Sure enough, there is no one in the peak of Dagan, and the things will be blocked. He can only escape.

Fortunately, he has always confident, otherwise it does not dare to take such a big risk.

"Mo Yu Emperor, this Luohao is in delaying time, it is not as good as we join hands to first kill him first." The sword is unhappy, and the murd of Mo Yu, who is about to come behind, and persuaded.

"The sword is unparalleled, if you are a normal nine turn, I am too lazy to move you, I want to blame you to blame you the ultimate way, your threat is more than that,"

God Emperor is very fast, and the moment will surpass Luo Hao, and it is not parallel.

Master the ultimate Deman, as long as you don't die, there is a big forces to cultivate, you can reach the half-step hierarchy.

Nowadays, the Temple is vigorously cultivated, and the sword is unparalleled, and the treasures given are given. It will be awarded the district. The strength will rise all the way. It will become a nine turn to the big Damadi. Not much bottleneck.

This semi-step season, of course, I have to solve it early!

Less one, equal to less than one opponent.

Although his Tao is also a top avenue, he can be with the ultimate path, the gap is too big.

This original star he has a confidence to enter the top 100, but it can be in the whole state. He is not on the same, but also more treasures, the battle is stronger, and the true potential is not high.

It is very exciting to kill a future half-step emperor.

Some of the world, even the ultimate way, the whole universe added that there is no such quarter, and it is not enough to go to the nine turn.

"Give me death!"


Golden boxing shadow, turned into a swing, rushing the sword is unparalleled!

"It's a little bit!" The sword was unparalleled to the canyon direction shield.

The speed of the dragon behind the dragon is much more than God Mo, just a breathing, caught the sword of the escape.

"The heart of the sword!" The sword is unparalleled, "I will pay it!"

The world of the sword, came into an instant, so that the speed of the chasing the dragon chasing is a lot, then starting the source avenue in the dragon.

His ultimate sword has reached the sixth level, suppressed a eighth floor of the source avenue, or can do it.


The speed of the dragon is lowered, and the original road contained in the body has begun to break. After all, it is only the scholar of Mo Yu Emperor. Although the power is strong, the original road that can be contained, but the source avenue that is separated is.

"What?" "Shen Emperor's figure quickly exceeded the defeat of the dragon, the heart is surprised the ultimate power, and it is actually able to suppress his Benyuan Avenue. Is this the power of the ultimate way?

Born the emperor!

Luo Hao's body shape is fighting, bypassing the dragon, at this time, the heart is in the consolidation. Don't take the opportunity to run in the opposite direction.

Three people speed, Mo Wei is the fastest, secondly, the sword is unparalleled, and finally him.

He escaped at this time, nor did it have no chance, as long as the sword is unparalleled to stop the god emperor's two breathing, he can run away.

Unfortunately, he just stopped the wrong team. If there is no double cooperation with the sword, it may be pitted, but there is absolutely a line of life.

Cooperation with Mo Hao, the sword has no double backwards, they have to go to him.

It's good to be unparalleled in the sword, but the speed is very fast, but it can also stand for a while.

The sword is unparalleled, it is getting closer to the canyon. Although the heart of the hearts of the swords have stopped the dragon, they can't dominate the emperor, and Loao has impossible.

"Fast, there are thousands of miles of distance, one breathing can come!" The sword is unbounded.

God is a little anxious, always feels there is a threat to surrounded!

"Who is it?"

Tongtian Buddhism, he knows not much, just a Jiuyu Road, the strength is in the top five hundred in the universe, but it has not been divided into this original star, and the remaining strongest is just the peak big Deman. If the rankings don't have him, he is not afraid of him.

As for the big domain, he as an emperor, follow his father, high insight, knowing the true Wuyang Emperor of the big Si Domain vote from Eternal Tower, and the sword is unparalleled in a big Damadi, but there is a Tongtian Buddhism In the population, it is obvious that this sword is unparalleled, and the biggest one should be the nine turn of the Tongtian Buddhism.

"His bottom card, what is it?" God Di Mo's figure is getting closer to the sword, and the threat is getting closer, "Who is the threat?"

"No matter, kill him!" God Mo Mo, suddenly appeared in the hand, and instantly suppressed the land near 10 million miles.


The sky has a yin and yang town map, and the earthquarters will be prison.

"You can't escape!" Shen Emperor was angry, and a pound of air flame was sprayed!

The light column is almost instantaneous, and the sword is walked directly.

"Do not!"

"It's awesome, fast!" The sword didn't be born in the heart.

At a moment of complete collapse of the body, the body has once again flicked, and the whole person fell into the caravan.

Shen Emperor missed the highlights, he could induce the sword unparalleled breath, and there was no resistance to any resistance.

"Luo Hao, you go to the canyon to find the sword unparalleled, less trouble, you know my means." God is threatened.

The Zhenfeng Taguo is the innocence of the emperor to completely play the innate to the treasure. Mo Kijiu turned a successful strength to cover thousands of miles. If there is an emperor strength, it can spread hundreds of millions of miles, and even cover a world, countless constant pressure By.

So treasure, now in a nine turn round, Luo Hao is envious and embarrassing, as one of the top ten emperors of the Da Luo, who entered the Temple to win a general congenital to treasure, but still Value monomer attacks to treasure.

Even if there is a thousand pieces, it is better than that of the town.

"You are not afraid that I have entered the canyon and the sword is not double-handed to deal with you?" Luo Hao felt the flying blade, standing side by side.

"You can try it!" Mo Yu Shen calm.

Luo Hao threatened to him, and even if there is no threat, his treasure is very fast, Luohao is unhappy, and he does not excel the big Damai.

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