Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5182 ?? Successful

In terms of strength, Luohao burned the source to maintain the level of the peak, the root is insufficient.

Inside the canyon.

The sword is unparalleled in the knee. It is good to kill those big Dani, from their hands, at this time, the brain is swallowed, accelerate the evacuation of the recovery.

Just hit, I almost completely destroy his body, changed to the general ultimate Damai, just one hit it, it is good to master, and the body is more powerful than the ultimate path. Behab is much stronger than any big Deman, it can be smashed behind, or immediately break his body, and the delay is lost.

Now fix the body, can only use Dan medicine to supplement the delay, the restoration of the source is very strong, just hurt the body, but did not cause any injury to the source Avenue.

As long as the origin is not damaged, he can quickly restore the body.

This is also the advantage of the path and the ultimate, the origin is very powerful, and the ordinary killer is very hurt. It has its own life and very fast recovery of the body.

Just this, let countless people envy, I know that Shen Emperor Mo's body is on the verge of defeating, spending countless treasures, only to recover within a year, but this kind of injury is only a day, and the sword of the road Unparalleled only a tea time.

"I need a tea time, Hui Qing, do you live?" The sword is unparalleled and a little weak, looking at the small sand of Xiaosha in front of him.

I don't know when Huqing's body is so tall, a robes are in a robe, and the strong eyebrows are extremely tough, and the breath is much stronger than ever.

Hui Qing nodded!

"There is no brother, even if you can rest assured, I will try my best." Hui Qing smiled.

The Zen Machine is, most good at fighting in the array, as long as it is the ultimate way, there is no weak source.

Although I just broke through the nine turn, but his combat power is comparable to the peak of nine turns, and it is not weak to God.

Hu Qing is a flashes, enter the center of the array, the long stick is tilted, waiting for an enemy.

Just a breathing, Luohao, who is outside, is in the array, but his sense of feelings should not be in the absence of the array, and only see that Xiaosha Mi Wicked one person stands on the slope of the canyon.

"You are a sword unparalleled." Luo Hao smiled cake!

The people in front of him have given him the feeling, only the realm of nine-turn, he does not believe that the existence of two confession can be encountered one day.

It is not the ultimate way, a nine-turn big Daman, strong to go there, the most comparable to the ordinary nine turn is full.

Hui Qing took the fierce, he knew that there was still one person in the outside world, must also lead the bit.

He has to leak the flaws first, let the outside world, the emperor Mo, as long as they have entered the array, he started a large quantity, trapped the other side slowly consume.

"If you don't have anyone else, then you are going to die!"

Luohao did not know any danger, when you first start, the feet immediately killed Huqing.


As soon as I got up, he wanted to see how the strength of this Tongtian Buddhism, if he guess, the strength is general, he will kill, then find the way.

If you can pick him up, he will move directly, cooperate with the other party, the sword is unparalleled, and the restoration is very fast. They work together as long as they drag the emperor Mo, and the sword is unbengence. After more, the three strokes are better, or there is a living.

Luo Hao's small calculator hit, but he didn't know the god of the outside world, and he had already worn everything.


Hui Qing's feet stepped on the ground, the figure was instantly jumped to the sky, and the Moon shadow directly cooked a three-hit alpine.

This is just a moon shadow, and there are countless images, let Huang hide.

Countless month, a stick!

Brown red bowls are awkward, and they are smashed to the moon.

Countless months shock brown batons, but it is impossible to cause any damage, such as a frozen blade falls on the ground, and crushed it.

Thousands of glitches are sweeping the whole canyon, and there will be countless months, and Luo Hao leaves the canyon, only to escape the terrible stick.

"A bit strength!" Luohao looked back and rushed out of the feet down.

Draw the shiny snoring of the sluts, Hui Qing bite the teeth, the long stick will restore the original size, with a stick method with dripping water, actually barely block this moon.

Congenital to the treasure of the moon, a few times a few times.

Luo Hao, who was angry in the distance, screwed with a brow, stuck, "Nine Tong Damai is in the forefront?"

It was originally also felt that in many major worlds, he as an emperor of the higher world, and entered the Division of the Temple. It was a congenital to the treasure, which was considered very much.

But now, first meet the metamorphosis of God, the treasure is more scary, more than the treasure of the general second-order emperor, there are several tops of the top day.

Ordinary innate to treasure is more!

Now, this Tong Tian Buddhism is the first, and it also has innate to treasure, and only the power of reverse is much stronger than his moon shape.

If there is no such brown red stick, it is impossible to block him for so long.

When a congenital to treasure, I can make a nine-turn Dadani comparable to nine turn to the top of the big Damai. This is the charm of the treasure.

Just like the wind and rain, you can master the eternal tobao, with the strength of the peak emperor, constant pressure.

The red potent is still pulling a large group of strong, in order to negotiate with the wind and rain, if it is not a group, the wind and rain can suppress any top forces.

Even in other peak forces, there is no necessity of eternal to treasure. After all, the strength of the eternal to treasure can affect a five-order episode, this treasure is very thin in the five-order emperor, and fresh emperor gives the disciples. It will be given unless it does not affect its own battle.

Just like the master of the Lu Run, it has a set of best congenital to treasures. The remaining to treasure is not enough. This trick is open, and the treasure house will be opened, and half of the treasures will give it to the hand.

Of course, most of them have given the manda, after all, the emperor is the main core of this battle.

Some emperors will give them these so-called emperors to heunagers.

In addition to the top ten emperors, the Da Luotian will also get the innate to the treasure.

The top ten emperors were only cultured by the Daru, who was distinguished by the surface, in fact, it is not as good as those of the emperors.

Especially like God, I can't see these so-called emperors at all.

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