The big array begins to constantly break, slipping from above.

Once the bounce and suppression of the big array, the sword is unparalleled to two people will no longer win.

"Not willing!" The sword is unparalleled and stands empty, and he can only look at the bloody temple.

After spelling for so long, he only got hundreds of thousands of records, Luo Hao's death is almost contrary to him, can get so many records, or double the crossing.

If it is normal to fight against the battle, you will get a few thousand records.

Now his rankings have not arrived in the top three thousand, let alone one thousand in advance.

"Huqing, is there a point?"

Hui Qing shook his head, "we have broken, we have to leave here."

His voice is just falling, the big array has all collapsed, and the incidental large-scale play is automatically decomposed.

Under powerful pressures, the Big Array cannot operate and automatically crash!

"The sword is unparalleled!" Shen Emperor Mo Yu's eyes and murder, now the big array collapsed, he can come again, but now he is already afraid, even if there is no big array, he does not dare to go back to a battle again. .

"To Bao, you can really want to do it!"

The sword is unparalleled, I want to refute but I can't find the reason. Now, I will say more, and the emperor Mo will be completely left, and he is a busy alive.

Killing Luo Hao's Hui Qing at least one thousand, as long as you go out and kill some nine turn, it is not a problem within 30 years, it is not a problem, as for the top 100 is not impossible.

And he is really miserable. If the strength is not over, it can be comparable to the peak of the peak. It cannot be relaxed in the thirty years.

The "Years of Years" in the top of the top thousand is also ranking at the end, and he can also fish with a lot of records. The more you want to keep the nine turn, and he wants to keep it before, it will be very difficult.

For the layout, the sword has no double lost the most precious pre-war, and now I want to surpass the many strong people in front, it is too difficult.

The bloody temple continues to rise, although it is not always the scope of the universe, the sword is unparalleled, and it can only be seen.

Mo Yu Shen looked at the sword where there was no double iron blue face, and Zhang mad laughed, then he took the bloody temple, and directly broke it.

"Let's go too!" The sword is unparalleled, just preparing to put away the universe, but was cleared by Hui.

"With a double brother, there is also a turn!"


It has been close to the bloody hall of the edge of the universe. Suddenly, it was suddenly destroyed, and I just left the Mo Wei, I was in front of the sword unparalleled with Huang.

At the same time, in the universe, there have been three peaks.

It is the three emperors in the Luo.

"Damn, what is going to treasure, actually in my own way to my own Avo!" The chief emperor of the Da Luo was condensed into a group.

When they have just appeared, I just saw the emperor of the bloody temple to escape, naturally refused to let go, except for millions of miles, the chief of the Lu Luo shouted from the hands, directly On the blood shield of the Bloody Temple.

Although he stopped the Bloody Hall, he was also affected by the power of the scarlet, and the bloody fog became the invasion of his Benyuan Avenue through causality.

" , how is it!" The two emperors next to him find not to the head, and quickly ask.

Two people still don't know the embarrassment of the Bloody Temple, but it is very taboo for the universe.

"Be careful, don't worry freely!" The chief emperor Lu Luo strongly took a sentence, and the three-person body shaped and went to the sword unparalleled and Hui Qing two.

Seeing clear people, swords are unhappy.

The chief of the Lu Luo "" peaks are strong.

He has seen in the red water hall, and the strength of the Darrow in the Da Luo is also very powerful. As the order is second only to Tongtian Buddha, when he did not pay attention to the Dorsen's emperors.

And Yan Luo is the leader. In the emperor, it is a famous name, its strength is also strong, it is only a strong force that is second only.

The contemporary emperor is very young, there is hope that the Dagan of the End of the Emperor will be aligned, like the big Damadi who cultivates countless chaotic discipline, is not eligible for booking emperors.

Because their potential has long been exhausted, it is difficult to succeed in the strength of the ultimate Dagan.

These emperors are different. They have a short increase in talents. It is not more than 100 million years, and the practice is not more than 100 million. It is not an adult in the emperor. This kind of strength is hopeful to become an emperor.

So their status is higher than those who are extremely large, after all, in the future, there is a big dermndant of the emperor.

However, this time because of the Temple of Temple, those who have not hoped hope, it is attached to it, and the old guys are the protagonist, they are not valued.

However, the Chief Emperor of the Daru, "Zone" is an accident. He practice for 70 million years. It has the strength of the ultimate Dagan, and the emperors are also very optimistic. In order to let him enhance the life, it will give birth to the treasure. Armor, and the origin star.

Two biggest treasures, a protected the body, one of the main origin, he himself is the source of the destruction, and the attack has been able to compare the ultimate large Dairy.

"Hui Qing, be careful that rumor, his strength is not weak in Mo Yu Shi." The sword was quiet, secretly joined Hui Qing.

If two people are still not afraid, but now it is the three peaks, including Yan Luo.

Losing the blessing of the big array, the strengths of the two have fallen a lot, and they lost their means to suppress the other party. At this time, it is snowing.

"Now I ask you two people, honestly answer, listen to it!" Yan Luo put the bloody fog in his mind and looked up and looked up to sword.

The sword is not double, and the bloody temple flew out from the ruins of the canyon, and the sound of a strong hegemony echoed.

" , you really dare to come!" Mo Yu Emperor is now the teeth of gas.

Originally, Ron Hao will seduce the Luo Luo. Now it is successful, but he is a thousand countless, no two people who have been unparalleled and Hui Qing actually force him to use the bloody temple.

Now people are late. If you come early, these people can come before Luohao, and he has confident that they will stay.

"Mo Wei, last time to spare you, dare to be crazy!" Lu Luo snorted, the last time sneak attack Mo, I thought about fishing, the result was not able to kill Mo, he was in that battle Also almost fall.

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