Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5180 ??? You don't even want to call me

Luo Hao said that there is no mistake, and there is no emperor who is present after the field!

The strength of the big dream is indeed very strong, and it is possible to take the five major regions of the whole universe, the five regions of the universe, and the eastern region can take the first twenty. This strength will really be respectful.

However, in the Temple, it is personal strength, and then the background will, the big dream circle is only a big name, and the forces are not topped. The big dream is very strong, but the emperor is not a few .

Especially the six-generation disciples in front of you, the strength is weak, the three products, a nine-point, a nine turn round, full of Damai, on this strength, come to the face?

In the mouth, you can't afford half-step!

It's just that I don't know how to live, trying to start, this original star's big dream circle, almost all the whole army, now I don't learn low-key, and I will take the outside of the outside world.

Here, no one can manage more your ancestors, your own strength is strong enough, you will be respected, no strength is not one.

God Mo is as an emperor, not the serious injury to being hit, and the slowness of the escape is falling, and he has not seen him to move his father and scare others.

As a strong person, there should be self-knowledge, moving out the forces behind you, will only make people look down, then humiliate.

There is no one in the Temple of the Past Temple, you will have a lot of ancestors, even if you are the son of the five-order emperor, I will give you a destroy!

"You!" Dafai girl was can't say.

In her heart, the big dream has always been the core of the universe, how to meet this group of arrogant generations.

The man of the Damn, but it is down silence. It has been recognized. In the Polyson Temple, it is different from the hometown world. No one eats it again.

"Hey, hurry!" The sword was unparalleled and couldn't help but drink.

These two people are too wasteful, is it good to live?

It's not to be dead, this is so good, this is so good, this is not going to give him two people.

"Teacher, let's go first!" The big dream man couldn't stand up. He began a little scared. Several people present, there is no goodness.

The sword is unparalleled, you can abuse them. If you don't go, I am afraid "Ajiu's original star, will no longer have a big dream."

The big dream girl, the face of the gas is red, and no matter what doesn't care. "Yang brother, how do you change the only Ino, we are the disciple of the big dream, you are too disappointed."

Damn men, glanced at her, then the sound low Shen said: "Teacher!"

Said, pull the arm of the Dreamman, I will be awkward!

"What are you doing?" Dafai girl, broke away from the hands of the brother, shouted: "You don't want to give them a revenge!"


A crisp whisper sounded, the big dream man black face, did not wait for the girl's reaction, and it was a slap in the face.

Damn girl standing in the air, looked at the strange brothers of the eyes, on the red face, and two clearly visible slap printed.

Her eyes were red, almost all cried, but he saw the brother of the black face, she was afraid now, afraid to cry.

"Dear, it is under Tang, let's go!"

Dafai men have been wrapped with stupid teachers, ready to leave!

Luo Hao at the side of the show, but changed it.

These two stupid are now going, and they are left in the three people. There will be a malm, it is better to leave them first, then delay for a while, after paying attention, Luohao is open.

"I want to come, I want to go, do you look around?" Luo Hao glared over two people, flying behind, and blocked the way.

Shen Emperor is a good show, since Luo Xi wants to play, he dares to drag.

As for the sword, there is no strength, it is still weak, and it is also a successful strength, only the strength of the nine turn, can be destroyed, and it does not think about him.

Two people are waiting, one waiting for the army, one in fishing.

The sword is unparalleled, but the fishing has to come to the bait. He can't drag it. But look at the meaning of these two people, it is not anxious, he can only wait, no slightly.

The more he is in a hurry, the more it will leak, but it is time to let Luo Hao suspect that it is not good.

"I don't know, how can we let us go!" Damn man, at this time, change the normal state, no arrogance in his chest.

Luo Hao first glanced at the emperor Mo, and found that he didn't worry, and he said: "I can put you, but I will not see Mo Hao brother, I don't want to kneel down and respect it. ! "

"You know what I mean!"

Dafai man, nodded.



His figure has fallen rapidly, falling on a flat stone, knees a knee.

"Dafai, small monk, Yang Yuan worshiped God!"

Dafai Monk, Yang Yuan buried between his knees, his body trembled, not because of fear, but at this time, it was a shame, let him have a strong heart.

He has to become stronger, and the powerful, so that everyone will not dare to hear him.

At this time, he also concluded that the teachings of the ancestors, but unfortunately did not enlighten it!

"This is like words!" Luo Hao smiled!

"Now you can roll!"

"Thank you!" Yang Yuan slowly got up, with the teacher directly broke through the clouds, soon disappeared, this humiliation will change Yang Yuan's life, but when he is enough, he can't find Luohao. With Mo Yu God.

The sword is unparalleled, and finally ended, it is time to perform.

"Luo Hao brother, we should also leave!" The sword is unparalleled to look at Luo Hao, leaking a smile, and the three are surrounded by triangles, each has opened the distance of thousands of miles.

This distance is not far, if you do it, you can see it around you.


Luo Hao low smiled, and it was rushing toward the sword without double.

"Kid, do you really think that I am a fool with Mo?"

When the sword didn't arrive, he could notice his head, a six-turn big Damadan, suddenly came out to save him, or rescued him from Mo Yu, this is a bold than the big dream. It is stupid.

And the sword is unparalleled, it is not a idiot, this time he is absolutely its own purpose.

He and Mo said how to say that it is a super-peak big Dairy, how can it make a six-turn large fairy to drill an empty space.

"Give me death!"

The flying blade hits, and the sword is unparalleled with a flashes to escape toward the direction of the canyon.

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