step kings hit together, and it is said that the Temple of the Bandal Temple is also coming to screen the strong, and the big Damadam of these ordinary hostways, very selected, and finally stand out It is still the ultimate existence, or a big talents in the Ten Dise.

God is despised to see Luo Hao, hate the evil: "Low wait creature, try to challenge me!"


The two instantly rose to the sky, and the figure has a sudden sound every time.

Mo Hao's emperor is just right, not hurting its storm, just moving its veins, the power of the original source can be burned, Luohao is anxious, he can not worry.

He is very clear that the other party is so resistant to what is waiting for the other strong people in the Luo!

These strong people in the Da Luo are also walking the dog, and the six of the top ten emperors are in the "Ajiu Original Star". They can be lined with each other.

In his opinion, this Luohao has always been in this mountain range. Eight achievements is the chief emperor of the Darrow, and if it is injured, it can come to cover the body, and Luo Hao as a way.

It is possible to leave the back to Luo Hao, apparent that other emperors believe in him, at this time, the emperor will definitely come.

He can also count, first put Luo Hao, and then leak the flaws, waiting for the few emperors in the Luojie, then come, he kills one.

Even if they come together, he fights with the secret treasure, and can kill one or two, and will retreat to the whole body, which has reported that the hatred can gain a lot of records.

In this mountain range, you don't have to worry about other hidden guys.

The emperor of the Da Luo will not be stupid to expose his big rear, and the other strong will deal with him.

The strength he shows is not too much in the leader of the Daru. In addition, the injury is not recovered. They will definitely relax, and if there is a chance to put the chief of the Lu Run, this time I earn big. .

The chief of the Da Luo is now ranking seventy-six, and there are tens of thousands of records.


Luo Hao holds the rotation blade, resist the heavy punches of God, and there is a black diamond crystal column in the other.

He is not good at nearby, and he is a great avenue, and the body is not strong. It is not as strong as Mo Yu, the emperor has an emperor's father. Even if he doesn't care, you can spend a lot of treasures, put the flesh Cheng Cheng, with one of the mountains, not only the power is horrible, the defense is also like the hill mountain, the speed is not to say, master the mountain, and the shrinking is unable to escape.

Mo Yu's strength can say that it has already arrived in the perfect point, this is the benefits of the background, if there is no background, the light is a complete price of the ordinary emperor, a nine turn is full of Daman to find resources. treasure.

Luohao himself also has a background, although it is also very powerful, but he is just one of the top ten emperors. Once there is no success, or there is no strength, it will be sent to the party, and he lost the resources, he It is difficult to succeed in his life.

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