Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5190 ?? One thousand five million

The enemy meets the eyes and red, and the sword is unparalleled to start the situation on the market. As long as the battle keeps him, he can profit from it.

The three people come true, but if you want to get the benefits in the striking battle in the four peaks, it is not so easy.

Requisiting in richness, life and death first, wealth is the avenue.

The sword is unparalleled, "" Dear friends, I won't want to fight, only hide this! "

"Oh, then you will see the truth you see." Yan Luo also saw that the strength of the sword is unparalleled and Huiqing is generally generally generally, insufficient.

Mo Yu Shen was frowned. Although he was unfamiliar with the sword, he could have just arrived, and it was able to see the opponent's heartbeat.

"Our brothers have just entered this canyon, and they see God Mo's battle with Luo Hao. We can work weak, we can only cooperate with Luohao brothers, and join hands to deal with Mo Wei, but unfortunately Luo Hao brother is also falling. "The sword was unparalleled and sincere, and the voice also revealed the hate for Mo Yu Shen.

Lu Luo god nodded, stainful: "And I expected it!"

He is actually really don't care about this, but I want to figure out the original.

"Hand! I solve them two, you stop Mo!" The shape of Luo suddenly violently, and said his hand.

A long gun is scored by the horizon, and the destruction of the gun is full of the whole canyon.

The sword has no two swords after the swords, he will know that this group is not so fudge, and the nine phantom swords will explode, straight rushing.

The magic sword test is that the G will be created according to the ultimate way, the sixth level of heart sword test, and the heart of the heart is leaking, evolving into a phantom, casting the strongest swords, magic sword test.

call out! call out! call out!

The sword has no double shape, and the nine phantom swords are reversed!

"Help me drag him!" The sword didn't drink.

The power of the long gun is too strong. As long as he is contaminated with a variety, he is a universe here. He is a universe, his speed is enough, and he is around, he has been comparable to the ultimate large Demanic The speed is, and after you escape the shot, let him rush straight.

The temper between life and death allows the road again.

The mind is high in my mind, the universe expands again!

One million miles!

One thousand two million miles!


1,500 miles!

"To the limit!" The sword has no double strong tobach for him, and the phantom sword will be stopped to stop.

Hui Qing has also arrived at this time, the brow is slight, but the long stick is a strong powerful energy.

Without the blessing of the big array, Hui Qing's strength can only be maintained at the peak level. When you are comparable to the ultimate Dagan, there is no inexpensive, and even there is a danger of falling, so in the sword unparalleled in the distance, Constantly sneak the rumor, let it distract, and let Hui Qing have a breath.

The three-person battle can be said that the perfection has copied the style of the Mo, but they have a big calendar to account for the upper wind. Nowadays, they have died, they have dealt with the Emperor who compares the ultimate Damai, can only resist It is not worth the Emperor.

Another battlefield in the distance, the two Bolo Hao's big Dabi, is being surrounded by the bloody temple, but I don't know how to stop.

"Reputation of him, don't do your hand!" Take it from the end of it.

The strength of the sword is unparalleled with Huiqing, which makes it shocked, and it is not too strong, and it can't beat each other.

Especially this round universe, the longer it, the more palpitations!

I always feel that it is not that simple.


The sword has no double body shape, there is a top part of the universe, the mental strength and the universe are mixed with each other, and his strength is doubled, but it is too difficult to suppress Rong Luo. There is no blessing. It can be suppressed, the strength of the Oreon Emperor is too strong, and it has reached the level of the ultimate Damai, he can't press it.

He can do it to suppress the Emperor unless the road is lifted with his heart.

It can be such a wide avenue, that is, it is improving, and the heart is more impressed, not what he wants to break through the avenue.

Now, he can only hoped that all of the people will be irrigated to the universe, enhance the power of the universe, and press the Emperor.

As for the other Daru, although it can suppress the peak Damai, it can be deal with Mo, and there is no need to deal with them.

Even the sword is unparalleled, it will be pressing Mo Wei, which is still a thing, and once his strength is pressed, the power of the Bloody Temple will also decrease, two peaks Damai, full There is still hope to stop the bloody temple.

Even if you can't stop it, he is putting water in Luo Luo, let Yan Luo to break the bloody temple, and the pressure of the six-person mixed sword is not so big.


The mental power in the mind is constantly being filled with the universe. This universe is not expanded, but it began to shrink.

There is no way to sword unparalleled now, it can only shrink the range of the universe to 5 million, although the range is reduced, but the power is ten times.

The other strong, instantly pays that the sword is unparalleled, Mo Yu Shi is the ability to see the sword, and when you shout, "Let's stop him, idiot!"

Several people who don't stay in the bride, the sword is unparalleled, and the sweat is evaporated, and the weak road: "late!"


A shaft of waves appear in the universe, which makes the lower part of the rumor and Mo Hao body, and the whole person feels compressed.

"How is this possible?" Lu Luo didn't believe that he felt that his strength was suppressed, but it was suppressed, at least down 30%.

Mo Hao is very familiar with this feeling of body. There is no surprise at this time, just sighing.

In addition, the emperors of the two Daru are not uncomfortable, but they can also induce, and the strength of Rong Luo and Mo has fallen a lot.

This is a good thing to be a big thing for them.

The strength of the two comparable limits declined, so it is equivalent to the strong skyrocket, and it is comparable to the two, and it can be completely fair and fair.

The Emperor of the Da Luo will not accept anyone, and there is also the constraints of the emperor. Otherwise, Luohao will not say that in front of falling.

Everyone is fighting for themselves, and these emperors have got the appropriate benefits, and naturally they will be constrained.

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