Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5179?? Who has no one

The brothers next to him are pulled her clothes, whispered: "The teacher, the situation seems to be a bit wrong!"

Shen Emperor is laughing, and he has a good head in the air. It's good, good! "

"Luo Hao, I will give you a chance. You come to explain the explanation, why should I give them a face!" God Emperor wants to drag the time, waiting for the big Luo Die to hook, the sure is playing, I have heard it. The people in the big dream are the same as the madman. When he is today, why those people have to hide them.

"Explanation?" Luo Haoxin, secretly said that this god of emperor is definitely forth with the two idiots in front of him, wanting to let him humiliate each other.

The emperor nodded, while said: "Yes, give me a good explanation, why I want to give them a face."

"For the alliance?" Luo Hao was carefully tested.

Shen Emperor shook his head, anger: "No, think about it!"

"I will never be for me!" Luo Hao smiled.

"Let's give you the last chance, give them a good explanation!"

This time Luo Hao caught a pensive, he really thought about it, it is a good opportunity to delay time, of course, it is necessary to grasp.

The two people of the Dammer are a little unable to stand.

"Mo Yu Emperor, if not, I will leave the teacher first!" Dafai man finished, and pulled the teacher to prepare for the "teacher, let's go!"

"Walk?" Shen Emperor waved a hands-on-day championship, blocked him (she), and smiled "Don't worry, are you not face? I will give you this."

"Luo Hao, do you want to come out?" God emperor mo.

"I thought it was." Luohao nodded, the face of the face, the eyes were in the eyes, "Remember," Remember, is not Mo Yu, the emperor does not give you a face, is your kind of idiote Don't kill me. "


Although the body is seriously injured, you can deal with these two idiots, enough!

"Mo, I didn't expect you to be so despicable, don't give the face, actually let Luo Hao deal with us!" Dafai girl retired, while angered.

The sword hidden in the void is nothing to hear. If these two idiots are interfere, he may introduce Mo Hao to the Luohao into the big array.

He can see that Luo Hao has the strength to solve two people in the big dream, but in order to delay the time, there is a back to the big dreams.

In this drag, his plan is not implemented.


The figure flashed, he directly appeared on the two big dreams, and a half round sweeping in the hands of a long gun, directly rewarded the two people.

"Two idiots!" The sword didn't have a double turned, and then he looked at Luo Hao.

"Luo Hao, I am coming late!" The sword was unparalleled.

Luo Hao couldn't help but look at the sword. The sword is unparalleled. If it is God emperor, he can't wait to go to the sword.

It's hard to find the reason for the drag, but now I have broken by the sword.

"Another come?" God Di Mo is a little suspicious, these weak nine turn, the big Damadi, is there much more far from this scene?

I don't even dare to watch the battle, I am looking for death in front of him, and I have encountered in the original star.

"Why, are you coming to the face?" Shen Emperor did not worry, faint.

The sword is unparalleled, and a unusual long sword is holding in the hands. It has been seriously said: "God of God, I have a life and death with Luo Hao, I have to help help."

His voice just fell, Luo Hao stunned, this one, is it to take him to find a happy?

I will come to two idiots, find Mo Yu Emperor to discuss, kill him.

I will come again to save him from Mo Hi.

He is really unclear.

Mo Hao's emperor is a hunting thing to look at the sword. I have nodded: "The sword is unparalleled, I know you!"

Two people who were challenged in the distance, there were still some unsatisfactory hearts, and they also recognized the sword unparalleled. The two sides have seen it in the red water temple.

Tongtian Folo Lord is strong, but they have seen it with her own, so some of the big Damadam in Tongtian Buddhism, they also remembered a lot.

This sword is unparalleled to them, the most is the general Dagong Dai Dynasty, which is a full-time, and he is not chased by Luohao. How can I come to save Luo Hao.

Not only the two are not solving, Luo Hao does not know why this sword is unparalleled and then saved him.

"You can remember it, it is my pleasure!" The sword is very humble, he doesn't want to irritate this Mo Yu Mi, if you can introduce them in the big array without irritating each other It's better to be fine.

In the outside world, he is also comparable to nine turn. This two people are not an opponent, but if they have entered the big array, he has a bottom gas.

"Well, you are very good, can you match when you are in the three-way Damani, now I am afraid that there is a successful strength of ordinary nine turn!"

Shen Emperor reminded that the amazing sword in the universe gods showed an amazing sword. Three Tong Damai ran more than 10 million. Sixth Turndo Danifan first!

Control the existence of the ultimate path!

"What? He is a six-turn fairy!" The big dream man standing in the distance "Six Turns can be comparable to the nine turn, how can this possible!"

The whole universe is so strong, and the sword is unparalleled in a small number. In addition to paying attention to their ranking, many strong people are firmly remembered in the entire universe ranking in the top thousand.

Luo Hao stationed in the air turned to see the two people, cold channels "idiots, you can't do it, you can't do it." Subsequent sounds slowly said: "Unparalleled brothers should be the ultimate way. Tianjiao, I can't think of there is no brother, there is still this hand. Now it is only six turn to be equated. The nine turn is satisfactory, and the realm avenue is complete, I am afraid it is half-step. "

The big dream girl is a clear smile. "Halfway Emperor, only half-step, my old ancestor is the real emperor."

"Hey!" Luo Hao snorted, broke the mouth: "If you have a dream world, there is a jun!"

"The father of Mo said is not a emperor?"

"There is no Buddha boundary in the sky, there is no emperor? Do you forget the strength of Tongtian Foliao?"

"That is not better than your family!"

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